Gophers seeing increased demand for football tickets; U said Friday their season-ticket total is up nearly 2,000 to 23,636 as of Aug. 1.

What was it? I'd be willing to pay maybe $300 to $400 for season tix, if that was the TOTAL expense. Like others say, home is more convenient. Now if they had that standing room only area like wisconsin is doing, I'd pay $100/game to be there where I can move around easily and get drinks from a bartender.

Looks like the expansion of the stadium to 80K won’t be happening anytime soon, or ever. Hopefully we can start getting consistent 51K sellout crowds soon.

Looks like the expansion of the stadium to 80K won’t be happening anytime soon, or ever. Hopefully we can start getting consistent 51K sellout crowds soon.
Plans are already in the works.

It will be announced after they reinstall and remove the heating Coyles during the state fair.

assuming Gaard is quoting Coyle accurately:

if Gophs are "over 3,000 more than in 2019," that would put them somewhere around 24,700 or more.

But Coyle said they have sold "5,000 new season tickets." If you do the math, that would mean that roughly 2,000 people either dropped or did not renew their season tickets.

5,000 new - 2,000 lost = net gain of 3,000.

I assume the ticket office does at least some research/questioning to determine why people drop season tickets. would be interesting to hear the reasons being given.

assuming Gaard is quoting Coyle accurately:

if Gophs are "over 3,000 more than in 2019," that would put them somewhere around 24,700 or more.

But Coyle said they have sold "5,000 new season tickets." If you do the math, that would mean that roughly 2,000 people either dropped or did not renew their season tickets.

5,000 new - 2,000 lost = net gain of 3,000.

I assume the ticket office does at least some research/questioning to determine why people drop season tickets. would be interesting to hear the reasons being given.
They typically plan for about a 5% non-renewal rate. Given that it's been two years and there was an intervening global pandemic, 2,000 lost seats sounds likely a reasonable number. (Last year you could "suspend" your account without losing your priority level and years of seniority, I don't believe that is true this year.) I think that they normally do try to follow up with those who drop their seats, don't know what they hear or if they ever publish those results. I am sure that there is some segment of the fan base that isn't comfortable with the idea of returning to crowded spaces given the current status of the virus, mask (or lack of mask) requirements, vaccination levels, etc.

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