Hate Poll - This one is tough

Which team do you hate more?

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Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Whom do you hate more right now?

1) Texas Tech - We've got a game to play and a team to hate (at least until tomorrow's game is over)
2) Iowa - Torn down goal posts, bathroom shenanigans, the odor....so much to hate.
3) Wisconsin - The skunks annoy me more than anything else. Those people are crazy!

These questions surface about once every 3 months. It's Wisconsin every time.

Three way tie for first place, so I would have preferred a fourth choice.."All of the above".

OK, OK, OK...I never did vote, so I will. My vote goes to

It's gotta be Iowa for me. Hayden Frey and the whole stuck in the 70's feeling of their steelers looking uniforms and the constant cranking of bad 70's rock at Kinnick stadium. Yuck.

The 2006 Insight Bowl set in motion a series of events that brought us Jerry Kill. So Texas Tech is far down on my Hate List.

Wisconsin, and it's not even close.

Wisconsin hands down!

I hate their football team, basketball team, hockey team, professional teams, swimming and diving team, rowing team, deep sea fishing team, and overall way of life.

If I see someone wearing badger attire just walking around a mall. I immediately think less of them as a human being. It actually makes me angry to an extent. Same with Iowa but to a lesser degree.

Let's see, the last time we played Texas Tech it was the biggest bowl game comeback on record and we play them tomorrow. I voted for the stinking badgers


1. Yosemite Sam is to TT as Bugs Bunny is to U of M
2. Idiots out wandering around is to IOWA as GPS is to U of M
3. The Devil is to Buckyville as the Dalai Lama is to U of M
4. Therefore, Buckyville is the hands down winner or loser as it were.

Michigan wasn't an answer?

I voted with the majority but only because of the events in 2003, 2004 and 2010! Ugh!

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