Great Expectations: What will happen?

Great Plains Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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I think Gophers will win tonight, but it is hard to see them win more than three more games, on paper. Will we be pleasantly surprised as they hold their own in a tough year and make a bowl - or not?

After watching that offense my expectations are lowered big time. I will be jacked when they prove me wrong

You can tell who watched the game & who only saw the Box Score...

I could see us going 5-7... San Jose State could be NDSU 2011 all over again... & teams like Indiana & Northwestern are not gimme's...

Despite a lopsided score I didn't see a whole lot of improvement on either side of the ball. UNLV had a few things go there way & we also had a few things that went our way. Our Defense gave up close to 450 yards against a 2 win team... those 7-10 yards off the ball aren't gonna cut it against better competition. Offense for the most part looked exactly like last year... predictable playcalling & only had 200yds heading into the 4th & got some garbage yards when the game was clearly out of reach.

I'll wait until next week to see Week 1 to Week 2 improvement but as of right now we look a lot like last year...

Go Gophers!

Did u watch the game? Our offense was pretty bad...I will take the win and the nerves cleared, but if we want a special season we have a long way to go
1. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.
2. Stop saying "our". It's bad enough when people who have some tie to the team do it. You're not on the team and you seem to revel in the Gopher's failures.
3. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.

You can tell who watched the game & who only saw the Box Score...

I could see us going 5-7... San Jose State could be NDSU 2011 all over again... & teams like Indiana & Northwestern are not gimme's...

Despite a lopsided score I didn't see a whole lot of improvement on either side of the ball. UNLV had a few things go there way & we also had a few things that went our way. Our Defense gave up close to 450 yards against a 2 win team... those 7-10 yards off the ball aren't gonna cut it against better competition. Offense for the most part looked exactly like last year... predictable playcalling & only had 200yds heading into the 4th & got some garbage yards when the game was clearly out of reach.

I'll wait until next week to see Week 1 to Week 2 improvement but as of right now we look a lot like last year...

Go Gophers!

I watched every second of the game. We are going to need offense to win games but I can assure you another team won't score on a 50 yard Hail Mary on 4th down and a 30 yard run where they're not touched the rest of the year. We won by 28. We have work to do. We beat this same team in 3 ots last year and still won 6 games so relax

1. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.
2. Stop saying "our". It's bad enough when people who have some tie to the team do it. You're not on the team and you seem to revel in the Gopher's failures.
3. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.

this guy gets it...

1. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.
2. Stop saying "our". It's bad enough when people who have some tie to the team do it. You're not on the team and you seem to revel in the Gopher's failures.
3. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.

Blow me, I am a graduate of the u of m, our university football team played their hearts out and I'm not being a homer. If u don't like it then ignore me. I don't care what you think. Maybe you aren't proud to be part of the u of m family but I am. Go f yourself

I watched every second of the game. We are going to need offense to win games but I can assure you another team won't score on a 50 yard Hail Mary on 4th down and a 30 yard run where they're not touched the rest of the year. We won by 28. We have work to do. We beat this same team in 3 ots last year and still won 6 games so relax

I'm less concerned about the 2 fluke plays & more concerned about the 25 other plays that went for 5-7 yards with nearly no Gopher within' 5 yards. And you're right... we did win 6 games last year & looked completely lost against better competition but if being mediocre is what you're satisfied with then what can I say. Forgive me for expecting more coming out the gate in Year 3 against a horrible team...

Blow me, I am a graduate of the u of m, our university football team played their hearts out and I'm not being a homer. If u don't like it then ignore me. I don't care what you think. Maybe you aren't proud to be part of the u of m family but I am. Go f yourself
If you don't care what I think, then why respond? See #s 1 and 3.

If you don't care what I think, then why respond? See #s 1 and 3.

Lol I can't stand assbags like you. You think you're a better fan than others. My opinion is our offense was bad, special teams played great, and our defense was just ok. You seem to think otherwise. Go f yourself

1. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.
2. Stop saying "our". It's bad enough when people who have some tie to the team do it. You're not on the team and you seem to revel in the Gopher's failures.
3. Shut the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# up.

OK internet tough guy.

Lol I can't stand assbags like you. You think you're a better fan than others. My opinion is our offense was bad, special teams played great, and our defense was just ok. You seem to think otherwise. Go f yourself
If you can read, you'll see that I posted in the game thread: "This team has been awful on O and is up by 21. They won't be tested for 3 weeks. The sky ain't falling yet. Those big plays are the ones that usually bite the Gophs. It is nice to be on the other side." Meanwhile, you're in a pissing contest with Dr. Don. Ball's in your court, sport.

If you can read, you'll see that I posted in the game thread: "This team has been awful on O and is up by 21. They won't be tested for 3 weeks. The sky ain't falling yet. Those big plays are the ones that usually bite the Gophs. It is nice to be on the other side." Meanwhile, you're in a pissing contest with Dr. Don. Ball's in your court, sport.

If you can read I said my expectations were lowered big time based on what I saw. My expectations were probably too high. I also said I can't wait to be proven wrong. Not sure why you chose to attack? I said "our" because it's my university football team. You didn't like that either. So u can f yourself assbag. I didn't say anything out of line.

I'm less concerned about the 2 fluke plays & more concerned about the 25 other plays that went for 5-7 yards with nearly no Gopher within' 5 yards. And you're right... we did win 6 games last year & looked completely lost against better competition but if being mediocre is what you're satisfied with then what can I say. Forgive me for expecting more coming out the gate in Year 3 against a horrible team...

What did you think of their 6 for 18 on 3rd downs? Their average pass went for 4.4 yards. That's not 5 to 7. One game and you've already labeled them mediocre.

You can tell who watched the game & who only saw the Box Score...

I could see us going 5-7... San Jose State could be NDSU 2011 all over again... & teams like Indiana & Northwestern are not gimme's...

Despite a lopsided score I didn't see a whole lot of improvement on either side of the ball. UNLV had a few things go there way & we also had a few things that went our way. Our Defense gave up close to 450 yards against a 2 win team... those 7-10 yards off the ball aren't gonna cut it against better competition. Offense for the most part looked exactly like last year... predictable playcalling & only had 200yds heading into the 4th & got some garbage yards when the game was clearly out of reach.

I'll wait until next week to see Week 1 to Week 2 improvement but as of right now we look a lot like last year...

Go Gophers!

I agree with every word of on. I love this team, and I WANT them to be better and win 8 or 9 games, but I just didn't see enough improvement tonight. Let's hope it was a product of nerves, vanilla schemes, heat, or some other factor(s)...

What did you think of their 6 for 18 on 3rd downs? Their average pass went for 4.4 yards. That's not 5 to 7. One game and you've already labeled them mediocre.

I'm very happy we won but we gave up 420 yards & only managed 320... at home... in Year 3... against a team that won 2 games last year... how do you think this will translate against a team like Nebraska or Wisconsin? In my opinion San Jose State is going to tell us all we need to know about what to expect this year... I'm just not going to jump on the "Year 3" hype to be disappointed down the line...

I agree with every word of on. I love this team, and I WANT them to be better and win 8 or 9 games, but I just didn't see enough improvement tonight. Let's hope it was a product of nerves, vanilla schemes, heat, or some other factor(s)...

This is all I'm saying.. I just expected more... people take criticism way too aggressive around here...

I'm very happy we won but we gave up 420 yards & only managed 320... at home... in Year 3... against a team that won 2 games last year... how do you think this will translate against a team like Nebraska or Wisconsin? In my opinion San Jose State is going to tell us all we need to know about what to expect this year... I'm just not going to jump on the "Year 3" hype to be disappointed down the line...

Agree with you for the most part. We've got work to do.

What do you think their 420 looks like if you take away 3 possessions? And what does our 320 look like if you add 3 possessions?
You are accusing people of not watching the game and just reading the box score, then why are you using these stats as part of your argument?

Agree with you for the most part. We've got work to do.

What do you think their 420 looks like if you take away 3 possessions? And what does our 320 look like if you add 3 possessions?
You are accusing people of not watching the game and just reading the box score, then why are you using these stats as part of your argument?

Because to me those stats are cause for concern... I would be ok if this was against a Big Ten team or even San Jose State but you can't tell me it wasn't frustrating watching UNLV march down the field with 5-7 yard hitch plays & quick outs while we made ZERO adjustments only to get bailed out by a blocked FG that we took back for a TD & an Interception that went back for a TD. Better teams finish those drives...

PLEASE don't get me wrong... I am *VERY* happy we won but it does get to me that we let a 2 win team come into our stadium & put up 420 yards. I'm happy but part of me is thinking what will we look like against a better team?

I don't want anyone to think I'm not happy we won... I am... but based on what I seen today I can't help but feel this Season could end up another 4-0/3-1 start with a 1-7/2-6 finish...

Because to me those stats are cause for concern... I would be ok if this was against a Big Ten team or even San Jose State but you can't tell me it wasn't frustrating watching UNLV march down the field with 5-7 yard hitch plays & quick outs while we made ZERO adjustments only to get bailed out by a blocked FG that we took back for a TD & an Interception that went back for a TD. Better teams finish those drives...

PLEASE don't get me wrong... I am *VERY* happy we won but it does get to me that we let a 2 win team come into our stadium & put up 420 yards. I'm happy but part of me is thinking what will we look like against a better team?

I don't want anyone to think I'm not happy we won... I am... but based on what I seen today I can't help but feel this Season could end up another 4-0/3-1 start with a 1-7/2-6 finish...

They averaged 4.4 yards per pass attempt. That's not 5-7

Because to me those stats are cause for concern... I would be ok if this was against a Big Ten team or even San Jose State but you can't tell me it wasn't frustrating watching UNLV march down the field with 5-7 yard hitch plays & quick outs while we made ZERO adjustments only to get bailed out by a blocked FG that we took back for a TD & an Interception that went back for a TD. Better teams finish those drives...

PLEASE don't get me wrong... I am *VERY* happy we won but it does get to me that we let a 2 win team come into our stadium & put up 420 yards. I'm happy but part of me is thinking what will we look like against a better team?

I don't want anyone to think I'm not happy we won... I am... but based on what I seen today I can't help but feel this Season could end up another 4-0/3-1 start with a 1-7/2-6 finish...

Truce. No point in continuing this. We are both happy about the win. I guess I dig into the critical analysis more after the confetti settles. Comes across a bit trollish (even though you have 4,670 posts) when you hop on 20 minutes after a 30-point victory saying "more of the same".

Because to me those stats are cause for concern... I would be ok if this was against a Big Ten team or even San Jose State but you can't tell me it wasn't frustrating watching UNLV march down the field with 5-7 yard hitch plays & quick outs while we made ZERO adjustments only to get bailed out by a blocked FG that we took back for a TD & an Interception that went back for a TD. Better teams finish those drives...

PLEASE don't get me wrong... I am *VERY* happy we won but it does get to me that we let a 2 win team come into our stadium & put up 420 yards. I'm happy but part of me is thinking what will we look like against a better team?

I don't want anyone to think I'm not happy we won... I am... but based on what I seen today I can't help but feel this Season could end up another 4-0/3-1 start with a 1-7/2-6 finish...

I think the point is that you're calling out people for "not watching the game" and "just looking at the box score". Yet bringing up the yardage difference without also bringing up the fact that they essentially had 12 first team offensive possessions and we essentially had just 9 is pretty much doing the same thing you're getting pissed at others for doing.

Hey, it could be worse, USC is losing to Hawaii right now and they look horrible. I'm not complaining. ;)

Truce. No point in continuing this. We are both happy about the win. I guess I dig into the critical analysis more after the confetti settles. Comes across a bit trollish (even though you have 4,670 posts) when you hop on 20 minutes after a 30-point victory saying "more of the same".

I just really wanted to believe the hype. We've heard it all off-season. "Kill's 10 win teams in Year 3."... "Kill is a Year 3 guy."... "The Offense is finally clicking with Nelson..." You hear the names, the star ratings, the analysis, etc & you're really pumped thinking this year might be different. Then the first game you just see a lot of the same issues that were present the year before & it just kinda deflates you a little feel me? Not giving up on the team or anything like that but having expectations lowered just a little...

I think the point is that you're calling out people for "not watching the game" and "just looking at the box score". Yet bringing up the yardage difference without also bringing up the fact that they essentially had 12 first team offensive possessions and we essentially had just 9 is pretty much doing the same thing you're getting pissed at others for doing.

Hey, it could be worse, USC is losing to Hawaii right now and they look horrible. I'm not complaining. ;)

Just the "shut up & cheer!" fans get to me... there's a lot on here who are happy with the win but also have concerns...

I just really wanted to believe the hype. We've heard it all off-season. "Kill's 10 win teams in Year 3."... "Kill is a Year 3 guy."... "The Offense is finally clicking with Nelson..." You hear the names, the star ratings, the analysis, etc & you're really pumped thinking this year might be different. Then the first game you just see a lot of the same issues that were present the year before & it just kinda deflates you a little feel me? Not giving up on the team or anything like that but having expectations lowered just a little...

You just have to look at it a little differently.

51 points

1 penalty

3 non-offensive touchdowns

2 INTs

200+ yards rushing.

Multiple knock-downs...

There is a ton to build on. I don't think there have been any competent analysts who have said we are going to win 10 games this year because that's what Kill has done in year three of other programs. But I know what you mean.

The reasons I am going back and forth with you is because you (and those that share your angle) are being critical of what you THINK will happen in 5 or 6 weeks, not what happened tonight.

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