Guesses on time of 11/26 Illinois game


Maroon and Gold from birth
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score

As a diehard Gopher fan living on the West Coast I rarely get to see games in person. I had to miss the USC game, so my only shot is the Illinois game over thanksgiving (I will be home in Minnesota that weekend). Does anyone have any educated guesses as to what time the game will be played? I really hope to work flights out so that I can attend. Thanks!

We know it won't be a night game. My guess is 11:00 AM.

That would be nice as I need to jump a flight to San Diego that night as well.

I'd guess 2:30, given last year. It depends on the Ohio State-Michigan game. If that is at 11:00 (last year it was), we'd likely be at 2:30 on BTN, as this game might not matter to the divisional standings.

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