Gophers reverse roles on once-vaunted Nebraska - From Omaha World Herald


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Nov 12, 2008
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Ever heard of Henry Williams and Bernie Bierman? In the first half of the 20th century, they coached Minnesota football for 38 combined years. They won 75 percent of their games — and combined for six national championships.

In 1960, the Gophers beat Nebraska in Lincoln and went on to win another national championship, their seventh. Then the damnedest thing happened.

A new football king emerged on the Great Plains. Devaney and Osborne became the new Williams and Bierman.

And for 36 years — from Los Angeles to South Bend, Ind., from Norman, Okla., to the Canadian border — there wasn't a program that could hang with Nebraska. The Huskers built an empire, winning 83 percent of their games and five national titles.

That's the era in which I was born — maybe you, too. Had you told me growing up in the '80s and '90s that Minnesota dominated college football during my grandfather's time, I would've thought you were talking about Hayden Fox's Screaming Eagles.

After 1960, the Gophers lost their way, momentarily at first, then permanently. Coach after coach (including Lou Holtz) tried to find the path back to the glory years until everybody just kind of forgot about 'em.

Just because it was doesn't mean it will be.

Minnesota and Nebraska met again Saturday. And for the first time in 53 years, the Gophers prevailed. The last 3½ quarters, they made NU look like the worst 5-2 team in the country. They stole Wisconsin's Big Ten championship game plan and pounded Nebraska's chin straps all day. NU looked like a program that believed it could show up, put on the uniform and win by default.

We can critique Tim Beck's play-calling* or Rick Kaczenski's defensive line. We can break down the offense's alarming lack of poise or the defense's stunning lack of backbone. We can study Taylor Martinez's tender toes and ask how a team coming off a bye week looked so embarrassingly underprepared. All are issues worthy of analysis.

(*The fact that Nebraska tailbacks had 21 carries versus Martinez's 30-plus dropbacks defies logic. Yes, Minnesota was playing NU receivers one-on-one, daring Beck to throw. But when Martinez is off target and Ameer Abdullah is averaging 8.7 yards per carry, give No. 8 the ball.)

But at the end of the day, I come back to this truth: If I had put Nebraska and Minnesota in shirts and skins, you wouldn't have known which one has decades of tradition and which one doesn't

Match up the same teams next Saturday and there's no reason to think the same thing wouldn't happen. The Gophers were better. More intelligent. More disciplined. More focused. More intense. Better.

Ever heard of Henry Williams and Bernie Bierman? In the first half of the 20th century, they coached Minnesota football for 38 combined years. They won 75 percent of their games — and combined for six national championships.

In 1960, the Gophers beat Nebraska in Lincoln and went on to win another national championship, their seventh. Then the damnedest thing happened.

A new football king emerged on the Great Plains. Devaney and Osborne became the new Williams and Bierman.

And for 36 years — from Los Angeles to South Bend, Ind., from Norman, Okla., to the Canadian border — there wasn't a program that could hang with Nebraska. The Huskers built an empire, winning 83 percent of their games and five national titles.

That's the era in which I was born — maybe you, too. Had you told me growing up in the '80s and '90s that Minnesota dominated college football during my grandfather's time, I would've thought you were talking about Hayden Fox's Screaming Eagles.

After 1960, the Gophers lost their way, momentarily at first, then permanently. Coach after coach (including Lou Holtz) tried to find the path back to the glory years until everybody just kind of forgot about 'em.

Just because it was doesn't mean it will be.

Minnesota and Nebraska met again Saturday. And for the first time in 53 years, the Gophers prevailed. The last 3½ quarters, they made NU look like the worst 5-2 team in the country. They stole Wisconsin's Big Ten championship game plan and pounded Nebraska's chin straps all day. NU looked like a program that believed it could show up, put on the uniform and win by default.

We can critique Tim Beck's play-calling* or Rick Kaczenski's defensive line. We can break down the offense's alarming lack of poise or the defense's stunning lack of backbone. We can study Taylor Martinez's tender toes and ask how a team coming off a bye week looked so embarrassingly underprepared. All are issues worthy of analysis.

(*The fact that Nebraska tailbacks had 21 carries versus Martinez's 30-plus dropbacks defies logic. Yes, Minnesota was playing NU receivers one-on-one, daring Beck to throw. But when Martinez is off target and Ameer Abdullah is averaging 8.7 yards per carry, give No. 8 the ball.)

But at the end of the day, I come back to this truth: If I had put Nebraska and Minnesota in shirts and skins, you wouldn't have known which one has decades of tradition and which one doesn't

Match up the same teams next Saturday and there's no reason to think the same thing wouldn't happen. The Gophers were better. More intelligent. More disciplined. More focused. More intense. Better.

Good article --- thanks for that. The Gophers kind of reminded me of Northwestern when they were starting to get good. Everyone thought it would be an easy win, but Northwestern would go in and beat them by just being smarter and executing better. To be honest, Minnesota clearly looked like the better team and there was no "luck" involved.

Like one poster said here yesterday, the players are starting to play better and are far more comfortable with the Kill/Claeys/Limegrover system, and trust in each other.

"You are better than you think you are" (Jerry Kill).

In my estimation, this process would take four years. However, they are starting to show signs that they are beginning to click on all cylinders.

Let's hope and pray that Coach Kill will keep his seizures under control, and that the team continue to make progress to climb out of the abyss that they have been mired in since I was a toddler!

Winning is infectious. Winning attracts better recruits!


I think that's something you have got to do for a team that lacks confidence - you have to build them up and make them believe in themselves. That isn't always an easy thing to do. It's a little easier to do when you beat a Nebraska and it's a little easier getting people to go to the gym and work harder at getting better when they do. This is probably the best Gopher football coaching staff since the mid 80's when Lou Holtz and his very good staff that moved on to Wisconsin and Notre Dame but that probably isn't saying too much!

"Winning is infectious. Winning attracts better recruits!"

If by "better" you mean the type of recruits we had on the field yesterday -- coachable, inspired, disciplined, loyal -- I agree completely. If you are implying that we need to recruit high-star, one-year, NFL-auditioning hot dogs then I disagree.

"Winning is infectious. Winning attracts better recruits!"

If by "better" you mean the type of recruits we had on the field yesterday -- coachable, inspired, disciplined, loyal -- I agree completely. If you are implying that we need to recruit high-star, one-year, NFL-auditioning hot dogs then I disagree.

There are a lot of hard working, great teammate 4 & 5 star recruits out there...don't hate them because they are beautiful.

"Winning is infectious. Winning attracts better recruits!"

If by "better" you mean the type of recruits we had on the field yesterday -- coachable, inspired, disciplined, loyal -- I agree completely. If you are implying that we need to recruit high-star, one-year, NFL-auditioning hot dogs then I disagree.

You have got to be proud of the Gopher football team and the job they did and you simply can't ask for more heart, loyalty and inspired play that they put on. However, Hungan1 is right - we need to get bigger, faster and better if we want to improve and wins attract that type of talent. I know it sure makes recruiting a whole lot easier!!!!

I don't hate that kind of talent, I just don't think it belongs in college football. I like what we're doing -- I like D2 football. I'd like the pros to develop their own minor leagues like baseball and take the non-academic kids right away and develop them there. Let the colleges be 4-5 year guys, some of whom will develop into pro players as do college baseball players. This method would stop the academic and other cheating, would allow more worthy kids to play college football, and would raise the prestige of our programs.

I don't hate that kind of talent, I just don't think it belongs in college football. I like what we're doing -- I like D2 football. I'd like the pros to develop their own minor leagues like baseball and take the non-academic kids right away and develop them there. Let the colleges be 4-5 year guys, some of whom will develop into pro players as do college baseball players. This method would shop the academic and other cheating, would allow more worthy kids to play college football, and would raise the prestige of our programs.

Of course we should be having that discussion NOW? Don't know you personally, but if you can't enjoy what happened yesterday rather then turn it into a couple of bitter posts about the Pros...

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