here are the top 25 highest paid HCs in FBS

Which puts your HC between between #24 & 20 of the top payed coaches in FBS.

I think # 10- #25 are way overpaid!

I think that Sabin and Swinney's paycheck are ridicules along with #6-#3

I also think your HC got a good deal considering this is your 1st really great comeback year after beating Penn. State and winning out. He has a 7 year contract to contend with which is good. At the same time he has to show consistency during those 7 years!

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It's still shocking to see how much Jeff Brohm makes.

The Coaches from 10-25 are all overpaid!


I think your HC is well in line for his 4.6 million a year as long as his other coached get a raise.

What I find funny is the pictures of the highest 3. Harblow is crying and whining as usual, Saban and Dabo are smiling like they know how to do their jobs and actually earn their money.

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