hate to go negative, but there are 2 very important groups who need to be called out

Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
1.) some of the fans who had tickets and failed to show up

2.) some of the students who also had tickets and failed to show up

we have played one game.....ONE game.......where it was a little chilly and already some "no-shows"?! that is a pathetic show of support. some of our "supposed" fans are just lame when it comes to really being a booster for the team. if you are going to buy season tickets (regular or student) then at least show up to all of the home games or sell your tickets to another gophers fan who will take your place. and if that is just "too much of a bother" for some of you then please don't take up a spot in the stadium from those who would actually show up for all of the games no matter the weather.

pretty weak........

I think the early start time is a factor as well (though not an excuse). Had we played the 3pm game, I'm sure attendance would've been better.

better get used to the time cuz 80% of our games will be at 11

every other big ten team plays at 11AM or 12PM if they are not an afternoon/evening national game. please don't throw out the "early start" line. some of our fans (don't get me wrong EVERY big ten team has some fair-weather fans as well) are just plain weak little bitches.

every other big ten team plays at 11AM or 12PM if they are not an afternoon/evening national game. please don't throw out the "early start" line. some of our fans (don't get me wrong EVERY big ten team has some fair-weather fans as well) are just plain weak little bitches.


every other big ten team plays at 11AM or 12PM if they are not an afternoon/evening national game. please don't throw out the "early start" line. some of our fans (don't get me wrong EVERY big ten team has some fair-weather fans as well) are just plain weak little bitches.

The key word is noon. Being in the Central Time zone and playing in the morning is a lot different than playing at noon in the eastern time zone

The key word is noon. Being in the Central Time zone and playing in the morning is a lot different than playing at noon in the eastern time zone

this has nothing to do with being an eastern or western big ten team. one hour does not make a difference. this is 100% on the fans, not the local start time.

no excuses people. show up or move your crap out of the gopherhole. this program is looking for truly committed and supportive fans. not the "i'll show up when i feel like it and only if the game is not at 11AM" fan.

p.s. see fivestarfan's post

It is more than the stadium?

I have been hearing for years once the new stadium gets done the crowd will no longer be a problem. Is it safe to say like I have that the problem isnt as much the venue as the fans. I think most Gopher fans love the team no doubt about that but we are also in Minnesota where the fans have grown to like football games played in a perfect 70 degree weather situation with very little wind. Cool weather and snow may always prevent some fans from showing up then again a bigger problem might be out there.

I think we should be more concerned with what happens on the field than in the stands. The performance of the second will follow the first no matter how much we as fans like to think it's the other way around.

You people have to get over yourselves.

The program needs committed fans that show up rain or snow or at 11 in the morning or whenever. Come on.

I've personally made it to every game, but until the Gophers improve, there's no reason to blame the fans for not showing up. We've supported this team by making a financial donation to purchase tickets.

And, let's face it, if we were still in the dome, we'd have a lot fewer fans there. The place was mostly full today so I think it was a good showing, but once the new stadium appeal wears off a little more, we can all start to look at a lot more empty seats in the weeks to come. By the time the SDSU game comes along, I'm guessing we'll have 10,000+ empty seats unless we win a few games that we're not supposed to win. And, after watching how much we suck again today, I'm not going to hold my breath.

You people have to get over yourselves.

The program needs committed fans that show up rain or snow or at 11 in the morning or whenever. Come on.

I've personally made it to every game, but until the Gophers improve, there's no reason to blame the fans for not showing up. We've supported this team by making a financial donation to purchase tickets.

And, let's face it, if we were still in the dome, we'd have a lot fewer fans there. The place was mostly full today so I think it was a good showing, but once the new stadium appeal wears off a little more, we can all start to look at a lot more empty seats in the weeks to come. By the time the SDSU game comes along, I'm guessing we'll have 10,000+ empty seats unless we win a few games that we're not supposed to win. And, after watching how much we suck again today, I'm not going to hold my breath.

YOU are exactly the type of "supposed" gophers fan that most detest. are you really at the games? or did you really just want to get in a negative shot at the program and coach brewster? something tells me it might be the latter. just sayin'..............:rolleyes:

YOU are exactly the type of gophers fan that most detest. are you really at the games? or did you really just want to get in a negative shot at the program and coach brewster? something tells me it might be the latter. just sayin'..............:rolleyes:
Detest seems like a pretty strong word, and one that belies some misdirected frustration.

I think you need to step back and accept different perspectives on the situation without immediately casting everyone as enemies of the program.

Detest seems like a pretty strong word, and one that belies some misdirected frustration.

I think you need to step back and accept different perspectives on the situation without immediately casting everyone as enemies of the program.

nah, there really is no need to step back. detest is THE perfect word for the craptastic "what have you done for me lately" attitude he and some others seem to possess.

nah, there really is no need to step back. detest is THE perfect word for the craptastic "what have you done for me lately" attitude he and some others seem to possess.
I think that in any given fanbase outside of the truly legendary programs you're going to have about the same statistical breakdown. You'll always have a similar proportion of die hards that will show up rain or shine, people who are so-so on the program but will generally show up and the people that are only going to show up when things are going well.

It's unfortunate but it's also inevitable, and it's hard for me to get too down on these people since we all have different priorities in life. This, like many of the issues with this program, can be fixed very simply: by winning. If Brew can bring back the axe next year or floyd this year I think it'll go a long way toward keeping the stadium full.

Give it up Bronko. After all, TCF is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Surely you realize that. On second thought, maybe you don't.

really? i actually want to know how many students didn't show up, the lower sections were full and the upper were well over half full...and that's not taking into effect how we all cram together because it is cold and don't go 1 per #...

Obviously you don't hate to go negative, or you wouldn't.

You dont' have to call out anyone, who the hell are you?

I thought they were going to start overselling the student section?

I was pretty much alone in 117 for the first quarter. I don't know what kept everyone but most people finally found their seats by the second quarter.

all that matters is "just win baby" and the people will be there!

I thought they were going to start overselling the student section?

I was pretty much alone in 117 for the first quarter. I don't know what kept everyone but most people finally found their seats by the second quarter.

They never started overselling. They just resold tickets that they had on hand because people bought them w/o the right amount of credits, etc.

The upper corners are empty for the same reasons each week. Partially b/c some students pack extra tight into the lower level and partially b/c some students prefer to drink or stay on the couch. It's not rocket science.

I was in the student section today and it was full for the 1st 3 quarters and then a few students in the back left. It's a total fallacy that the student section wasn't full and totally involved in the game.

YOU are exactly the type of "supposed" gophers fan that most detest. are you really at the games? or did you really just want to get in a negative shot at the program and coach brewster? something tells me it might be the latter. just sayin'..............:rolleyes:

You're saying you detest me? Puhleeeze. I was at the game. I tailgated for two hours. I've had season tickets for years. I've followed the Gophers to every campus in the Big Ten. I cheer for the Gophers every game whether home or away. I bleed maroon and gold. So, keep on with your hating on loyal fans and see how long they stay around.

My point is that don't go getting upset that there are empty seats. There aren't too many loyal fans because we suck, we have sucked, and we will continue to suck for some time to come. And, I didn't even say a word about Brewster, but to date, there is absolutely zero evidence that we've improved.

I'm happy the Gophs won today against a very mediocre Purdue team that beat us up and down the field today. We won because we got more than a few breaks today. Obviously, teams make their own breaks, but we did not play that well overall today.

So, until we win a big game, win a trophy game, beat a Penn State, an Ohio State, win a bowl game, make it to a New Years bowl, etc, you will continue to see fewer and fewer people at the game. And, that has nothing to do with me. This has to do with the fact that we do not have a great fantastic loyal fan base who want to spend their time and money on a mediocre product.

And, let me throw this out there as well... As much as people are sick of losing, the U itself is doing everything it can to get people to not want to come to the stadium: Long waits to get in for three of the four games. We've run out of food for two of the four games. We have friggin pocket calculators at our concessions and it can take 15-20 minutes to get a hot dog. The U and the city of Minneapolis are totally taking away from game day atmosphere by eliminating any parking and tailgating near the stadium. Someday I may give up my tickets, but it won't be because we suck. It will be because the U obviously doesn't care if I'm not there unless I donate a thousand bucks.

It's interesting, because I kind of forgot why I got off the Gopherhole years ago, but now I remember that some of you are so damn ignorant. If I say something bad about them, the U, the team, the coach, a player, etc., then I am not a good fan. If you say so.

Next week the Gophers may shock all of you so-called fans in Happy Valley. And Gopherally, to say they haven't improved is absurd. Our athleticism is infinitely better at all the skill positions. the O-line is mediocre, but offensive linemen take the longest time to develop as players. The recruiting is there, the athletes are there also. Today the Gophers made strides in the running game and played excellent ball on defense and special teams. Are there problems? Yes, but that doesn't the gains in athleticism and skill the Gophers have made.

Next week the Gophers may shock all of you so-called fans in Happy Valley. And Gopherally, to say they haven't improved is absurd. Our athleticism is infinitely better at all the skill positions. the O-line is mediocre, but offensive linemen take the longest time to develop as players. The recruiting is there, the athletes are there also. Today the Gophers made strides in the running game and played excellent ball on defense and special teams. Are there problems? Yes, but that doesn't the gains in athleticism and skill the Gophers have made.

Improved from when? Two years ago? Maybe. But, certainly not awesome and certainly not better than a few of Mason's teams. Skill position #1: Weber? He's been really bad. Running backs? Improved from last year, but nowhere near the running attack we had just a few years ago. And, Decker is a stud, but he also just one guy. If we have other receivers that are talented, we sure haven't seen them. So, where are all these skill players that you're talking about?

Improved from when? Two years ago? Maybe. But, certainly not awesome and certainly not better than a few of Mason's teams. Skill position #1: Weber? He's been really bad. Running backs? Improved from last year, but nowhere near the running attack we had just a few years ago. And, Decker is a stud, but he also just one guy. If we have other receivers that are talented, we sure haven't seen them. So, where are all these skill players that you're talking about?

I have to be honest. You make good points and then seem to follow them up with a little bit of nonsense. Green, Stoedemier, and Tow-Arnett are all clearly talented receivers. Weber throwing to Decker way more then anyone else doesn't change this.

I think what frustrates folks is that its clear we're playing at a Mason-like level in a gorgeous new stadium but you seem willing to throw in the towel on attending games. Frankly, it surprises me too. Everyone has their own level of success that they need to see to attend games. And if you were like this when the Gophers played at the same level in the Dome under Mason then ok...this is who you are. But if you're willing to throw in the towel during the first season in TCF then...I just don't know. You are getting awfully hung up on hot dogs and entrance lines then I guess.

It does seem odd that people would think the weather was too bad to go to the game. The weather was great. A little brisk, but clear skies and sun. You've got that ticket that you could have sold, but it is worth nothing if you don't use it or sell it. Mabye there needs to be a better way for people to resell tickets on short notice.

skill positions also=defense, and the Gopher D/Special Teams shined today

You're saying you detest me? Puhleeeze. I was at the game. I tailgated for two hours. I've had season tickets for years. I've followed the Gophers to every campus in the Big Ten. I cheer for the Gophers every game whether home or away. I bleed maroon and gold. So, keep on with your hating on loyal fans and see how long they stay around.

My point is that don't go getting upset that there are empty seats. There aren't too many loyal fans because we suck, we have sucked, and we will continue to suck for some time to come. And, I didn't even say a word about Brewster, but to date, there is absolutely zero evidence that we've improved.

I'm happy the Gophs won today against a very mediocre Purdue team that beat us up and down the field today. We won because we got more than a few breaks today. Obviously, teams make their own breaks, but we did not play that well overall today.

So, until we win a big game, win a trophy game, beat a Penn State, an Ohio State, win a bowl game, make it to a New Years bowl, etc, you will continue to see fewer and fewer people at the game. And, that has nothing to do with me. This has to do with the fact that we do not have a great fantastic loyal fan base who want to spend their time and money on a mediocre product.

And, let me throw this out there as well... As much as people are sick of losing, the U itself is doing everything it can to get people to not want to come to the stadium: Long waits to get in for three of the four games. We've run out of food for two of the four games. We have friggin pocket calculators at our concessions and it can take 15-20 minutes to get a hot dog. The U and the city of Minneapolis are totally taking away from game day atmosphere by eliminating any parking and tailgating near the stadium. Someday I may give up my tickets, but it won't be because we suck. It will be because the U obviously doesn't care if I'm not there unless I donate a thousand bucks.

It's interesting, because I kind of forgot why I got off the Gopherhole years ago, but now I remember that some of you are so damn ignorant. If I say something bad about them, the U, the team, the coach, a player, etc., then I am not a good fan. If you say so.

It's interesting, because I kind of forgot why I got off the Gopherhole years ago, but now I remember that some of you are so damn ignorant.

This hopefully means that this is your last appearance here? Again try the Star tribune website. They seem to welcome guys who seem to have their little dick caught in their zipper!:blah::blah::blah:

Pretty ironic thread

... considering the originating poster wasn't there either. ... :)


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