(2) All bubbles can burst. In any situation in which perceived value consistently and markedly exceeds real value, you're likely going to be in trouble. When your cash position cannot protect your capital value, things tend to unravel in a hurry. Not saying that will happen with college football, but if the country ever gets in a position where ticket prices go beyond where the market clears, you may have a situation where attendances drop and that could have a deleterious effect. Remember that college football does not exist in a perfect market. Monied boosters, budget flexibility within the university community, and other fund-raising opportunities buffer college football from pure supply/demand considerations.
If attendance collectively ever goes down, yea salaries will shrink. Is that really a bubble bursting? That would be a market shrinking, not a bubble bursting.
A bubble bursting would be if salaries were artificially inflated with nothing backing them up. Compared to how much money college football takes in, coaches and players are underpaid at both the college and pro level in free market situations.
There is no bubble
Priorities is one argument. But here is the thing: To get the best college football coach in the country, you have to pay 5 million a year. To get the best biology prof in the country, you have to pay a couple hundred thousand.
Why should you pay that biology teacher more than you have to for the sake of "priorities?"
Why should you refuse to pay your football coach more than your profs if you already have the top of the line profs (Big Ten universities have the top research profs outside of the Ivy League)?
If your priorities require that you hire an inferior product in one area because you want that area to get less money than another, then you should rethink your strategy on how to achieve your priorities.
If I am a university, I am striving to be the best in every area. To get the best football coach it may cost millions, to get the best biology prof it may cost hundreds of thousands, to get the best english prof it may cost 70 grand.
If I am a university, I want to be the best in every area, and be the best as efficiently as possible.