

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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This is one guy I hope leaves for the NBA. For some reason have never enjoyed watching him play, despite the double-double numbers. Harangody just seems to be more of a "numbers" player than a "winning" player. Or maybe it's just because I'm sick of hearing the word "Gody" come out of Digger's mouth so often.


Certainly true for a lot of folks, but not in this case. The only college programs I truly despise and root against at every opportunity are Duke basketball and Michigan football. However, I do despise Digger Phelps, who just happens to be the former ND basketball coach.

double doubles are also the most overrated "stat" in basketball.

You get a little grumpy in the offseason huh SS?

"You get a little grumpy in the offseason huh SS?"

Only until my golf season swings into full gear. Perhaps I'm grumpy because my first three rounds all have been in the 90's.

I'm siding with Hodger on this one. I've never been able to put a label on or a find a reason why I don't like watching him ... I just don't. I think part of it is because his game doesn't appear to be "polished." (and maybe that's not even the right word)

Here's the best way I can explain it: It's like that guy you play pick up ball with who does everything that you're not expecting him to do, at all of the wrong times, but somehow makes it work. And it's very frustrating.

I hear ya SS, I'm taking my first trip this year to the links tomorrow morning. I will most assuredly be grumpy after that too.

Well nbadraft.net has him going #21 ... in the second round .... in 2010.
DraftExpress likes him a lot better at #15 ... in the second round .... in 2010.

Having "Gody" declare has the Tpups worried, as they are not guaranteed to get him with the #17 & #18 second round picks they own in this year's draft.


Certainly true for a lot of folks, but not in this case. The only college programs I truly despise and root against at every opportunity are Duke basketball and Michigan football. However, I do despise Digger Phelps, who just happens to be the former ND basketball coach.

Paulus must be your favorite athlete right now then.;)

Strangely, I actually felt some empathy for Paulus this season. From where I was sitting Coach K threw him under the bus (much like he did Pete Gaudet), basically implying (with his lineup changes) that Paulus was to blame for any struggles they may have had. I didn't see much difference whether Paulus, Williams, Scheyer or Smith were getting most of the PG minutes. The lineup changes couldn't hide the fact Duke had no legitimate post presence, yet again.

Wojo still gets my vote as my all-time least favorite college basketball player. A little runt with few skills, yet Vitale made him out to be some kind of wonderful PG simply because he played for Duke.

double doubles are also the most overrated "stat" in basketball.

It's invaluable to have a player who can control the glass and paint offensively. Rebounding is a thing the Gophers need to improve on, and honestly, I think the biggest hole in our offense is the lack of a consistent post threat offensively. That would create more spacing for the wing players, more open shots, and likely more trips to the foul line.

Obviously, that's just my opinion, but I don't find the stat to overvalued at all. Granted, 20 points and 9 rebounds isn't a double-double, so from that standpoint I get it, but still. If you have someone who consistently is a threat to get double doubles, that's a very good thing.

Granted, Harongody was never fun to watch, but put him on the Gophers, and we would have been a better team, at least this year (maybe not the case if/when Samspon and Iverson develop).

All just my thoughts. Feel free to agree or disagree if you'd like.

The "Hate Duke" Thing

Certainly true for a lot of folks, but not in this case. The only college programs I truly despise and root against at every opportunity are Duke basketball and Michigan football. However, I do despise Digger Phelps, who just happens to be the former ND basketball coach.

I keep hearing the chorus of people who say they hate Duke basketball. What is that about? Coach K is a very good coach who played and coached for Bobby Knight at West Point. He one tough dude. He runs a very successful program with the challenge of getting student athletes into a university with high academic standards. What is so bad about that?

Is is jealousy that he coaches at an elite academic school? Stanford has even higher academic standards and no one seems to hate the Cardinal. Is it Vitale's positive comments about coach K and the Duke program over the years? Hate Vitale so also hate coach K?

What is this all about?

I keep hearing the chorus of people who say they hate Duke basketball. What is that about? Coach K is a very good coach who played and coached for Bobby Knight at West Point. He one tough dude. He runs a very successful program with the challenge of getting student athletes into a university with high academic standards. What is so bad about that?

Is is jealousy that he coaches at an elite academic school? Stanford has even higher academic standards and no one seems to hate the Cardinal. Is it Vitale's positive comments about coach K and the Duke program over the years? Hate Vitale so also hate coach K?

What is this all about?

Jealously. It's similar to everyone hating the Yankees, but at least there is some logic to hating the Yankees (they have an advantage in spending that can't be matched).

Duke consistently is a top program even with their academic standards. Jealously, plain and simple. And it's well-placed.

Jealously. It's similar to everyone hating the Yankees, but at least there is some logic to hating the Yankees (they have an advantage in spending that can't be matched).

Duke consistently is a top program even with their academic standards. Jealously, plain and simple. And it's well-placed.

Stated as eloquently as if by Dickie V himself, and it's absolutely fraudulent. Sure their success has shined the light on them, but who would care about them if they were UVA?

The reason for most of the hate is that they are built up exactly the way that BrewsterBooster did, namely: "a very successful program with the challenge of getting student athletes into a university with high academic standards" and they are the media darling for it. It's all BS.

Have you ever heard Will Avery verbalize a thought? Read the unbelievable details surrounded Maggette and his time as a "student" at Duke? Heard the details of Dahntay Jones and transferring into the program from Rutgers? In recruiting circles they are just as dirty as the rest, but are continually given a free pass because of their stellar image, both from the NCAA and the media.

And don't even get me started on how K's brand of flopping/p*ssy basketball has ruined my favorite game.

Speak for youself

"Jealously, plain and simple."

Speak for yourself. That has nothing to do with it for me. Truth is, I actually liked & respected Duke through their first two championships and into about the mid-90's, until Coach K pulled his bush league move on Pete Gaudet. I was at the Duke-Cal game at the Rosemont Horizon in 1993 when the Dukies' 2-year reign ended at the hands of Jason Kidd, and trust me I was one of the few neutral fans in the building actually pulling for Duke. It still ranks as probably one of the 2-3 greatest basketball games I've ever seen. Bobby Hurley, Grant Hill & the Dukies went down like the champs they were, with fight and a lot of pride. They impressed the heck out of me that day.

What has changed my feelings about Duke since then?

"Is it Vitale's positive comments about coach K and the Duke program over the years?"

Bingo. I now absolutely despise Duke for one main reason, and that reason is Dick Vitale (and to a lesser extent, Mike Patrick). The fawning and a*s-kissing Vitale has thrown their way has grown so over the top I can't believe it doesn't make everyone (other than a Duke fan) puke when he starts going on one of his "Duke is special", "Cameron Indoor is so special", "Their students actually study" rants. Vitale would have you believe Duke is about the only school in America where the athletes go to class & attend finals.

And I actually like the Yankees.

You ever grow up with a kid who's held up as the gold standard for academics, behavior, and overall good citizenship, and while you understand that he behaves/performs better than most, you also know that he's not as angelic as portrayed, and has a mix of arrogance and condescension to his personality? And no matter how often you try pointing this out to parents or teachers, they ignore your insight and still push that student as the gold standard? Even when their performance slips in the class, they still are spoken of as they are the best student around?

That's Duke. I liked the early Duke teams (Johnny Dawkins, Mark Alarie), despised the Christian Laettner/Bobby Hurley edition, and while I have admired individual players (Grant Hill, Elton Brand, Jason Williams, Demarcus Nelson, as examples) I have never been able to stomach the over the top adulation that's heaped upon them by the likes of Dukie V, Mike Patrick, and others in the media. While they may be cleaner than most, they ain't spotless. It's a rare thing to find a spotless program in college B.B. and Duke has their share of question marks through the years (Duhon's mother, Boozer's father, Dockery and Avery's academics, Maggette's connections), yet they are framed as "the one program doing it right". It's pure B.S. and has nothing to do with jealousy.

Fair enough. Everyone is entitled to their own personal likes and dislikes, but basing your likes and dislikes on someone elses opinions (i.e. the media, Vitale and the like) seems mildly hypocritical. But, I do get annoyed when Vitale goes on and on about it.

If you want to base your dislike on the fact that Duke is a great school but many of their players aren't up to par academically, that's fine, too. But realize that this is the case at most successful athletic programs. I would imagine that most (not all) very talented kids athletically just don't spend a lot of time on school. That's just reality.

Truth be told, I am not a fan of Duke. But I do respect Duke and don't think they are very overrated, if they are at all. Over-publicized, maybe. But not many schools have achieved what they have over the last 10 or so years. If the Gophers turned into the Duke of the midwest, I'd be ecstatic.

Just opinions. You can like or dislike anything for any reason you want. I'm just trying to rationalize based off what I've heard people say in the past.

Pete Gaudet?

Okay, Hodger, I am with you on the whole Puke thing, but remind me of who Pete Gaudet is? The name does not ring a bell.

I lost all respect for the foul mouthed Puke coach when he "adjusted" his coaching record the year of his back problems, and did not count them as "his" losses after he gave up on the team. Back problems, yes, limitations, yes, but it is still your team, K. Accept the responsibility.

I'm not SS, but I'll jump in with the answer. Gaudet was the coach who inherited Coach K's team when he went out for back surgery and inherited the dismal one season record.

Ah, now it makes sense! Hodger is always right.

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