Heard a rumor Leidner is starting, Nelson's leg flared up.

Triple D

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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Anyone hear any news to confirm?

According to twitter, it looks to be true. I like this. Not that his leg flared up, but that Leidner is starting.

They said yesterday that Mitch was taking all the 1st Team snaps in practice so I guess its true...

Maybe that's why Nelson didn't run much last week...

thailleagle said:
They said yesterday that Mitch was taking all the 1st Team snaps in practice so I guess its true...

Maybe that's why Nelson didn't run much last week...

Makes sense, but then why play him last week?

If so, who's the backup with Streveler out? Is Nelson healthy enough to be backup or do they thrust Jones in as QB with his extremely limited practice at the position?

So if we get rocked today, are people going to be clamoring for Streveler or Jones..... :p

That's my question. I also question letting Nelson make the decision.

This. Coach Kill said "if Nelson said he's ready, then he starts." Of course Nelson is going to say he's ready. He's a competitive person just like pretty much any D-1 athlete.

They said Jones took snaps this week.

If so, who's the backup with Streveler out? Is Nelson healthy enough to be backup or do they thrust Jones in as QB with his extremely limited practice at the position?

Obviously I am speculating here, but it is entirely possible that Nelson's leg "flared up" after they decided Leidner is going to start, if you know what I am saying. With how committed they were to labeling Nelson the starter, I can see the staff deciding to go with Leidner but not wanting to publicly declare that it was because of Nelson' performance last week.

Obviously I am speculating here, but it is entirely possible that Nelson's leg "flared up" after they decided Leidner is going to start, if you know what I am saying. With how committed they were to labeling Nelson the starter, I can see the staff deciding to go with Leidner but not wanting to publicly declare that it was because of Nelson' performance last week.

I would hope our coaches wouldn't pull that card, as I think they have enough class to make a decision and stand by it without making excuses. Their whole tenure here they have been honest about where our team is and who's playing well/needs to improve, so I think they would be honest about a move like this.

That being said, if I was a D1 athlete and my coach told me to fake an injury like that "for the better of the team" I'd send in my transfer papers right after the game. I'd bet that's not the case here though. At least I hope not.

They said Jones took snaps this week.

Oh boy we better keep Leidner upright today or it could get out of hand fast.

I don't think I'll ever see an injury free season for the gophers to the degree of Northwesterns season last year. It's annoying.

Just confirmed on KFAN by Justin Gaard, Leidner is starting. Score one for Triple D's insider.

So if we get rocked today, are people going to be clamoring for Streveler or Jones..... :p

True but not because of the cliche "The Back-up QB is always the most popular". No, it's because if your a Gopher Fan, you keeping thinking back to how many games that could have been won if the team just had a QB who could complete a DAMN pass! Sure you've felt that way before also pharmacy.

Hell, fans have been reduced to complaining that receivers aren't contortionists who can bend the barriers of space and time to catch some of the sorry stuff that's been thrown at them for 3-4 years now. "Hey, he got a FINGER on that ball thrown to the DB; Why the hell can't he catch it!" Wish the Wideouts would get open more often too. Wish even more that they'd get a ball they could actually catch more than 2-3 times a game.

Not looking for the next Manning, Luck or RG3, just a guy who can hit an open receiver and open-up lanes for a running game. The problem with starting a hurt Nelson last week is the Coaching Staff could have been telling us "Nah, we ain't got one again this year".

I'm officially starting a rumor that Leidner starts next week.

I would hope our coaches wouldn't pull that card, as I think they have enough class to make a decision and stand by it without making excuses. Their whole tenure here they have been honest about where our team is and who's playing well/needs to improve, so I think they would be honest about a move like this.

That being said, if I was a D1 athlete and my coach told me to fake an injury like that "for the better of the team" I'd send in my transfer papers right after the game. I'd bet that's not the case here though. At least I hope not.

Spot on with transfer part!

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