Granddaughters to be proud of:


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
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As some of you know, my daughter gave birth to twins on the day that the Gophers regained Floyd of Rosedale in 2010. My daughter is a Gopher fan and my son-in-law is a Badger (that might be his only flaw - he's a great kid). Of course they have a lot of little Gopher gear, but recently they received a "football purse" with a Bucky Badger bear inside. My daughter just sent me a Tweet:

One of my girls ripped the head off their Badger bear. Now I just need to figure out which one did it. GO GOPHERS! #dividedhouse

I responded: "Good. That is something the football team hasn't been able to do in years"

-While we're waiting for National Signing Day, does anyone else have stories about future Gophers?

To piggy back, today I was taking my 5th grade granddaughter to open gym. When I stopped to pick her up, I went in and the Gopher vs. Ohio State Basketall game was on. I heard appologize she had been watching the game and was getting her gear. She came out of the bedroom and said pointing at the screen, that's what I want to do. I asked play college basketball, and who do you want to play for. Minnesota was clear and proud. She is currently 5' 4" and her doctor thinks she may reach 6' 3" It difficult playing with her to realize she is only in 5th grade.

I have a hat that has all the Big Ten logos on it (pre Nebraska). My wife did home daycare and one of the kids she took care of had a mom that was a massive Hawkeye fan. I taught the kid to point at the Hawkeye logo and say Boo Hawkeyes. We also dressed him in a full on Gopher Football costume we have and took pics for his mom. It was the happiest that kid ever was when we put that helmet on him....:)

My first daughter wore her Gopher jersey to school today. Her favorite book to read is "Hello, Goldy!" She keeps asking me when we will go to the U next. She loves the U.

When daughter number three was about six (about 5 years ago), I asked her what she wanted to be when she grew up. She said "A Minnesota Gopher Cheerleader". I told her she could be a cheerleader and do something else as well. She replied, "OK. I'll be an Engineer, or a Veterinarian, and a Gopher Cheerleader". It's a plan.

My two boys have been well trained since birth. They only refer to our rivals as "The dirty, stinking, [team name]".

We took My oldest son, when he was 4, to the Gopher Fan Fest during Brewster's first year. My boy waited in line for the Brewster autograph on his shirt and asked Brew, "Are you going to beat the Stinkin' Badgers this year?" He said he would try. It was hilarious, we didn't even have to coax the question out of him!

What ever happened to that video of the 3 kids beating the hell out of a drum and chanting "who hates iowa"?

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