Greatest piece about North Dakota State.

That was amazing. When the state of Iowa is making fun of you for being irrelevant, you know you are small time.

I was gonna post this earlier but it would violate my own self imposed rule of no new topics about NDSU.

Can we confine all NDSU talk to this thread? Preferably in off-topic?

This guy really captures the "Look at us! Look at us!" nature of NDSU fans. But what really puts this segment over the top is that he also destroys Iowa. Bravo.

This would be pulitzer worthy material if it were in print form.

Kudos to Andy Fales for calling out NDSU fans on there constant but were 4 times "World" champions of minor league Lacrosse, I mean FCS football, which automatically means we would better than Alabama or Ohio State. Don't believe us just look at the Sagarin ranking's for proof.

I occasionally listen to 740 out of Fargo in the car. The Friday before they played Iowa State, the Fargo announcer was discussing what would happen if ISU won and whether ISU fans would storm the field if they won. As we all know, NDSU won and now we will never know if ISU fans would have turned themselves into a laughingstock or not (they wouldn't).

I occasionally listen to 740 out of Fargo in the car. The Friday before they played Iowa State, the Fargo announcer was discussing what would happen if ISU won and whether ISU fans would storm the field if they won. As we all know, NDSU won and now we will never know if ISU fans would have turned themselves into a laughingstock or not (they wouldn't).
Satire is really lost on some people. This is why many here can't handle Reusse. You're able to see the Iowa media as satire but if it's Reusse or some shock jock in Fargo they must be dead serious.

Satire is really lost on some people. This is why many here can't handle Reusse. You're able to see the Iowa media as satire but if it's Reusse or some shock jock in Fargo they must be dead serious.

I'm assuming then that you heard what he is talking about then, right?

The part about NDSU fans wanting everyone else to like them or acknowledge them is pretty spot on. Enjoy your championships. Why do they care so much what everyone else thinks.

He asked the question in a discussion with a beat writer from Iowa. The question was asked and answered in a serious manner.

You listen to too much KFAN/ Minneapolis radio. Not everyone is a "shock jock". Jack Michaels certainly isn't. But thanks for chiming in on something you know nothing of.

Context is really lost on some people, especially those who make generalizations on things they know little about.

He asked the question in a discussion with a beat writer from Iowa. The question was asked and answered in a serious manner.

You listen to too much KFAN/ Minneapolis radio. Not everyone is a "shock jock". Jack Michaels certainly isn't. But thanks for chiming in on something you know nothing of.

Context is really lost on some people, especially those who make generalizations on things they know little about.

Were you trying to link to the podcast? I really doubt it was "serious", but if it makes you happier to think this was the serious majority opinion, sure we'll go with that.

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I'm a U of M alum and a faculty member at NDSU. Hence, I'm a fan of both teams. I really don't get the obsession here with hating NDSU. Of course NDSU seeks respect and recognition. Every school and fanbase does. How many times do fans on this board practically orgasm whenever MN gets minor props in the national media? If you could care less about NDSU, then quit talking about them. It's like atheists who obsess over others believing in God. If you really think there's no substance to their story, then ignore it. But all the energy to trash them suggests some of you are trying to convince yourselves of their irrelevance.

I'm a U of M alum and a faculty member at NDSU. Hence, I'm a fan of both teams. I really don't get the obsession here with hating NDSU. Of course NDSU seeks respect and recognition. Every school and fanbase does. How many times do fans on this board practically orgasm whenever MN gets minor props in the national media? If you could care less about NDSU, then quit talking about them. It's like atheists who obsess over others believing in God. If you really think there's no substance to their story, then ignore it. But all the energy to trash them suggests some of you are trying to convince yourselves of their irrelevance.

I think the problem most have with NDSU is their obnoxious fans. While most here realize those 2 teams that lost to NDSU are probably two of the worst in Gopher's recent history, Bison fans refuse to acknowledge that fact.

I'm a U of M alum and a faculty member at NDSU. Hence, I'm a fan of both teams. I really don't get the obsession here with hating NDSU. Of course NDSU seeks respect and recognition. Every school and fanbase does. How many times do fans on this board practically orgasm whenever MN gets minor props in the national media? If you could care less about NDSU, then quit talking about them. It's like atheists who obsess over others believing in God. If you really think there's no substance to their story, then ignore it. But all the energy to trash them suggests some of you are trying to convince yourselves of their irrelevance.

The point is they are like junior Packer fans. They will go out of their way to brag about how much better NDSU is then the Gophers. When you travel up north you run into all these people talking about how good NDSU is, etc, etc...

They have a nice team for their level and it is loaded with Minnesota players, so we are happy for you. Just keep it in perspective. When the Gophers schedule teams at their level we are accused of playing cupcakes.

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I'm a U of M alum and a faculty member at NDSU. Hence, I'm a fan of both teams. I really don't get the obsession here with hating NDSU. Of course NDSU seeks respect and recognition. Every school and fanbase does. How many times do fans on this board practically orgasm whenever MN gets minor props in the national media? If you could care less about NDSU, then quit talking about them. It's like atheists who obsess over others believing in God. If you really think there's no substance to their story, then ignore it. But all the energy to trash them suggests some of you are trying to convince yourselves of their irrelevance.

Well, I personally could NOT care less about them so I guess I will keep talking. Sorry...I'm just having a little fun. Seriously, if more people were like you and were fans of both teams I think a lot of Gopher fans would get behind their "little brother" program*. It's the skol-scented animosity that spews from the typical NDSU fan towards the U that fuels much of the hate.

*let the record show that I acknowledge that they beat us twice - and proud we are of all of them.

I think the problem most have with NDSU is their obnoxious fans. While most here realize those 2 teams that lost to NDSU are probably two of the worst in Gopher's recent history, Bison fans refuse to acknowledge that fact.

Okay, I can appreciate that. I can't stand obnoxious fans either. I don't like in-your-face bragging when it's justified, much less unjustified. But most NDSU fans (admittedly, not all) that I read on their boards are realists. They have a very good football team that has been dominant in FCS. They know they matter in the FBS only to the extent that they have beaten FBS teams, and those have been teams in the bottom of FBS conferences in those years. Most of their fans understand that NDSU does not currently compete at the highest level. Many wish for NDSU to have an opportunity to move up so that they can play FBS teams week in and week out, and see how they measure up. But in the meantime, they are proud of their FCS run. Until someone invites them to an FBS conference, their performance in the FCS and, on occasion, against FBS teams are the only measures of success available. And they've done pretty well with the hand they've been dealt. For the record, this year's Gopher team beats them 9 times out of 10.

The point is they are like junior Packer fans. They will go out of their way to brag about how much better NDSU is then the Gophers. When you travel up north you run into all these people talking about how good NDSU is, etc, etc...

They have a nice team for their level and it is loaded with Minnesota players, so we are happy for you. Just keep it in perspective. When the Gophers schedule teams at their level we are accused of playing cupcakes.

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The other key line from alchemy2u.

a North Dakotan response
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We should let NDSU play a quick 5 minute game during our halftime much like the mites at Wild games...

a North Dakotan response
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Dude, that sucked. Give me my 2:23 back.

a North Dakotan response
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I wanted to laugh, but i just couldn't.

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