Hell of a game by our senior leader Westbrook!


Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
7 points and a technical for being an idiot. 2-7 out of "Pre-season" Hoffarber.

Westbrook brings some intensity and scorer ability to the team, but I think we will be better off with him gone next year. Other guys will step up who are more team players and more in control. Joseph has more skill than Westbrook, now he just needs to kick up his D and intensity. Now if we could just get Nolen to finish shots.

Johnson desevers some of the blame to.

4 points, 1 gd rebound, 1 steal, 1 block. He only played 16 minutes due to fouls but 1 gd rebound from your senior "power forward" is not going to cut it in the big ten

Someone already beat you to this thread, but way to be a smartass anyway. Are you rooting against the gophers so that you can say you were right about the NIT? This is going to be a hell of a race to most annoying poster of the year between you, upnorth, and art.

Someone already beat you to this thread, but way to be a smartass anyway. Are you rooting against the gophers so that you can say you were right about the NIT? This is going to be a hell of a race to most annoying poster of the year between you, upnorth, and art.

Why are his comments annoying? hard to argue with the facts, but then again it is easier to call someone names.

Westbrook is having a tough end to his career, I liked him better as a junior. It's still early enough to turn it around and lead us to a tournament birth.

Westbrook is having a tough end to his career

He certainly did today. I wonder what his deal was. He reminded me of someone retiring from a job and telling everyone he doesn't like to f off before he leaves. He was just out of control and it hurt us today. I really hope we slaughter Indiana when they come here.

the funny thing is according to westbrook groupies he is a go to scorer. This game plus the Purdue game prove he is a streak scorer that when on fire is amazing but when he isn't he can't be counted on to win games.

WE NEED WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!

WE NEED WHITE!!!!!!!!!!!

I disagree. We needed White a long time ago. At this point? No practice, not a single minute of D1 basketball and emotional immaturity of his own on the basketball court, I'm just not sure it would make sense.

LW has won us some games by himself, but he is generally considered to be a punk, much in the same mold of Turner from OSU (although obviously less talented). Not sure if anyone saw, but at one point last night LW tried to trip someone on IU from behind after making a crappy pass. That is the stuff punks are made of. Also, the technical was well deserved considering his behavior.

He also has a habit of trash talking the other players, and was doing it last night even when he was having a crap game? Come on LW. We need you to be a leader, not a punk.

7 points and a technical for being an idiot. 2-7 out of "Pre-season" Hoffarber.

Have to agree with the troll about Westbrook. He was bad news today and completely out of control emotionally. Did anyone see him on the bench after he got T'd? He totally lost control of himself and by that time was doing more harm than good being out there.

I completely disagree with any assessment of Hoffarber. Rivers was on him like a blanket and Rivers is one of the best defenders in the Big 10.

The troll was only half right.

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