Greg Paulus to play for Syracuse, first game against Gophs!!

time for our D to knock some rust off of him. it also confirms that cuse is looking for something to jump start its offense. go gophers.

He only has to compete against a redshirt freshman for the job? Sounds like he's got a pretty good opening to try and get that spot to me. I hope we can make his first start absolutely miserable.

I wonder

If someone touches him, will he go down from all that dive training he got at Duke?

I wonder

If someone touches him, will he go down from all that dive training he got at Duke?

I don't know what you're talking about? :rolleyes:

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Isn't there a penalty

for flopping or something like that in hockey (i'm not a great hockey mind). But I would like to see a foul being called on players who flop so obviously. Hopefully that would eliminate some of those piss poor charging penalties.

In hockey and soccer you can get called for embellishment or diving. I'm not sure if basketball has a similar rule.

In basketball, the penalty for flopping under the basket is usually allowing 2 points.

I wonder

If someone touches him, will he go down from all that dive training he got at Duke?

Anyone attending the Syracuse game should make "Paulus Diving Team" t-shirts and wear snorkels and goggles to try getting on TV. :D

Anybody else wanna take a shot at the odds that the first time a Gopher defensive player comes at him he instinctively tucks the ball, goes limp, and falls on his back while turning to the ref expecting a penalty called(all while thinking in the back of his head that Coach K would be so proud of him for drawing a penalty). I'm putting it at 3 to 1 and 5 to 1 that he gets that whiny shocked look on his face when the ref does nothing except spot the ball.

All joking aside, this game has become much more interesting and will be a much bigger game nationally which will only help with recruiting. I certainly can't wait to watch it now.

All joking aside, this game has become much more interesting and will be a much bigger game nationally which will only help with recruiting. I certainly can't wait to watch it now.

Hopefully we can watch it. It's a Big East game, so it looks like it's up to ESPN wheather it's on or not.

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