Herald-Journal Details the David Gutzke AD Effort

Ignatius L Hoops

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Sep 9, 2015
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“I’m thrilled, to be honest,” said Gutzke.

He recently had “a good interview” with Turnkey, the search firm hired by the university. “They will whittle it down to 10 or 15 names to present to the search committee. I’ve heard they want it done by July 1,” Gutzke said

Gutzke is campaigning on four pillars:

• Leadership (setting a strong tone, making hard decisions, holding people accountable, building respect for the school).

• Fundraising (articulating how sports success impacts the whole university).

• Community Connection (getting fans back from boardrooms to small towns, keeping grads locally employed to build a long-term alumni base).

• Athletes’ Experience (making it a positive one, lasting a lifetime).

He would stress connecting with local firms. “I know three of the four ownership groups of the pro teams,” he said, “and a lot of the Fortune 500 (executives).” Also paramount, he said, is reaching out to state high school coaches, as Jerry Kill was doing.

Good for him for getting an interview. His background doesn't seem to match up with others on the list, but glad we're taking a wide look at candidates.

Good for him for getting an interview. His background doesn't seem to match up with others on the list, but glad we're taking a wide look at candidates.

He isn't the most obvious candidate, but he has some obvious qualifications - his rapport with prosperous locals and his experience as a student athlete stand out.

His serendipitous life story reads a little like Forrest Gump.

"Lieutenant Dan got me invested in some kind of fruit company. So then I got a call from him, saying we don't have to worry about money no more. And I said, that's good! One less thing."

One thing I'll say about Gutzke is that if he were hired, there is no worry of a Mega-Tongue incident.

I know a few people who worked with him at Windsor and says that first and foremost he's a family guy. Nothing is more important to him than his wife and daughter.

With that...he is not the right guy for the job.

Sounds like a gem in our own backyard !


“I’m thrilled, to be honest,” said Gutzke.

He recently had “a good interview” with Turnkey, the search firm hired by the university. “They will whittle it down to 10 or 15 names to present to the search committee. I’ve heard they want it done by July 1,” Gutzke said

Gutzke is campaigning on four pillars:

• Leadership (setting a strong tone, making hard decisions, holding people accountable, building respect for the school).

• Fundraising (articulating how sports success impacts the whole university).

• Community Connection (getting fans back from boardrooms to small towns, keeping grads locally employed to build a long-term alumni base).

• Athletes’ Experience (making it a positive one, lasting a lifetime).

He would stress connecting with local firms. “I know three of the four ownership groups of the pro teams,” he said, “and a lot of the Fortune 500 (executives).” Also paramount, he said, is reaching out to state high school coaches, as Jerry Kill was doing.
Give him a good assistant to dot the NCAA i's and cross the t's and he sounds perfect!

Najarian Stated Pillars Weeks Ago

Give him a good assistant to dot the NCAA i's and cross the t's and he sounds perfect!

Peter Najarian stated all of these pillars weeks ago on Rosen Live. He also played at the University of Minnesota. Peter stated his plan with lots of passion and salesmanship. I definitely believe he can be a very good fundraiser because he was one of the best players to play Gopher football during the later part of the 20th century and can passionately sell Gopher athletics to donors.

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