

Well-known member
Dec 21, 2008
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Gray played great! To all you those who gave up on him so quick, at least give him his props today.

I hope his progression continues and I am glad that he has another offseason to improve even more.

In the second half of last weeks game it seemed like things started to mesh for Gray. I think that things will continue to get better the rest of the year.

I saw what looked like some new wrinkles in the playbook today to help him in the passing game and free up him up to run. He's a gifted athlete who can make plays. Still floats some of his passes, but he looked a lot more comfortable today.

I'm real happy for the kid. He played great and it's nice to see his hard work pay off with a huge win in a frustrating season. Keep it up Q!!!

I've been one of the more vocal Gray critics and I'm happy to say things are improving.

He looks much more confident and mature. As much as I'd love to see Shortell get snaps, Gray getting ALL of the snaps is the BEST thing for him and his development. His confidence is growing, there's no doubt about it. I'm looking forward to seeing how the next four games go for him. Solidifying the QB position going into next season would be HUGE for this team going into the offseason.

Big, big, big win!!!!

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