Gophers had biggest drop in B1G on cost of recruiting compared to 2010


2010: $615,063
2011: $348,609

Go Gophers!!

Warning: Brewster Bashing Ahead.

What did the biggest recruiting budget in the B1G get us? A local 4* in Gjere. Several 3* that are no longer with us (Parish, Eggen, Hill, etc) and very little depth in skill positions. Perhaps going around in a helicopter had something to do with it.

He was always "sold" as a great recruiter - I see a lot of money spent for very little results. 4-years of embarrassment are now gone and we have a real coach.

Having a pretty talented and large in-state class does help save on the gas money.

We're not paying for all the scouting services Brewster employed any more.

Hopefully we are paying Zebrowski, Sawvell and Poore well because they work their ass off recruiting. We also do not bring in that many visitors we are not serius about.

Warning: Brewster Bashing Ahead.

What did the biggest recruiting budget in the B1G get us? A local 4* in Gjere. Several 3* that are no longer with us (Parish, Eggen, Hill, etc) and very little depth in skill positions. Perhaps going around in a helicopter had something to do with it.

He was always "sold" as a great recruiter - I see a lot of money spent for very little results. 4-years of embarrassment are now gone and we have a real coach.

So we can assume at least 7 wins in year 2, even if Kill's best player gets injured? Why were you embarrassed by Brewster's 3-5 Big Ten records and trips to the Insight Bowl, but not by the previous 3 decades of Gopher football'?

...What did the biggest recruiting budget in the B1G get us? A local 4* in Gjere. Several 3* that are no longer with us (Parish, Eggen, Hill, etc) and very little depth in skill positions. Perhaps going around in a helicopter had something to do with it.

He was always "sold" as a great recruiter - I see a lot of money spent for very little results. 4-years of embarrassment are now gone and we have a real coach.

No $#!T...

Remember 4 years ago when brewster was hailed for his great recruiting class of 2008 (the electrifying Harold Howell was brought in the year before)?

He signed 31 guys (28 or 29 actually showed up) in 2008...and we were told to sit back and watch in amazement...especially in years 3 and 4 (2010 and 2011) the program would return to prominence...

What happened in year #3? 3-9, and the brew was mercifully canned in mid-season before he was further humiliated...

What happened in year #4? more 3-9...

How many Gophers were invited to the NFL Combine in Indy in the spring of 2012? That's right...ZERO.

Doggone right brewster was oversold...and, to a lesser degree, his recruiting prowess continues to be oversold today.

Glad Jerry Kill is here...

No $#!T...

Remember 4 years ago when brewster was hailed for his great recruiting class of 2008 (the electrifying Harold Howell was brought in the year before)?

He signed 31 guys (28 or 29 actually showed up) in 2008...and we were told to sit back and watch in amazement...especially in years 3 and 4 (2010 and 2011) the program would return to prominence...

What happened in year #3? 3-9, and the brew was mercifully canned in mid-season before he was further humiliated...

What happened in year #4? more 3-9...

How many Gophers were invited to the NFL Combine in Indy in the spring of 2012? That's right...ZERO.

Doggone right brewster was oversold...and, to a lesser degree, his recruiting prowess continues to be oversold today.

Glad Jerry Kill is here...

That '08 class looked great on signing day, but the players that actually showed up in August were no top 25 recruiting class. If I recall about half of the 4 star recruits never even made it to school.

No $#!T...

Remember 4 years ago when brewster was hailed for his great recruiting class of 2008 (the electrifying Harold Howell was brought in the year before)?

He signed 31 guys (28 or 29 actually showed up) in 2008...and we were told to sit back and watch in amazement...especially in years 3 and 4 (2010 and 2011) the program would return to prominence...

What happened in year #3? 3-9, and the brew was mercifully canned in mid-season before he was further humiliated...

What happened in year #4? more 3-9...

How many Gophers were invited to the NFL Combine in Indy in the spring of 2012? That's right...ZERO.

Doggone right brewster was oversold...and, to a lesser degree, his recruiting prowess continues to be oversold today.

Glad Jerry Kill is here...

Actually, in year 3, Brewster went to a bowl game for the second year in a row, finishing 6-7 after a 1 point loss to Iowa State.

After spending most of the summer of 2010 burning down orphanages and stealing from charities, he went 1-6 in 2010 before being fired midseason. Interim coach Jeff Horton then lost three straight before winning the last two games of the season at Illinois and at TCF against #24 Iowa.

That '08 class looked great on signing day, but the players that actually showed up in August were no top 25 recruiting class. If I recall about half of the 4 star recruits never even made it to school.

But according to some on this board, he was a "great" recruiter because he got players to sign on the dotted line Feb. 1. In their eyes, it makes no difference whether the recruits were able to suit up for practice come August, nevermind staying out of trouble and academically eligible for 4-5 years.

Actually, in year 3, Brewster went to a bowl game for the second year in a row, finishing 6-7 after a 1 point loss to Iowa State.

After spending most of the summer of 2010 burning down orphanages and stealing from charities, he went 1-6 in 2010 before being fired midseason. Interim coach Jeff Horton then lost three straight before winning the last two games of the season at Illinois and at TCF against #24 Iowa.

I was referring to years #3 and #4 of the recruiting class of 2008 being on campus, not of the brewster disaster.

That '08 class looked great on signing day, but the players that actually showed up in August were no top 25 recruiting class. If I recall about half of the 4 star recruits never even made it to school.

Actually of seven four stars, one didn't make it, two were JUCOs and three look to be starters this season.

Actually, in year 3, Brewster went to a bowl game for the second year in a row, finishing 6-7 after a 1 point loss to Iowa State.

After spending most of the summer of 2010 burning down orphanages and stealing from charities, he went 1-6 in 2010 before being fired midseason. Interim coach Jeff Horton then lost three straight before winning the last two games of the season at Illinois and at TCF against #24 Iowa.


Wacker - nice guy, enthusiastic - over his head as a D1 head coach.

Brewster - nice guy, enthusiastic - over his head as a D1 head coach.

So, someone tell me - why is Brewster reviled on this board, while Wacker is spoken of fondly (or at least not savaged like Brewster)?

As several people have pointed out, year 2 and 3 of Brew-ball were very typical of an average Gopher Season for the past 30+ years. Not great, but won enough games to go to a low-level bowl game. Yes, it ended poorly, but I still don't get the level of vitriol directed at Brewster. It didn't work out - give it a rest - hope for better times in the future.

The Wacker era ended 16 years ago. Perhaps 16 from now, people might remember Brewster more fondly. Wacker took over a team that won two games, and kept them near that level of performance. Brewster took a team that won 6 games and then won 1 game his first year. He did produce a couple mediocre seasons in 2008 and 2009, but that 2007 soured a lot of people.

Actually of seven four stars, one didn't make it, two were JUCOs and three look to be starters this season.

I didn't look back again you're right on who was actually here to start the season. I had looked at Brew's 4 stars overall and his lack of success with them. Even in 2008 though he was about half successful, Gray, Cooper, Simmons were or are solid players for us, but Green, Hill, Maresh, and Pittman were not everything they were cracked up to be. Green still has a chance to prove he is worth it this year but his performance last year was not stellar (190 yards, 1 TD).

Wacker - nice guy, enthusiastic - over his head as a D1 head coach.

Brewster - nice guy, enthusiastic - over his head as a D1 head coach.

So, someone tell me - why is Brewster reviled on this board, while Wacker is spoken of fondly (or at least not savaged like Brewster)?

As several people have pointed out, year 2 and 3 of Brew-ball were very typical of an average Gopher Season for the past 30+ years. Not great, but won enough games to go to a low-level bowl game. Yes, it ended poorly, but I still don't get the level of vitriol directed at Brewster. It didn't work out - give it a rest - hope for better times in the future.

A lot of people actually didn't consider Brewster to even be a good guy, if I'm not mistaken. I don't think anyone can doubt, though, that he put his all into trying to better this program. He just didn't do a good job at it. Also, we're talking 90s versus nowadays. With all the media coverage and the overexposure every aspect of your program gets, and the "NOW" mentality of pretty much everything sports, it's not surprising that Brew wore people out, so to speak.

Wacker - nice guy, enthusiastic - over his head as a D1 head coach.

Brewster - nice guy, enthusiastic - over his head as a D1 head coach.

So, someone tell me - why is Brewster reviled on this board, while Wacker is spoken of fondly (or at least not savaged like Brewster)?

As several people have pointed out, year 2 and 3 of Brew-ball were very typical of an average Gopher Season for the past 30+ years. Not great, but won enough games to go to a low-level bowl game. Yes, it ended poorly, but I still don't get the level of vitriol directed at Brewster. It didn't work out - give it a rest - hope for better times in the future.

Because Brewster was hired by Maturi, and we all know how that goes.:)

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