GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 3/8/15


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Nov 20, 2008
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Jerry Kill’s comments and responses to queries by Sid Hartman and Mike Max on this morning’s Sports Huddle.

1) Sid asked for any surprises, thus far, in spring practices: “I think, overall, surprises, it’s hard to say,” said Kill.

Kill, however, singled out a few players that have caught his eye during the first three days of spring ball:

“Drew Wolitarsky is back in form.” (Kill sounded upbeat when he mentioned Wolitarsky being back on the field.)

Jeff Borchardt is doing some real good things.” (Borchardt is a redshirt sophomore wide receiver from Medina, MN (Wayzata)). Kill mentioned another walkon player; however, I didn’t catch his name. If anyone knows the name given, please post.

Kill cited true freshman (2015 recruit) Tyler Moore, offensive lineman from Texas as having caught his attention.

Sophomore linebacker “Everett Williams – like what he’s done.”

Kill cited two other defensive players: JUCO transfer defensive back Ace Rogers and sophomore defensive lineman Hendrick “Hank” Ekpe; brother of defensive lineman Scott Ekpe.

2) Mike Max asked about senior runningback Roderick Williams – acknowledging his weight loss and being trim in body mass: Kill said Williams has been working hard in getting his weight down, but he will continue to be their physical back. He also said that Williams still has to learn how to be patient like David Cobb was in running the ball.

Kill sounded excited when he said, “Rodney Smith is a different type (of runner).”

Sounding positive, “Jeff Jones has a lot to learn (because of his long lay-off from football).”

He also sounded positive about Berkley Edwards’ abilities.

Kill sounded confident about the runningbacks that are attempting to replace David Cobb.

3) Sid then raised the topic of running a no-huddle offense this spring: “We’re doing some things fast in practice . . . different levels of speed,” replied Kill. He also said the game of college football has speeded up because of the offenses run and that many teams are running no-huddle offenses. So they’re trying to simulate what teams are doing and what they’ll be facing next fall.

Kill said the Gophers are different from many teams in the country because of their power running and play action offense. As a result, they’re trying to approach the different levels of speed in practice that they will encounter.

4) Sid asked about upcoming scrimmages: “This Thursday we’ll step it up,” said Kill. (I took his response to be physical-related drills that they’ll run in practice.)

There will be an interruption in spring drills at the end of the week because of spring break. However, Kill emphasized that there will be nine practice days remaining when they return from the spring break, including three Saturday practices. (The second-half of spring drills will include the public scrimmages.)

5) Sid asked how the team’s four quarterbacks are doing/performing this spring: “They’re doing well,” answered Kill.

Although he mentioned Mitch Leidner, Chis Streveler and others, most of his comments were about graduate assistant and former Gopher quarterback, Adam Weber: “What’s helping – bringing in Adam Weber . . . Nice addition of what we’re trying to do (at quarterback),” said Kill. Coach Kill sounded very pleased with Adam Weber having joined the coaching staff - his quarterback experience as a Gopher and his days in the NFL.

6) Mike Max asked today’s last question. Max wanted to know how coaches know what players are made for coaching: Kill responded with a number of ways a player gets into coaching that determine if the player is coaching material. He said some players will start their coaching careers in the lower divisions of college football. However, if a former player of college football decides he wants to coach at the Division I level, serving as a volunteer coach is an important avenue of getting one’s foot in the door: “Bill Glasscock (Director of Gopher football recruiting operations) volunteered for two years,” said Kill.

Also, if one wants to enter the coaching profession, you have to be willing to work long hours, including graduate assistants and volunteers.

Kill concluded the topic, once again, talking about new graduate assistant Adam Weber. “I’ve had my eyes on him since he played,” said Kill. Adam Weber was the Gopher quarterback when the Northern Illinois University Huskies – led by Jerry kill – defeated the Gophers ant TCF Bank Stadium (Brewster’s last year as head coach at the U).

He also said he hopes that there is more consistency in the Gopher quarterback play this year – no highs and lows.

Go Gophers!!

Noah Scarver was the other walk-on. He also said Hank could be a high round draft pick if he keeps improving.

Noah Scarver was the other walk-on. He also said Hank could be a high round draft pick if he keeps improving.

I heard the same thing. I can't remember who the person was but awhile back he was promoting Scarver as the answer to all our prayer at TE. Maybe he knows something.

I think the coaches all agree that DL65 will keep his starting spot.
Thanks, again, for being there for us!

Thanks DL! Does anyone recall the last time Norwood was on the Sports Huddle? It would be nice if Dave could make that happen sometime soon with the fundraising efforts in full gear. I know we'd provide a lot of good questions, including many that Barreiro doesn't cover with Norwood.

Noah Scarver walked on to the U, but originally was on scholarship at Montana, then transferred back here IIRC. He's a big boy, listed at 6'5" 270 or so

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Thanks DL! Does anyone recall the last time Norwood was on the Sports Huddle? It would be nice if Dave could make that happen sometime soon with the fundraising efforts in full gear. I know we'd provide a lot of good questions, including many that Barreiro doesn't cover with Norwood.

It seems like all he talks about with him is music

"He also said he hopes that there is more consistency in the Gopher quarterback play this year – no highs and lows."

Can we just keep the highs and get rid of the lows? I liked the highs...

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