Holiday Bowl Post Game Press Conference

Two things of note in here. There is one question, paraphrasing here, where a weasel of a reporter (Tom Powers maybe? :D ) asked Leidner what he felt about a team that "went 8-5 in the Big Ten and then won a Bowl game". Mitch turned to Travis and said "We went 8-4 right?" Then turned to the questioner and pointed out they were 9-4 before answering the question.

Tracy Claeys was also asked what he thought the trip to San Diego and Bowl win meant. His response, also paraphrasing:

Our kids go to class, our GPA is above a 3.0, our kids graduate and they love playing the game. They want to be at the University of Minnesota. They've done a great job representing our football program, the kids did, on this trip. Here they did a great job representing the University ."

Oh and Adekunle Ayinde said he wasn't the one who sent the tweet out saying that he was done at the U. He's got a year left and he's coming back.

Camera guy wants to see how close he can get up to Tracy's face....

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