Great turn out at Pep Rally today!


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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I was blown away at the turn out at the pep rally this afternoon. We came at the tail end of the Missouri pep rally which was before ours and I bet we outnumbered them 4 to 1. The BWW folks who put on the rally couldn't believe at how many fans were there. Here are some tweets I saw.

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Go Gophers!!

We were heading toward the rally, but not exactly sure of where to go even though we could hear the band. We asked some worker, and he pointed and said, "Go that way. You'll find it. There's about a million of you."

Quite a day. Going around in a loop on a tollway interchange three times and paying $1.00 every time because we couldn't figure out where the hell to go. (Mrs. Mulligan was navigating but we're still married.) Waiting in line in the packed ballroom for about 15 minutes to buy a $9.00 beer because a bunch of gals in front of me all had to be carded and all ordered some champagne in a bottle that the bartender just couldn't figure out how to open quickly even after the 5th one. Having the machine at the hotel garage swallow my ticket on the way out and not open the frick'n gate making me get out and ask 3 cars to back up so I could back out of the way. (Only then did I notice the little button on the machine that said, "Call for Help.")

Having a great time and tomorrow I get to cross off a bucket list item.

Jealous of you guys. I remember going to the battle of the bands in Nashville and being outnumbered by Hog fans 3:1.

Darrell Thompson? Bobby Bell? Wow!

Can't wait to get there tomorrow to join my Gopher brethren. Ski U Mah!

Darrell Thompson? Bobby Bell? Wow!

Can't wait to get there tomorrow to join my Gopher brethren. Ski U Mah!

I thought I heard Decker will be there as well, in addition to many more former Gophers.

Go Gophers!!

I thought I heard Decker will be there as well, in addition to many more former Gophers.

Go Gophers!!

Decker bought 19 tickets and didn't offer me one. He is dead to me now.

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