Haley out in KC; is Ferentz a possibility?


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
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Could've posted this in OT but there's a Gopher Football connection, so here it is. Todd Haley got ousted as coach of the Chiefs today, and at least one source is saying Ferentz should/will be a candidate: http://www.nfl.com/news/story/09000...-will-be-candidates-for-chiefs?module=HP11_cp

He's friends with Pioli, Moeaki and Stanzi play there, it's in the same region, and with Parker retiring at the end of the season he may feel like it's time for a change. Would be interesting to see who Iowa would pursue should Ferentz go for it, and it would be interesting to see how the transition would go there.

Not sure. It seems like more and more NFL teams are going the "Hot-headed Spaz" route. Don't think Ferentz qualifies.

He's not going anywhere

His son has another year left @ Iowa.

As he said earlier this fall, "I'm an Iowan. You're stuck with me."

Not sure. It seems like more and more NFL teams are going the "Hot-headed Spaz" route. Don't think Ferentz qualifies.

LOL. Good one and I agree. The primary qualification for the new breed of NFL coach is bulging neck veins.

Yeah according to ESPN Pioli tried to get him in 2009 and Ferentz turned him down because he wanted to coach his son and his son is still on the team. But it is his last year so maybe if he ever wanted to job now would be the time

If this was next year I'd think it was possible. I don't think he bails on his sons senior year.

I don't think he's going anywhere either. He makes $3M a season at IOWA! Thats $3M/year at a job that has 1/2 the stress of the NFL and he only has to win 6-7 games a season to keep his a$$ from getting fired.

He could make $6m a year at KC, no sweat. Pete Carroll makes something like $7m a year with Seattle.

I don't think he's going anywhere either. He makes $3M a season at IOWA! Thats $3M/year at a job that has 1/2 the stress of the NFL and he only has to win 6-7 games a season to keep his a$$ from getting fired.

I would argue that being an NFL coach is half the stress of college. You don't have to worry about recruiting, recruiting or recruiting. You also don't have the stress of getting ripped on about recruiting while a dozen of his players sat in the hospital. You also don't have to deal with boosters or parents of recruits. Oh, and you don't have to deal with the stress of talking to 15 year olds or 16 year olds or 17 year olds and best yet, you don't have to worry about the decisions of 18 year olds.

In the NFL you also get a real off-season. Sure you have OTAs, a few off-season appearances and an interview or two, but in college you get about two weeks after Spring Ball and a week and a half before Fall practice.

All that being said, it's a lot more common to have a longer tenure in college as opposed to pros as you get to overhaul the roster at least once every 4-5 years, whereas in pros your voice can fall on deaf ears pretty quickly with players who play with a team for 8-10 years.

Go Gophers!!

If he's smart, he will stay in Iowa City..but, maybe the iowa fans are so hacked off about him losing to the Gophers again that they are making life miserable for him. As I drove home after the Gophers beat them the last two years, I was able to listen to some of the call-in shows on WHO in Des Moines and a lot of callers wanted him gone at those moments in time. It really was pretty funny.

Some of those iowa fans think they deserved MORE than what Ferentz was giving them. They seemed to think that they were "entitled..." Some of them sounded like real mobbers and bashers and I don't think they had a clue about what it takes to win Big Ten Football games. In a lot of ways, a number of them sounded a lot like some fans around here.

They were especially bad two years ago. I recall at the time thinking: "...go ahead and fire him...we'd hire him to replace brewster in a second...but, then I realized that we had badger (stinking) joel macturi as our ad and prexy b in charge.

I think Ferentz will most likely be back in Iowa City for the 2012 season. Maybe he can use the KC rumors to get another nice raise that will put him at 4 million PLUS! Jerk those hawgseyes around Cap'n Kirk!

At least we got rid of prexy b...

; 0 )

LOL. Good one and I agree. The primary qualification for the new breed of NFL coach is bulging neck veins.

LOL. but then why isn't Pelini coaching on Sundays?

I doubt Capt Kirk bolts. He knows that if he had 2 seasons in the NFL like he just did in the BT, he'd be among the 8.6% of Americans who are unemployed.

LOL. but then why isn't Pelini coaching on Sundays?

I doubt Capt Kirk bolts. He knows that if he had 2 seasons in the NFL like he just did in the BT, he'd be among the 8.6% of Americans who are unemployed.
It is actually more like 18.6%, but that is another story.
I would be shocked if he took it. He probably needs to make some changes, but he can stay in iowa as long as he wants unless they completely fall apart. I do not believe that will happen. They have had down periods before, he is getting excellent recruits from Illinois, and he is a tough no nonsense guy, there is no panic in him.
He'll be there another 5+ years.

Stanzi might start on Sunday for the Chiefs. lololololol

I've got to say I hope he does stay.
As crazy as that would sound 4 years ago, his teams have come out flat in the Battle for the Pig 3 years in a row. I like the way they have been unemotional and underhyped for our games.

The worst thing that could happen is for Ferentz to hire a firebreathing D-coordinator and fire their O coordinator for a young, ambitious up and comer. The best just might be him staying there and slowly decaying what he previously built up.

Of course they could lose him and make a hire that doesn't understand how hard it is to recruit to a mudhole state like Iowa, but I think that's unlikely at this point.

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