Group of Penn State lettermen call for return of Joe Paterno statue

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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A group of former Penn State football players is rallying for the return of the Joe Paterno statue outside Beaver Stadium.

In a letter sent to PSU president Eric Barron and the school’s board of trustees Tuesday, more than 200 Nittany Lion lettermen urged that the statue of Paterno, PSU’s longtime head coach, be returned to its former location outside Beaver Stadium. In the letter, the former players also called for a “formal apology” to Sue Paterno, the wife of the late coach who died in January 2012 at age 85 of lung cancer.


The classy thing for these lettermen to do is shut up and pitch that hunk of junk somewhere out in the Atlantic.

On behalf of the B1G, I call for the return of PSU to independent status.

If any sort of statue - or memorial - goes up, how about one that honors the victims of Sandusky's actions and JoePa's inaction?

Tone . . . Deaf . . .

Having been to Happy Valley, that statue did depict JoePa in sort of a jogging motion. Little did we know it was the truth that he running from.

If any sort of statue - or memorial - goes up, how about one that honors the victims of Sandusky's actions and JoePa's inaction?

Tone . . . Deaf . . .

Having been to Happy Valley, that statue did depict JoePa in sort of a jogging motion. Little did we know it was the truth that he running from.

Great idea! How about something like this:


Pedophile State University

A group of former Penn State football players is rallying for the return of the Joe Paterno statue outside Beaver Stadium.

Dear God. Some people have zero clue. What a group of complete losers.

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Wow, these guys are still drinking the Paterno Kool-Aid. The comments section of the article says all that needs to be said on the matter.

He won a lot of football games, so his friends should be allowed to rape as many little boys as they want to.

There is a very dedicated JoePa crowd who I think their self identity is tied to the man and the history.

I know a lot of Penn St. fans who just want to move on and never hear about the guy again.

Fortunately the university administration itself is largely in the "move on" crowd.

Buy one Joe Paterno, get one Jefferson Davis free.


Yes, by all means bring it back. Maybe PSU can tie it all together by having Joe's statue holding a little boy's hand and telling him it's going to be okay.

I really dislike everything about Penn State.

I, for one, am still calling for the death penalty.

I, for one, am still calling for the death penalty.

I agree and I'll admit that over the last five years I held out hope that Joe Pa didn't really understand what was going on in this situation but this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Everything about HappyValley is a joke and the NCAA should throw the book at them.

The B1G, which followed suit with the NCAA and reduced sanctions on Pedophile State U, is culpable in this mess. Unless we kick them out of the conference, we are part of the problem and even sleazier than Baylor and the Big 12.

The powers at the B1G should cut ties with Penn State. Add Missouri or Iowa State to replace them for the division setups.I was never for adding Penn State. From a geological standpoint it didn't make sense. There is no easy way to get it Happy Valley if you follow the Gophers. To me,Paterno always came across as a a-hole. His presser after the Gophers beat him with the Nystrom field goal made him out to be a whinny bitch.

Penn State has only self to blame...

"...That is especially true since the school created this news cycle by refusing to open its own checkbook and dole out a reported $92.8 million in settlements it authorized to Sandusky’s actual victims. Instead it tried to pawn the settlement off on its insurance company, which promptly balked, sued (and won), stating Penn State knew of Sandusky’s acts, thereby voiding the policy. Along the way, came a mud fight that won’t end..."

The powers at the B1G should cut ties with Penn State. Add Missouri or Iowa State to replace them for the division setups.I was never for adding Penn State. From a geological standpoint it didn't make sense. There is no easy way to get it Happy Valley if you follow the Gophers. To me,Paterno always came across as a a-hole. His presser after the Gophers beat him with the Nystrom field goal made him out to be a whinny bitch.

Yes, never liked the Grenville orogeny, the Taconic orogeny, the Acadian orogeny, and the Appalachian orogeny. Doesn't fit with Minnesota's glaciation eroded previous rock formations and deposited deep layers of glacial till.

I was in favor of Keeping them in the conference but forfeiting all their scholarships in all sports for four years. With a stiff penalty if they fail to field teams in all sports. Let those PSU undergrads and their sick sentimentality for JoPa play against scholarship players from the rest of the league.

Yes, never liked the Grenville orogeny, the Taconic orogeny, the Acadian orogeny, and the Appalachian orogeny. Doesn't fit with Minnesota's glaciation eroded previous rock formations and deposited deep layers of glacial till.

Took me a second.

The B1G, which followed suit with the NCAA and reduced sanctions on Pedophile State U, is culpable in this mess. Unless we kick them out of the conference, we are part of the problem and even sleazier than Baylor and the Big 12.

Would have happened after the trial if it was going to happen.

Yes, never liked the Grenville orogeny, the Taconic orogeny, the Acadian orogeny, and the Appalachian orogeny. Doesn't fit with Minnesota's glaciation eroded previous rock formations and deposited deep layers of glacial till.


Yes, never liked the Grenville orogeny, the Taconic orogeny, the Acadian orogeny, and the Appalachian orogeny. Doesn't fit with Minnesota's glaciation eroded previous rock formations and deposited deep layers of glacial till.

I thought you were talking about something dirty.

Yes, never liked the Grenville orogeny, the Taconic orogeny, the Acadian orogeny, and the Appalachian orogeny. Doesn't fit with Minnesota's glaciation eroded previous rock formations and deposited deep layers of glacial till.

Take a puddle jumper into Happy Valley and you'll understand why I used the term " geological"
Normally flying doesn't bother me, but the trip in and trip out was a f-ing nightmare. Twice we must have dropped 500 ft.!

Jay Paterno tries to "help" [smdh] I guess that comparing a case in which no crime was committed to the horrific events that happened under his father's watch made sense to him.

In the early days of the Duke Lacrosse story, columnist Ruth Sheehan from the Raleigh News & Observer wrote a column calling for the Duke lacrosse players to come forward because they knew. On Tuesday you wrote a similar column about Penn State headlined “It’s time for other Penn State coaches to speak up about Jerry Sandusky.”

Well I coached at Penn State and this open letter is an answer to your call. Yes you write for the Goliath Washington Post and I write for I know this is but a stone in a slingshot, but it’s a rock of truth and our aim is true.


Take a puddle jumper into Happy Valley and you'll understand why I used the term " geological"
Normally flying doesn't bother me, but the trip in and trip out was a f-ing nightmare. Twice we must have dropped 500 ft.!

I'm laughing so hard it hurts now. It's still "geographical" you are looking for. Three strikes and you are out.

I'm laughing so hard it hurts now. It's still "geographical" you are looking for. Three strikes and you are out.

Geology is defined: " The structure of of a specific region including rock formations ,mountains
fossils...etc" So technicality in referring to the Allegheny ranges that you fly in and around when going out Pittsburgh , geology,even though a stretch, was acceptable . But yes, geographical was the proper ID in this case.

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