GopherSports Blog: Coach Kill Speaks to U of M Air Force ROTC


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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"I respect what you do and I appreciate what you do," Kill told the cadets. "To be frank, I don't know why I'm over here speaking to you. You probably need to come speak to me and the people that we work with. Because frankly we need to learn the discipline and integrity and the things you're doing here. If we could get that translated to our football program, we'd win a lot more football games."

Go Gophers!!

I wonder why we don't see the ROTC in some fashion at TCF? Or am I just not paying attention?

I think it would be a good idea to involve ROTC at football games, but I think in general, the U should reach out more to student groups (fraternities, clubs, etc) and get them involved.

The ROTC is just as present at Gopher Football games as at other Big Ten University games. The color guard during the Battle Hymm of the Republic is made up entirely of ROTC cadets. They are also responsible for hoisting the American flag on game day mornings. (Granted this normally takes place around 8 a.m.). The reason that student groups don't get involved is because they don't bother to show up to games. It is way to easy to blame the University outreach for the lack of student group involvement. The University has made attempts to get students more involved. They built a brand stadium 2 blocks from frat row, they refuse to reduce the size of the student section (even though the students never fill it), and the price for student season tickets is more than reasonable. The University even tried to organize a super fan club section. To join this club the participants had to promise to show up for kick off and not leave until the end of the game. In return the students got reserved seating, a free t-shirt, and a few other small perks. For the last few home games that section had maybe 50 students, out of around the 500 who were there at the start of the game, left by the end of the game. The reason students don't show up is because the team has been a below average for the last five years. If Kill can get the program to the point of winning 7-9 games per season and a mid-high level bowl game, I guarantee the student involvement would go up without any help from University outreach.

The reason, speaking from experience, that many other student groups don't get involved is instead of using the creativity that groups can come up with around campus, they are bound by a roll of red tape and bureaucracy. Basically, it's a "very my way or the highway" attitude.

It's very much of a "Why can't we get students involved?" discussion, instead of a "What do students want to get involved in?" discussion.

People were clamoring for things like a student tailgate lot or a student area (the knoll or on the mall) but it was seen as a potentially harmful thing for the U instead of a building of School Spirit and Pride, which is sorely needed. EX: A lot of students went to Mifflin in Madison this past weekend instead of staying on campus for Spring Jam.

8-10 student reps try and represent the interests, but in reality it's the average Joe student who needs to relay some opinions as well. Plus the big shots step in and shoot it down and decide to fund some other worthless initiative that is more "student friendly" that people routinely don't attend.

I also think an ROTC section, with everyone in their dress whites, blues, greys, blacks, etc. Would be really awesome and fill another section, because you damn well know they would show up.

Just my $.02

The reason, speaking from experience, that many other student groups don't get involved is instead of using the creativity that groups can come up with around campus, they are bound by a roll of red tape and bureaucracy. Basically, it's a "very my way or the highway" attitude.

It's very much of a "Why can't we get students involved?" discussion, instead of a "What do students want to get involved in?" discussion.

People were clamoring for things like a student tailgate lot or a student area (the knoll or on the mall) but it was seen as a potentially harmful thing for the U instead of a building of School Spirit and Pride, which is sorely needed. EX: A lot of students went to Mifflin in Madison this past weekend instead of staying on campus for Spring Jam.

8-10 student reps try and represent the interests, but in reality it's the average Joe student who needs to relay some opinions as well. Plus the big shots step in and shoot it down and decide to fund some other worthless initiative that is more "student friendly" that people routinely don't attend.

I also think an ROTC section, with everyone in their dress whites, blues, greys, blacks, etc. Would be really awesome and fill another section, because you damn well know they would show up.

Just my $.02

The Twin Cities campus is located in a major metro area and not being a college town hurts student involement. Students who don't live on campus rarely attend games or student functions they are more likely to study and go home. Before the Twin Cities grew to 3.2 million people this area was a college town with a major football force. If Kill can get the Gophers to win then all bets are off. It can be done.

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