
Dec 2, 2008
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Those traveling to Murfreesboro should know: Creative Charters group will be at the COACHES GRILL 2-5 on Thursday. COACHES GRILL is where the Blue Raiders hold their coaches corner on Monday's and is the fan place on the way to the game.

The Mason Dixon Line didn't go as far as Tennessee, but the Blue Raider Fans waiting at the GRILL will be curious as the GOLDEN GOPHER FANS arrive from Minnesota.


Those traveling to Murfreesboro should know: Creative Charters group will be at the COACHES GRILL 2-5 on Thursday. COACHES GRILL is where the Blue Raiders hold their coaches corner on Monday's and is the fan place on the way to the game.

The Mason Dixon Line didn't go as far as Tennessee, but the Blue Raider Fans waiting at the GRILL will be curious as the GOLDEN GOPHER FANS arrive from Minnesota.


That's pretty sweet. Most MT fans will already be at tailgate but I'm sure we will hear about it. Just a head's up...Coach's Grill is small, so if you try to fit a lot of people, be prepared to be a little squished. Have Fun Though!

Grillgate sounds like a scandal involving tofu hotdogs at a tailgate.

Not on the charter but will be there with three others. Thanks for the info.

Or a university-wide crisis because somebody violated one of the 784 tailgating rules at the U.

Good to know that MTSU isn't the only school with the "5 million tailgating rules" problem. We're a dry campus, unfortunately, but they do let up enough on game day where you can drink it out of cups. NO bottles, FYI.

I remember a product about 30 years ago, it was a magnet, like an oversized refrigerator magnet that you wrapped around a can of beer. It made your can look like a soda can if you didn't look closely. For example, it didn't say Coca Cola, it said "Caco Calo", or it didn't say "Mountain Dew", it said "Mountain Dow". Has anyone else seen anything like this?

Then there are the people who are grumbling about having games on campus again, because they bought a house next to a large college campus, and expected it to be quiet 24/7! :D

I remember a product about 30 years ago, it was a magnet, like an oversized refrigerator magnet that you wrapped around a can of beer. It made your can look like a soda can if you didn't look closely. For example, it didn't say Coca Cola, it said "Caco Calo", or it didn't say "Mountain Dew", it said "Mountain Dow". Has anyone else seen anything like this?

Hide-a-brew. Don't know if it's still produced.

I actually had little league coach that used to drink Mountain Dow. Pretty sad.

As discussed in another thread, Coach's grill is about 2 miles from the stadium, so I hope none of you were planning on walking from there. I also hope you aren't expecting to walk into a bar full of Blue Raider fans as we'll all be tailgating. Truth be told, you may walk into a nearly empty bar. Coach's isn't exactly in a great location and being there after lunch hours, you may see very few people that aren't being paid to be there.

As far as dance4raiders notion of Coach's being small, perhaps she hasn't been into the other side, but with the main room with the bar, the other side and the patio I'd estimate the capacity at 200 or so.

Coaches Grill it is! Look forward to finally meeting some of you.

I agree with what other MT fans have said. The Coach's Grill is a little too far to walk. Hopefully yall will have a ride from there.

Those girls at the Coach's Grill are HOT!

The girls tailgating on campus will be hotter. . .

Agreed. While I have had hot servers at Coach's before, I don't really think of it as a place that has hot women working there, no more than any other place, it can be pretty hit or miss. Tailgating in Peck Forrest however...that's a different story.


This is for Blue Raider fans. The Travelin Gophers are planning on starting at Coaches Grill at noon. After the grill we will conquer out way to the stadium. On our radar are the likes of Gentlemen Jims, the Boro and places to be named. Members of the Goal Line Club as well as creative charters and relatives will be in attendance.

This is for Blue Raider fans. The Travelin Gophers are planning on starting at Coaches Grill at noon. After the grill we will conquer out way to the stadium. On our radar are the likes of Gentlemen Jims, the Boro and places to be named. Members of the Goal Line Club as well as creative charters and relatives will be in attendance.
"The Boro" is cash only, btw. Horrible decision for the type of place it is.

The rest in that area are total dive bars. Smoky, dirty, dark, and (possibly most important) cheap.

It'll be easy to have a good time.

I heard yesterday Coaches Grill is just for lunch. There are an RV or two in the visiting tailgate lot hosting gophs fans, bring a drink or snack to share.

I'm with RaiderATO. Gentlemen Jim's and The Boro are just nasty. Not recommended. Dude, just start tailgating. Come over to the forest and hang out with MT people. It's not like we're going to jump you guys. I'm sure you'll find plenty of fun there. Do any MT people know if they're having a band in Peck Forest tomorrow or not? I love it when there is one playing. BTW, if kickoff is at 6:30, that means RaiderWalk is at 4:30. For Minnesota fans, RaiderWalk is like a mini pep rally in Peck Forrest. The whole band walks over in a straight line and plays (and with 368 people, that's a LONG line), the cheerleaders and dance team perform, Coach Stockstill says a few words, and the football team walks through shaking hands, etc. It's pretty cool to see if you've never experienced it. Also, in the forest is where the inflatables will be set up if you have kids. Come join the fun!

BTW, my tailgate is bringing a mini grill and we'll be cooking out all day. We'll have cookies, chips, hotdogs, hamburgers, etc. I don't mind sharing and I know other MT fans don't mind either. Our alumni tailgating tent usually gives out free stuff too!


These things are awesome...



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