Hey Zales, The Band has some nice digs


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Nov 21, 2008
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They can call there own. What effect will it have on talent, and performance. And secondly, I see more of a Marching Band in the future. Out on the roadway, University Ave etc. Do they have more than the Minnesota March in their bag? Possibly a little more Sousa as they are marching along. I am expecting Big Things from The Pride of Minnesota on Saturdays in the fall.

A friend sent this to me and I will share it. As they say these are professionals do not try this at home. And as one comment says this is one band that if you don't like it they will kick your ass.


And I cannot wait to hear the roar when the Block M rotates. Tell me they will exceed my expectations.

I actually thought about doing continuing education to march this coming year. Graduated in 2006 and my last season with the band was 2005. I decided my knees couldn't take it anymore.

There's actually quite a bit of songs in the band's repituore that they haven't played much of. I'm glad that last year they went back to the "long" version of a few songs.

As for the new facilities, I'm sure it will help some, but the band has been very good in recent years, and all the new facilities will do is improve on the already great sound. And they won't have to practice on that parking lot anymore so that's going to be great and hopefully can help their drill (especially pre-game) be more precise.

I have heard rumors though that they don't want to rotate the M because of there not being any overhead cams like we had in the dome. I hope this isn't the case and I know I told Prof. Diem that they should still rotate because it looks cool even from the stands (and you can't see the trombones never keep that bottom leg strait).


our band needs more brass! period, they must have a hundred each of flutes and clarinets and only about 30 trombones. *ugh* they also need to take a road trip during the year.

I love a few things that our band does (I like the pre-game and the once-per-year Mound of Sound). But I was tainted by seeing the Fighting Texas Aggie Band (my wife is an Aggie) at the A&M vs Nebraska game in 2006.

These guys *aren't* professionals. I didn't take this video, but I was at this game. I have to tell you, it was even far more impressive in person.


This does not sound encouraging. A lack of trombones, who recruits the trombone players? And some talk of not rotating the M? What the ####? Who has an email for this group?

Not Marching Down Univ Ave Either

Here was the email reply I got back from the Band Director: (personally, i can't imagine anybody wanting to keep any so calle traditions that were started at the Dome) "we can't do this, we can't take a road trip", blah blah blah, find a way to do it, is what I say. I'd also like to know who was "polled" by the Athletic Dept..i've been a season ticket holder for year, and i sure wan'ts polled.

Thank you for your note concerning the University of Minnesota Marching Band and the upcoming return to campus.

I understand from many alums that they fondly recall the days of marching from their home in Northrop Memorial Auditorium to Memorial Stadium shortly before the pregame show. While I do know that many wish for the return to that practice there are many reasons why this will not be feasible for the upcoming season.

First and foremost is the decision by the police to not shut down the streets surrounding the stadium. I understand their reasoning for traffic flow and what they feel will be a safer environment for the patrons attending the game.

Additionally is the desire from many of those polled by the athletic department for the band to continue many of the traditions that have become a part of game day over he last 28 years. These include the Gopher Victory Walk 2 hours prior to kick off, having smaller groups playing in the tailgate lots after that, and the pregame Plaza Pep Rally that happens one hour before the game. They also desire, as do we, to have the band continue to be one of the most active bands during the games in the country - standing and playing throughout the entire game. With these things in place it is already a busy and exhausting day for the students, often in excess of 10 hours each game day.

In light of the decision by the police, the desire to maintain some of the traditions that have developed during our time away from campus, and the workload of the students on game days I think that it is in the best interest of the students and our program to find a new tradition that will enhance what is already occurring.

We hope you will help us create a fantastic college football atmosphere in our new home in TCF Bank Stadium beginning in 2009.

My best,


That's a pretty nice form letter Diem has there.

The new band space looks pretty nice, but new kids in band will never know what it was like to sing Hail MN on stage. I directed my last one there, it sounded amazing. Hard to believe that was almost 8 years ago now!

I love a few things that our band does (I like the pre-game and the once-per-year Mound of Sound). But I was tainted by seeing the Fighting Texas Aggie Band (my wife is an Aggie) at the A&M vs Nebraska game in 2006.

These guys *aren't* professionals. I didn't take this video, but I was at this game. I have to tell you, it was even far more impressive in person.


Psh, looks like a bunch of monkeys runnin around.

-hook 'em horns ;)

I conducted outside on the ladder on the second to last outdoor practice. It was a lot more unbelievable than I thought it would be. Looks like next year the indoor concert will be at Northrop again, though.

I conducted outside on the ladder on the second to last outdoor practice. It was a lot more unbelievable than I thought it would be. Looks like next year the indoor concert will be at Northrop again, though.

Mine was outside as well...kinda. Friday night practice pre Iowa...or Wisconsin...drawing a blank on which game it was.

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