Gopher's Offense


Sep 1, 2011
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Along with a lot of folks I was pretty frustrated with our showing last Saturday. As I listened to the different things Kill talked about over the course of the week I thought he said a lot of the right things; much of it coach speak but if you listen between the lines what I took from it was: He has a system that he and Limegrover and the rest of his staff run. They've run it for years and they have faith in it. Execution was lacking against Iowa and they're going to coach the kids up and execution is going to get better. In the meantime, any of us hoping for them to change things up in any signficant fashion might be waiting for a long time. Kill is very strong in his belief that his systems have worked in the past and that they'll work here as well it'll just take some more work.

What I really take from that is it's no use beating our heads against the wall when they come out and do what they do; even if it's not working that well, because they do what they do. Hopefully, they'll put a wrinkle or two in where needed (run a bubble screen now and again, for example) but their zone read offense out of the gun will be the mainstay and by God they're going to run it until they get it right. I honestly think we may give away a game or two or three while our coaches and players work on their execution and I guess time will tell how this will play out over the next year or two but it kinda is what it is. Realizing same and accepting it maybe (maybe) will help my blood pressure stay under control better when our O struggles, but keeps running the same plays in the same patterns like we've seen them do the past couple of years.

I wouldn't complain at all if they actually ran their system against Iowa. The problem is that they didn't.

I wouldn't complain at all if they actually ran their system against Iowa. The problem is that they didn't.

Yep. I get the strong feeling that they do not trust the offense to do much.

That's what had me so frustrated watching the Iowa game. MN has a system that functions best with a good running QB, but against Iowa, it looked like Nelson did not want to run with the ball, making the offense very predictable.

If the coaches say Nelson was 100%, then why didn't he at least try to run? And if he wasn't 100%, then why didn't they give Leidner at least a series or two to see what he could do?

If the offense doesn't look any better against Michigan, the bandwagon-jumpers will be exiting left and right.

That's what had me so frustrated watching the Iowa game. MN has a system that functions best with a good running QB, but against Iowa, it looked like Nelson did not want to run with the ball, making the offense very predictable.

If the coaches say Nelson was 100%, then why didn't he at least try to run? And if he wasn't 100%, then why didn't they give Leidner at least a series or two to see what he could do?

If the offense doesn't look any better against Michigan, the bandwagon-jumpers will be exiting left and right.

he wasn't 100%. nelson said as much. i'll give kill credit for standing by his guy when the pick was made, but i'm not sure it was the right one in the first place.

Along with a lot of folks I was pretty frustrated with our showing last Saturday. As I listened to the different things Kill talked about over the course of the week I thought he said a lot of the right things; much of it coach speak but if you listen between the lines what I took from it was: He has a system that he and Limegrover and the rest of his staff run. They've run it for years and they have faith in it. Execution was lacking against Iowa and they're going to coach the kids up and execution is going to get better. In the meantime, any of us hoping for them to change things up in any signficant fashion might be waiting for a long time. Kill is very strong in his belief that his systems have worked in the past and that they'll work here as well it'll just take some more work.

What I really take from that is it's no use beating our heads against the wall when they come out and do what they do; even if it's not working that well, because they do what they do. Hopefully, they'll put a wrinkle or two in where needed (run a bubble screen now and again, for example) but their zone read offense out of the gun will be the mainstay and by God they're going to run it until they get it right. I honestly think we may give away a game or two or three while our coaches and players work on their execution and I guess time will tell how this will play out over the next year or two but it kinda is what it is. Realizing same and accepting it maybe (maybe) will help my blood pressure stay under control better when our O struggles, but keeps running the same plays in the same patterns like we've seen them do the past couple of years.

True enough - and what is more or less his system is still working at Northern Illinois, which beat Iowa earlier. But the Gophers were so manhandled by Iowa that I had a vision of 1-7 or 0-8 in conference this year and next. We'll know a lot more after Saturday - and if the Gophers upset a couple of teams (Indiana, Penn St, MSU?) they'll be back in a bowl and critics will likely back off.

True enough - and what is more or less his system is still working at Northern Illinois, which beat Iowa earlier. But the Gophers were so manhandled by Iowa that I had a vision of 1-7 or 0-8 in conference this year and next. We'll know a lot more after Saturday - and if the Gophers upset a couple of teams (Indiana, Penn St, MSU?) they'll be back in a bowl and critics will likely back off.

This last part. We, as fans, just have to take it week by week and hope for improvement. Easier said than done, I think.

And if you repeat the same mistakes over and over again, you'll master those mistakes.

Repetition tends to lead to mastery.

I trust Kill & Co. The kids are learning the fundamentals and in due time the Gophers will compete on a weekly basis. I'd enjoy more creativity and deception in the offense, but at this point I'll just take a win any way we can get it.

Hard to get much of anything from our "system" when our O-line was so dominated by the D-line against IA.

Truth is the reads in the zone read don't work when the DE & 2 other guys are breaking through the line. At that point I'd give it the back as well.

Plus our IA didn't respect our passing game at all (for good reason) and that left them with an extra man in the box. So even when the DE took the back and the QB held it, there was a guy on him instantly.

We have to be able to throw against 8 man fronts and do it at 70% completion rates. We just didn't against IA and it cost us. The second half had IA just trying to not make mistakes...otherwise we would have lost by 30.

Along with a lot of folks I was pretty frustrated with our showing last Saturday. As I listened to the different things Kill talked about over the course of the week I thought he said a lot of the right things; much of it coach speak but if you listen between the lines what I took from it was: He has a system that he and Limegrover and the rest of his staff run. They've run it for years and they have faith in it. Execution was lacking against Iowa and they're going to coach the kids up and execution is going to get better. In the meantime, any of us hoping for them to change things up in any signficant fashion might be waiting for a long time. Kill is very strong in his belief that his systems have worked in the past and that they'll work here as well it'll just take some more work.

What I really take from that is it's no use beating our heads against the wall when they come out and do what they do; even if it's not working that well, because they do what they do. Hopefully, they'll put a wrinkle or two in where needed (run a bubble screen now and again, for example) but their zone read offense out of the gun will be the mainstay and by God they're going to run it until they get it right. I honestly think we may give away a game or two or three while our coaches and players work on their execution and I guess time will tell how this will play out over the next year or two but it kinda is what it is. Realizing same and accepting it maybe (maybe) will help my blood pressure stay under control better when our O struggles, but keeps running the same plays in the same patterns like we've seen them do the past couple of years.

Where i have a problem is, our OL is supposed to be the biggest and better than the past few years(kids growing and getting better) to this point Iowa pointed out that they are not what I expected. I hope Kill and Matt can coach them up? this system will work only if the DL is not dominating your OL.
If our guys cant win that battle then no matter what We think as fans the staff is going to continue to call the same plays and get the same outcome.

It doesn't help that the starting LT is a RS Freshman that was NOWHERE on the 2-deeps just a few weeks ago. I'm no rocket scientist but LT is KIND of an important part of the line.

Just how much do they miss Big Ed Olson? Was he only in a dead heat with Marek early in camp because he already wasn't 100%, and is only worse now? Maybe we're understating the impact of not having the elder statesman of the O-Line available and productive.

GopherinPhilly hit the nail on the head; they HAVE to be able to throw, and with a high completion percentage, when there are 8 in the box. Period. I think they can. We'll see...

Lauer has been on the 2-deeps for every game this season.

I guess it depends on what your definitions of "2-deeps" is but if it's the 2-deep roster that Gopher Sports puts out for each game, Ben Lauer is NOT listed at LT. He's listed as a backup to Campion at RT, but nowhere to be found at LT.

Perhaps you would have been more satisfied if I had just left it at the fact that Lauer's a RS Freshman, he'd never played in a BT game before, and appears to not have been in the plans at ALL at LT at the start of the season. That being said, I'm glad to have been able to toss you a softball at which you could take a good hearty swing. I'm here to help!

he wasn't 100%. nelson said as much. i'll give kill credit for standing by his guy when the pick was made, but i'm not sure it was the right one in the first place.

If Nelson wasn't 100% then he shouldn't be in there.:rolleyes:

I guess it depends on what your definitions of "2-deeps" is but if it's the 2-deep roster that Gopher Sports puts out for each game, Ben Lauer is NOT listed at LT. He's listed as a backup to Campion at RT, but nowhere to be found at LT.

Perhaps you would have been more satisfied if I had just left it at the fact that Lauer's a RS Freshman, he'd never played in a BT game before, and appears to not have been in the plans at ALL at LT at the start of the season. That being said, I'm glad to have been able to toss you a softball at which you could take a good hearty swing. I'm here to help!

Lauer has been on the 2-deeps for every game this season.

Hard to get much of anything from our "system" when our O-line was so dominated by the D-line against IA.

Truth is the reads in the zone read don't work when the DE & 2 other guys are breaking through the line. At that point I'd give it the back as well.

Plus our IA didn't respect our passing game at all (for good reason) and that left them with an extra man in the box. So even when the DE took the back and the QB held it, there was a guy on him instantly.

We have to be able to throw against 8 man fronts and do it at 70% completion rates. We just didn't against IA and it cost us. The second half had IA just trying to not make mistakes...otherwise we would have lost by 30.

Nine of the top ten QBs in the B1G range from 62% to 77% completion rates. Not in the top ten, we are about 50%.

Lauer has been on the 2-deeps for every game this season.

Since you like to correct people on minute details, do you have proof of being GopherHole 2010 MVP? If not, you should take it down because it's as incorrect as the things you point out as false.

for the 1st 4 games our QB'S have run 20 plus times. Now this can be how the read goes, but I went back and looked at the tape, and there were numerous times that the keep was open and Nelson gave it to the back with no hole at all.

Michigan State is having no problem moving the ball against Iowa & we all see how stagnant their Offense looked in NC play...

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