Helen Rubenstein: U made the right call and sent an important message


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Helen:

The university acted responsibly by terminating Coach Claeys. When players called a boycott in response to suspension of the accused players, Claeys’ expression of pride in the players showed appalling judgment. A person who expresses pride without knowing what happened or, if he did know, in light of such horrific facts, is not molding young men to be responsible citizens, a core function of any coach. Instead, his comments feed into the sense of privilege and entitlement that is viewed as too common among many revenue sports athletes. By terminating Coach Claeys, the university has taken a public and far-reaching action demonstrating a continuing commitment to ending sexual assault on campus.

Our organization, Global Rights for Women, is committed to ending the pandemic of violence against women around the world. The standard by which we measure our work is whether it promotes victims’ human rights to safety and security and the accountability of offenders. I urge the university to apply this standard as it moves forward in its efforts to end sexual assault on campus.


Go Gophers!!

What a wack job. She did not read the report.

When people named Helen Rubenstein are lauding your decision-making process, you know where your priorities are as an AD.

Wow!! another organization creating the PC culture so prevalent at the U today. Looks to me like her organization and the EOAA will battle it out for the biggest dredge at the U. Sad

I'm assuming since this Helen was such a big fan of the decision that she will be first in line for her season tickets when they go on sale.

Thank God! I'll sleep much easier knowing that Helen's on board with the decision. I was really sweating that one...

I'm assuming since this Helen was such a big fan of the decision that she will be first in line for her season tickets when they go on sale.

True this.

Wow!! another organization creating the PC culture so prevalent at the U today. Looks to me like her organization and the EOAA will battle it out for the biggest dredge at the U. Sad

Politically Correct to some; just simply Correct to others. Nothing wrong with treating fellow humans, women included, with dignity and respect.

Very hopeful the new coach is serious about recruiting and molding quality young men both on an off the field. Claeys is a good man but did not have strong command of his troops.

We certainly wouldn't want to support a pandemic.

When I was a kid my Mom had Helena Rubinstein stuff on her dresser. Never knew Mrs.Rubinstein was such a football fan.

She makes mascara and such doesn't she:confused:

There's a little bit of an interview after the main clip, but this Helen's piece reminded me of the old Kids in the Hall "30 Helens Agree" bit.


Politically Correct to some; just simply Correct to others. Nothing wrong with treating fellow humans, women included, with dignity and respect.

Very hopeful the new coach is serious about recruiting and molding quality young men both on an off the field. Claeys is a good man but did not have strong command of his troops.

I know. We want to treat everyone like an adult and afford them the basic standards of due process when they are accused of something. I am all for treating women as adults, if they want to consent to something, let them consent. If they are victims of something, they should be able to find recourse and that investigation into consent should be a fair investigation. You know, basic dignity and respect.

The PC crowd is typical of responses like yours. You're virtue signaling. You're acting like the stance of "these guys should get due process" somehow doesn't treat women with dignity and respect. I'm guessing you're a "even if it was consensual, it was wrong" sort of guy (I could be wrong). Can you imagine anything less respectful than telling an adult they are incapable of giving consent?

When people named Helen Rubenstein are lauding your decision-making process, you know where your priorities are as an AD.

Wow, sexism and antisemitism. This whole incident has brought out a really ugly side of this board.

Wow, sexism and antisemitism. This whole incident has brought out a really ugly side of this board.

That came from a guy who uses the moniker "Russ Archambault". If you're a Gopher Fan you should not be taking anything he'd post too seriously. Like his post here.

Politically Correct to some; just simply Correct to others. Nothing wrong with treating fellow humans, women included, with dignity and respect.

Very hopeful the new coach is serious about recruiting and molding quality young men both on an off the field. Claeys is a good man but did not have strong command of his troops.

Would be interested to know how you are defining "quality young men" apart from what they shouldn't do, and how you suggest the football program/athletic department measure progress toward your ideal.

Unless and until the U decides to rid itself of its slavery to the PC culture, it will NEVER excel in football. Trust me on this one.

Would be interested to know how you are defining "quality young men" apart from what they shouldn't do, and how you suggest the football program/athletic department measure progress toward your ideal.

A "Block M" is the symbol for Michigan.

Then why do schools like Wisconsin, Michigan and Stanford have much better football programs than us?

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