

Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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WARNING: Cliche Alert!!

Before this season I never thought that Hoffarber had any shot at all, nada, no chance, no way Jose of making it to the NBA. Now I'm not so sure. OK here come the cliches... The guy really does do all of the little things: sees the court, moves the ball, threads the needle, makes other players better, takes the charge, gets the ball inside. He's the glue that holds the team together and he's become a very, very confident floor general.

(I think I'm about to throw up.)

As disgusting as it was to write the way most vapid announcers talk, it really is true. I don't know if there is a place for him in The League because of his obvious athletic deficiencies, but I no longer think that it is implausible. He's not the borderline D1 recruit from four years ago. It would be fun to see a team take a chance on him. I know that McHale has used second round picks on far worse players.

Blake could always just throw on Kirk Hinrich's Jersey....who would know? I think he is loving that he is getting a chance to play point.

Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I personally am getting tired of everyone speculating about the NBA potential of all our players. Much more fun to speculate about how far the team will go this year. I will never care more about our guys personal success than when they are wearing maroon and gold.

I agree that I care more about what they do for the Gophs, but it is sometimes fun to think about it.

Maybe he will, maybe he won't. I personally am getting tired of everyone speculating about the NBA potential of all our players. Much more fun to speculate about how far the team will go this year. I will never care more about our guys personal success than when they are wearing maroon and gold.

The two are not mutually exclusive. As gopher fans we are always happy for the guys who go on to have success later in life.

WARNING: Cliche Alert!!

Before this season I never thought that Hoffarber had any shot at all, nada, no chance, no way Jose of making it to the NBA. Now I'm not so sure. OK here come the cliches... The guy really does do all of the little things: sees the court, moves the ball, threads the needle, makes other players better, takes the charge, gets the ball inside. He's the glue that holds the team together and he's become a very, very confident floor general.

(I think I'm about to throw up.)

As disgusting as it was to write the way most vapid announcers talk, it really is true. I don't know if there is a place for him in The League because of his obvious athletic deficiencies, but I no longer think that it is implausible. He's not the borderline D1 recruit from four years ago. It would be fun to see a team take a chance on him. I know that McHale has used second round picks on far worse players.

Mark Madsen made a good living in the pros - so yes there is hope for the Hoff. It could happen - he could be a nice role player for the right team.


Love Blake! But he has NO chance of playing in the NBA.. Blake is a 6'3 catch and shoot two guard.. He has great vision and is a good passer but has no handles to compete at the next level. He also does not get much lift on his jumper. Accept the kid for what he is a good college basketball player and I am glad he is Gopher.

Even last night when WKU got up in his face the took the ball from him.. Kirk Hinrich is way more atlhetic then Blake. Blake is a good basketball player. Kirk Hinrich is a good basketball player who has handles can hit the pull up jumper and gets lift on his shot..

I to get bored with people talking NBA. I want a good college basketball team and good college basketball players.

When I made the comment about Kirk...it was more about how much they look a like and have the same build. If Blake was in his jersey on the court...it would take people a good Half until they noticed


I gotcha sorry. Your right on the looks! In college didnt they use to tease Hinrich and chant Harry Potter!

I'd say if Kevin Lynch could make it as a reserve in the NBA, Hoff can as well.

Lynch was bigger, stronger, and more athletic. Significantly.

Blake has no chance to make it in the NBA. He's just simply overmatched athletically.

He'll never make it in the NBA, but could get paid to play somewhere. Like somebody mentioned in a similar thread awhile back, no future NBA players intern at Cargill during the summer before their Senior year.

That said, he's one of my favorite Gopher players of this decade. I'll never forget that shot against Indiana in the BTT...

I hope he does... but Lynch Mob was 6'5 had some hops, had a mid ranger jumper..

NBA is crazy average two guard size is 6'7. Many of the guys that stand behind the line and shoot 3's are BIG.. Channing Frye, Bonner, Turkoglu, Anderson(Orl), Korver,

Plus the 3 line is back a step makes it a difference gives some bigger guys an advantage. Just my thoughts. Thanks

I hope he does... but Lynch Mob was 6'5 had some hops, had a mid ranger jumper..

NBA is crazy average two guard size is 6'7. Many of the guys that stand behind the line and shoot 3's are BIG.. Channing Frye, Bonner, Turkoglu, Anderson(Orl), Korver,

Plus the 3 line is back a step makes it a difference gives some bigger guys an advantage. Just my thoughts. Thanks

Lynch made one of the biggest mistakes in contract negotiations in recent memory. Just not a good move by Kevin way back when.

Even if Blake cannot continue with hoops, I'm sure he will have a promising career with his area of focus. His good grades in Carlson and his internship with Cargill should land him a decent job if he went that route.

Blake's improvement as an all around player these four years has been great. A testament to him and one of the reasons why following college ball year after year is more rewarding than the pro game.

But he has no shot at playing in the NBA. He could play pro elsewhere if he chose, but the NBA? C'mon.

Borderline d1 recruit? Huh?

WARNING: Cliche Alert!!

Before this season I never thought that Hoffarber had any shot at all, nada, no chance, no way Jose of making it to the NBA. Now I'm not so sure. OK here come the cliches... The guy really does do all of the little things: sees the court, moves the ball, threads the needle, makes other players better, takes the charge, gets the ball inside. He's the glue that holds the team together and he's become a very, very confident floor general.

(I think I'm about to throw up.)

As disgusting as it was to write the way most vapid announcers talk, it really is true. I don't know if there is a place for him in The League because of his obvious athletic deficiencies, but I no longer think that it is implausible. He's not the borderline D1 recruit from four years ago. It would be fun to see a team take a chance on him. I know that McHale has used second round picks on far worse players.

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