GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Kill and Interim Head Coach Tracy Claeys


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Nov 20, 2008
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Minnesota’s former head coach, Jerry Kill, and Interim Head Coach Tracy Claeys were on this morning’s Sports Huddle. Kill appeared at his usual time slot, and Claeys was on at 10:330 a.m.

Jerry Kill:

Before turning the questioning over to Sid Hartman, Dave said to Jerry Kill: “You’ll always be coach.” (According to Dave, Kill is not former or ex-coach but coach.)

1) Sid alluded to the heart-wrenching loss to Michigan, however, his first question was health-related and has it improved:

“Yeah . . . seizure free Friday and Saturday – (I’m) doing better,” Kill answered. Apparently Kill experienced some difficulties on Wednesday, after his emotional press conference, and the following day.

2) Sid raised the topic of Kill having a position at the University of Minnesota:

As he said at his press conference, “I don’t know what I’ll do,” Kill replied.

Kill went onto say that it’s too soon - since his resignation for health reasons - to consider what he’ll do. He’s taking each day to getting better, which is his primary focus.

His closing remarks to Sid’s query were related to last night’s battle for the Little Brown Jug: “Kids played their tails off last night – I felt so bad for them . . . I love those kids up there.”

3) Sid asked if he saw himself coaching again:

Coach Kill was emphatic in his response. “I’m not going to do that . . . I’m going to listen to the doctors.” He also referenced a comment that he had made several times in the past – Minnesota would be his last coaching job.

4) Dave Mona mentioned the electric and enthusiastic atmosphere in TCF Bank Stadium last night, as well as the emotions leading up to and throughout the game, including the chants of Jerry, Jerry, Jerry and JerrySota:

Coach Kill said, “I watched every bit of it.” (At home.) He went onto say that it was the first time he had watched a game in its entirety of a team that he had coached. He also said it was an emotional evening for him and his wife, Rebecca: “How the kids played, I felt terrible.”

He then expressed feelings and gratefulness for the experiences that he’s enjoyed in Minnesota, “Players, coaches, you guys, everybody treated us well.”

For a brief moment of levity, Kill said as far as a job, now that he’s retired he could be Sid’s driver. (Laughing) “I can’t drive now (because of his recent seizures).”

5) Sid’s final comment was how much he was going to miss Coach Kill:

Kill’s final response on the Sports Huddle was emotion-laden. “The biggest thing, I’ll tell you, you and Dave – you guys have been great.” With heavy emotion in his voice, Kill said, “Sid, I love you more than you could ever know.”

Tracy Claeys:

1) Sid opened the segment congratulating Coach Claeys and his staff for their game against Michigan, especially after undergoing some difficult times with Kill’s sudden resignation. He then asked about the last 19 seconds and had they considered a field goal:

Claeys was emphatic in his response. He said if they had been a few yards out they would have gone for a field goal; however, because they were at the ½ yard line he said going for a touchdown was the right call. Although, he also said the clock management was not good and he took the blame for that phase of the game.

Minnesota tried to confuse the Wolverines with the shifting (which took a lot of time off the clock) and then throwing back to the tight end. When the play failed - “it took longer than we thought” - there were two seconds on the clock, time for one play – Leidner’s quarterback sneak – which was stuffed short of the goal line.

2) Sid asked for Claeys’ opinion of Leidner’s play last night:

Claeys was very complimentary when talking about Leidner, “He executed . . . stayed out of negative yardage.”

3) Dave Mona asked about (his words)the non-safety call:

Claeys acknowledged he questioned the non-call as well; a muffed punt. He said it’s a confusing rule and the officials also had to discuss the matter before making their call.

4) Dave Mona cited the play of KJ Maye and his clutch receptions and Leidner’s rushes:

He said Leidner’s reading of Michigan’s defense made his option in running effective.

As far as the team’s receptions, Claeys was complimentary about KJ Maye’s play and the other receivers: “Our kids were strong in their receptions . . . kids went up for balls.

On the negative side of things, Claeys said, “Field position and special teams hurt us.” (Short punts and the returns by Michigan.)

5) Sid wanted to know how they’ll be able to get up for Ohio State after losing a heart breaker to Michigan:

Claeys doesn’t seem too concerned about a let-down, and he believes the team will be ready for the Buckeyes. He talked about the team’s resilience after Kill’s mid-week announcement. Additionally, he said he expects the team to be ready and they should be, they’ll be playing in Ohio’s storied stadium; another opportunity.

6) Dave Mona asked about the recruits at last night’s game and their impressions:

Claeys was matter-of-fact in his response. “(They) had a great time . . . (those on) official visits are still here . . . They had a great time at the game. Claeys said he’d be meeting with the recruits who are here on their official visit.” He also said he told the recruits, “Play at Minnesota you represent the whole state . . . Great time to jump aboard.” He also mentioned the ground-breaking on Friday of the new sports facilities.

7) The question about the retention of the verbal commitments was raised:

Claeys said he feels good about the recruits that are committed, “At this time I do.” However, Claeys also acknowledged the uncertainty of the coaching situation can become a problem.

8) Dave Mona asked the final question, which was related to Claeys’ interest in the head coach position:

Claeys was emphatic in expressing his interest in the position, “There’s no question in my mind!” He and the coaches like it at Minnesota and want to remain here, according Claeys.

In closing, Claeys said he understood the process in selecting coaches at Minnesota and the need for a comfort level, “President Kaler and Beth (Beth Goetz Interim Athletic Director) - I want them to feel good, it’s a two-way street.”

Note: Although not official yet, the Tracy Claeys segment will probably be at 10:30 a.m., according to Dave Mona.

Go Gophers!!

Nice report...super thanks. He acknowledges mistakes and I believe he isn't going to blow those off.

If we win people here hail him a hero for running down the clock and giving Michigan no time. Now that we lost, people want his head and a new coach. Sometimes this is comical, TC didn't look outmatched against Michigan. He made a decision for the win and it didn't work. Yes very upsetting but sometimes that happens. Great Game last night. We hung with Michigan who has been unstoppable this year in defense and it came down to one play. I bet most here thought we would have been demolished.

thanks, much appreciated.

If we win people here hail him a hero for running down the clock and giving Michigan no time. Now that we lost, people want his head and a new coach. Sometimes this is comical, TC didn't look outmatched against Michigan. He made a decision for the win and it didn't work. Yes very upsetting but sometimes that happens. Great Game last night. We hung with Michigan who has been unstoppable this year in defense and it came down to one play. I bet most here thought we would have been demolished.

You must be on the wrong board. We don't much care for rational takes around here.

If we win people here hail him a hero for running down the clock and giving Michigan no time. Now that we lost, people want his head and a new coach. Sometimes this is comical, TC didn't look outmatched against Michigan. He made a decision for the win and it didn't work. Yes very upsetting but sometimes that happens. Great Game last night. We hung with Michigan who has been unstoppable this year in defense and it came down to one play. I bet most here thought we would have been demolished.

And many of those would have been having the same type of hissy fits if Claeys had decided to go for OT and we had lost in OT. Just hope the ones who said they were done with the Gophers stick to their word so we don't have to read their crap again.

Thanks, DL. You missed the part about Sid stating that Kill had leprosy #senile :)

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If we win people here hail him a hero for running down the clock and giving Michigan no time. Now that we lost, people want his head and a new coach. Sometimes this is comical, TC didn't look outmatched against Michigan. He made a decision for the win and it didn't work. Yes very upsetting but sometimes that happens. Great Game last night. We hung with Michigan who has been unstoppable this year in defense and it came down to one play. I bet most here thought we would have been demolished.
Well stated. I agree.

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