Gotta support new coach/staff...whoever it is

Block M

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
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Coyle was brought in to do as he saw fit for long-term best interests of the football program and pulled the plug on Claeys. So be it.

Whoever is brought in needs and deserves support of the diehards on this board and UM nation as a whole. Fleck a little quirky? Sure. But I would be behind his program 100%. Same goes for whomever else they choose.

Thanks Dad. So we need to support Coyle? Were we all supposed to support Claeys? Personally, I'll support any coach- but I will not support Coyle or the ilk that does.

Define "support". I'm done donating.

No chance. Unless Coyle and Kahler are fired.

Coyle was brought in to do as he saw fit for long-term best interests of the football program and pulled the plug on Claeys. So be it.

Whoever is brought in needs and deserves support of the diehards on this board and UM nation as a whole. Fleck a little quirky? Sure. But I would be behind his program 100%. Same goes for whomever else they choose.

No we don't. I won't spend one cent on whomever it is as a thank you to Coyle.

Coyle was brought in to do as he saw fit for long-term best interests of the football program and pulled the plug on Claeys. So be it.

Whoever is brought in needs and deserves support of the diehards on this board and UM nation as a whole. Fleck a little quirky? Sure. But I would be behind his program 100%. Same goes for whomever else they choose.

Good to hear that even Michigan fans are getting behind the new Coach..

With a very short leash

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The GaG Foundation board of directors has voted not to contribute this year.

Coyle was brought in to do as he saw fit for long-term best interests of the football program and pulled the plug on Claeys. So be it.

Whoever is brought in needs and deserves support of the diehards on this board and UM nation as a whole. Fleck a little quirky? Sure. But I would be behind his program 100%. Same goes for whomever else they choose.

Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkk Yoooooooouuuuuuu Michigan guy.

People rooting against the U which seems more than likely to get the hottest young name in coaching why? I don't understand any of you

People rooting against the U which seems more than likely to get the hottest young name in coaching why? I don't understand any of you

If he's so hot, whys he at Western Michigan? Oregon didn't want to interview him.

Yup and Rutgers is the last winner. :)

Seriously though I agree we need to support the staff whoever it is.

If he's so hot, whys he at Western Michigan? Oregon didn't want to interview him.

So he's not the hottest young name in coaching? Oregon went with Taggart because he was more proven and Fleck wasn't willing to move out of midwest.

People rooting against the U which seems more than likely to get the hottest young name in coaching why? I don't understand any of you

I don't see one person rooting against the football team. It's anti-Coyle, anti-president and anti- lack of due process.

I guess it depends on your definition of support.

I will still follow them and I will still root for them. I'll support the coach and I'll go to games when I am in town. However, as long as Kaler and/or Coyle are there, I'll never donate another penny to the University. I won't buy season tickets (I might still go when I'm in town, but I kept my tickets when I moved out of the state).

Now, I didn't need to make this big proclamation and I doubt the U will really hurt from my lack of donations and my cancellation of season tickets. But I just wanted to honestly answer your question. I will cheer for the U regardless of the coach.

Don't need or want to root against them.The problem is its going to take another 3 or 4 years of rebuilding just to hopefully return to there current competitive level.

I don't want to sound impatient or anything, but weren't we supposed to have new coach by now:confused:

I'll be happy to support whoever the new coaching staff is as long as they remove the players that caused this mess in the first place.

I will continue to cheer for the team and will back whichever new coach we come up with.

Having said this, reading the Elmore account tonight has entrenched my view that President Kaler/AD Coyle handled this somewhere on a continuum between very poorly and downright deceitfully. (and players made bad choices too).

I will look out for the results/careers of Coach Claeys, Coach Kill and any assistants that leave us wishing them every success in the future.

If terms of actual support, I was planning on trying to make the trip across for the Buffalo game but, given the circumstances, do feel less inclined to do so now.

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