Gophers worst games in the past 10 years

Go Gophers Rah

Section 238 Row 21
Nov 13, 2008
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Just some fodder until summer practice time.

I was at many of the most "heartbreaking" losses such as Michigan in 2003 and Texas Tech in 2006. But those were competive losses to pretty good teams. Here are my Top 10 most humiliating losses in the past 10 years (1998 - present):

1) 55-0 loss to Iowa in 2008
2) 21-27 loss to NDSU in 2007
3) 17-23 loss to Ohio in 2000
4) 39-42 loss to FAU in 2007
5) 7-38 loss to Toledo in 2000
6) 6-29 loss to 3-9 Michigan in 2008 (they lost to a pathetic Toledo team)
7) 31-32 loss to BGSU in 2007
8 & 9) Losses to poor Indiana teams in 2000, 2004
10) 10-9 win over NDSU in 2006 (I know it was a win, but 10-9 come on!)

Lets hope there won't be any 2009 losses to add to the list!

I don't approve of this message. Bury it and move on. It is a new season in a new stadium.

I have a nomination

a nomination for worst post ever. You are the front-runner.


I don't approve of this message. Bury it and move on. It is a new season in a new stadium.
Give the guy a break, kool-aid gulper. He didn't even say anything disparaging about your hero. The Mary Poppins & the Guardians of Positivity on this site are too much! I'll go with:

1. Michigan 2003--league of its own

2. NW 2000 & 2008
3. WI 2008
4. NDSU 2007
5. IA 2008

Give the guy a break, kool-aid gulper. He didn't even say anything disparaging about your hero. The Mary Poppins & the Guardians of Positivity on this site are too much! I'll go with:

1. Michigan 2003--league of its own

2. NW 2000 & 2008
3. WI 2008
4. NDSU 2007
5. IA 2008

Would you really call NW 2008 one of the most humiliating? It was a bad collapse but I wouldn't say it changed anyone's perception of the team.

Give the guy a break, kool-aid gulper. He didn't even say anything disparaging about your hero. The Mary Poppins & the Guardians of Positivity on this site are too much! I'll go with:

1. Michigan 2003--league of its own

2. NW 2000 & 2008
3. WI 2008
4. NDSU 2007
5. IA 2008

Who is gulping Kool-Aid. I just said there is no point in rehashing it. Why would you want to focus on the negative?

And PantherHawk, WI 2008 is nothing compared to WI 2005. Purdue ~2002 would also be on the list...that is the infamous game where the Big Ten sent the apology for calling the WR out of bounds in the end zone in OT and tried to blame it on the way the end zone was painted.


Who is gulping Kool-Aid. I just said there is no point in rehashing it. Why would you want to focus on the negative?

And PantherHawk, WI 2008 is nothing compared to WI 2005. Purdue ~2002 would also be on the list...that is the infamous game where the Big Ten sent the apology for calling the WR out of bounds in the end zone in OT and tried to blame it on the way the end zone was painted.

No one is focused on anything. I believe he qualified his initial post as,"Just some fodder until summer practice time."

WI 2005? Ah yes, make sure its one we can blame on Mason!

Whats Pantherhawk?

I wasn't trying to start a pro/anti Brewster thread or invite the trolls to participate.

I think I heard a saying once kind of like, "you can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been."

Personally, the 2006 "victory" over NDSU felt more dejecting than the 2007 loss. At least in 2007 we knew there was potential for growth in coming years. 2006 felt like a total surprise to me. I thought we'd win that game by 30 points.

I wasn't trying to start a pro/anti Brewster thread or invite the trolls to participate.

I think I heard a saying once kind of like, "you can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been."

Personally, the 2006 "victory" over NDSU felt more dejecting than the 2007 loss. At least in 2007 we knew there was potential for growth in coming years. 2006 felt like a total surprise to me. I thought we'd win that game by 30 points.

I think the 2006 game exposed that we really didn't have very much talent. NDSU ran up and down the field on us that day and the only reason we won was because their kicker missed an extra point and a chip shot field goal in the red zone. That 2006 team was the only team I am aware of in modern football to lead the country in turnover margin and finish the season under .500. I don't know why people are surprised that we did so poorly in 2007 after we lost so many starters from that team including a 3rd year starting QB that rarely turned the ball over.

I think its ok to talk about these games, its what had made us so strong, and will make our rise to more success even sweeter. How could we still be such big fans after witnessing such horrible things? well...I dont know, but we are, and we arent going anywhere. Maybe its just a testament to our own perseverance.

For me, Michigan comeback in '03, and the block punt wisky game in '05 are the worst. Both of those games had the potential to make our season and couldve springboarded us to Jan. 1st bowl game.

No one is focused on anything. I believe he qualified his initial post as,"Just some fodder until summer practice time."

WI 2005? Ah yes, make sure its one we can blame on Mason!

Whats Pantherhawk?

I don't care about blaming one coach or another. It hurts more to rush for 411 yards and lose when your punter fumbles a snap leading to a blocked punt for a TD at home.

Wasn't the 2008 game tied going in to the 4th quarter? The team made mistakes including 2 fumbles inside the 20 late in the 3rd quarter or early in the 4th. As I recall, late in the 4th we marched down the field for a TD and then got another chance that we failed to score on in the last 2 minutes. It is easier to take a loss on the road when you fail to score at the end than to lose at home in the last 30 seconds of the game on a blocked punt.

It may not have been the worst game ever but it most certainly was the worst half of football ever, and sitting there watching with other fans I have never seen a more disheartened and dazed group of people in my life

Insight Bowl Texas Tech 2006

I think there are three games all Gophers fans can agree are in that top list of worst games the past 10 years.

1) 2003 Michigan - IMO, any Gopher fan that doesn't put this game #1 either wasn't a Gopher fan during that year or has stored it away in a dark, dark place never to be heard or seen of again lol. We were top 15, undefeated, in a packed Dome on a special Friday night game. The setting was unbelievable and then to blow it....ugh.
2) 2006 Texas Tech - A complete disaster and a game that will be discussed in the future for the simple reason that it was the worst bowl collapse ever. The reason this doesn't rank #1 is because we were a 6-6 team that was barely even bowl eligible anyway, so it was kinda like, eh. The setting just doesn't come close to matching the Michigan game.
3) 2005 Wisconsin - Just brutal. B.R.U.T.A.L.

5) 7-38 loss to Toledo in 2000

The 38-7 loss to Toledo was in 2001, and Toledo went 10-2 that year with a Motor City Bowl win over Cincinnati. They also finished the season ranked 22/23. This was a 4-7 Gophers team that just plain wasn't very good.

This one needs to be struck from the list.

The 38-7 loss to Toledo was in 2001, and Toledo went 10-2 that year with a Motor City Bowl win over Cincinnati. They also finished the season ranked 22/23. This was a 4-7 Gophers team that just plain wasn't very good.

This one needs to be struck from the list.

It can stay on the list because:
1) It was the first game of the year and we had just come off back to back bowl seasons. Perception was we were on the uptick.
2) Losing by 31 points to a MAC school is inexcusible regardless of how good Toledo was.
3) The game wasn't even as "close" as the 38-7 score indicates. It was 17-0 in the 1st quarter...24-0 early in the 2nd and our only TD came in scrub time.

That loss was BAD.

I wasn't trying to start a pro/anti Brewster thread or invite the trolls to participate.

I think I heard a saying once kind of like, "you can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been."

Personally, the 2006 "victory" over NDSU felt more dejecting than the 2007 loss. At least in 2007 we knew there was potential for growth in coming years. 2006 felt like a total surprise to me. I thought we'd win that game by 30 points.

I can see your point about the 2006 NDSU game, but I disagree. I'd rather play a bad game and find a way to win, than play a "good one" (e.g., rushing for over 400 yards) and find a way to lose (to Mich and WI).

No one is focused on anything. I believe he qualified his initial post as,"Just some fodder until summer practice time."

WI 2005? Ah yes, make sure its one we can blame on Mason!

Whats Pantherhawk?

I don't think Mason has anything to do with it. That Wisconsin game in 2005 was a kick to the junk. The one last year, considering we were in Madison and showed quite a bit of progress, was MUCH easier to stomach.

I was at both, and they really aren't even comparable.

It seems to me that by suggesting it is about Mason, you are just showing your true colors. You want to make sure it is one you can blame on Brewster. Funny how all your choices other than Michigan 2003 were Brewster games. I can't even fathom not putting Wisconsin 2005 or Texas Tech 2006 in there.

For the record, Brewster has had some pretty bad ones himself. It isn't about the coach, it is about the team.

Wasn't there another epic collapse against Ohio ST? In the eighties?
All time worst game discussions start and end with Michigan 2003.
2nd worst punch to the sack was the Wisconsin fumbled punt snap.
Those two are far and away the two worst losses.
What about the Purdue game with the FG team getting on the field in less than a second.

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