hey! myron medcalf stole my headline for his story!

Nov 17, 2008
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Myron writes: "Now, even local media know what it's like to get the "Tubby Stare."

that sounds strangely familiar to a thread title on gopherhole, if you ask me! ;)

as far as the article below. it is basically a copy/paste of the story he has already published 50 times about this in the last 2 weeks. essentially that means two or three paragraphs about the rest of the team and then 3 pages about trevor mbakwe, royce white and devron bostick. yawn!

why do i write this? because i know for a fact that he gets a lot of his material as well as his "source" info from gopherhole. so i say: hi myron!


If you ask me, "your" headline is a pretty generic, original piece of literature. I wouldn't be surprised at all if two people would think of it.

If you ask me, "your" headline is a pretty generic, original piece of literature. I wouldn't be surprised at all if two people would think of it.

well, i didn't ask you. just playin'! i figured as much, but felt it was appropriate to have some fun at myron's expense. ;)

Hahaha I think he probably did steal that from you. I just skimmed through that article because I'm sick of reading the same thing over and over that's something like, "the gophers have big expectations heading into this year after making the tournament, returning almost everyone, and bringing in a talented recruiting class, but the legal problems of blah blah blah." This article was actually pretty long and added new stuff, but was it just me or did he repeat a couple of different things multiple times? I'm too lazy/tired to read it again, but I felt like I read a couple of things more than once that were almost the exact same.

I would suggest we all listen to what Al Nolen had to say,

"We've got to go out there to war with the people we have."

The season's officially here. Until there's any new information on the Bostick/Mbakwe/White triangle, I'm not interested in their off-court issues any longer. Let's not focus on what the Gophers don't (or never will) have, let's focus on what they do have, which by my estimation should be a pretty good, upper-tier Big 10 basketball team.

I would suggest we all listen to what Al Nolen had to say,

"We've got to go out there to war with the people we have."

The season's officially here. Until there's any new information on the Bostick/Mbakwe/White triangle, I'm not interested in their off-court issues any longer. Let's not focus on what the Gophers don't (or never will) have, let's focus on what they do have, which by my estimation should be a pretty good, upper-tier Big 10 basketball team.


I would suggest we all listen to what Al Nolen had to say,

"We've got to go out there to war with the people we have."

The season's officially here. Until there's any new information on the Bostick/Mbakwe/White triangle, I'm not interested in their off-court issues any longer. Let's not focus on what the Gophers don't (or never will) have, let's focus on what they do have, which by my estimation should be a pretty good, upper-tier Big 10 basketball team.

You need to say it right. Many of the posters in GopherHole were NEVER interested in hearing about the off-court issues of the Gopher student athletes. You have spent the last couple of weeks trying to sweep those issues under the rug and criticizing the local media for covering them.

A great pleasure to get into...

a season where the "woe is me...we're bottom-feeders" won't be a continual thread of the day.

"You have spent the last couple of weeks trying to sweep those issues under the rug and criticizing the local media for covering them."

No, I have not. And no, I have not tried to sweep them under the rug. However, I am ready to move forward with the basketball season.

Everything in the past is just that, in the past, so it's no big deal. Let the games begin, with what is.

And yes, Que Sera Sera, Whatever will be will be. :)

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