GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Coach Jerry Kill - 1/19/14


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Nov 20, 2008
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Coach Kill had an abbreviated segment on today’s Sports Huddle. He stressed in his comments the importance of recruiting and how busy they are in recruiting, including the players that have committed to the Gophers.

1) Dave Mona opened today's show talking briefly about the recent NCAA meetings that Kill and President Kaler attended along with their counterparts. Sid asked for Kill’s thoughts on players being paid: Kill said where they’re presently at with large revenues being made by the participating schools that student athletes should receive a payment (similar to what one receives at a summer job) that would allow the players to fly home, if necessary, as well as covering basic/personal expenses. He was emphatic when he said they shouldn’t be paid as though they’re professionals.

Kill expects there’ll be some big changes coming down in the near future. One change that will take effect next year is that they’ll be able to fly parents on the recruiting trips.

2) Sid, in a follow-up question, asked about OSU flying parents to this year’s championship game: Kill admitted he didn’t have any firsthand knowledge about what took place at this year’s championship game. However, he said he was confident that Ohio State officials were granted permission by the NCAA that allowed the school to fly the parents to the championship game in Dallas.

He also mentioned that all players receive gifts from the bowl sponsors when they participate in a bowl game, which is sanctioned by the NCAA.

3) Sid then asked Coach Kill for his opinion and the likelihood of an early signing period, especially since players that commit to a school are continually being recruited by other schools: Kill said he would like the present signing date to remain in effect; however, he would also like an early signing period in August or December.

Kill throughout the show continually emphasized the importance of recruiting and how critical the remaining days are in recruiting until signing day. As an example of how hectic or busy recruiting can be, Kill will visit in-home 22 players in the next 10 or 12 days. Recruiting the committed players is extremely important as other schools try to get a player to renege on the player(s) commitment and to sign with their school.

4) Sid tossed out the figure of 35 walk-on players on the Gopher team: Kill didn’t know the exact number; however, he said they have a lot of walk-on players on the team. Walk-on players are extremely important for successful teams, according to Kill. As an example, he cited the legendary walk-on program at Nebraska.

His concluding remark to Sid’s question: “Very good players that walk-on end up in the NFL.”

Walk-ons are now able to sit at the training tables, which a big, big thing and an option in recruiting, according to Kill. He likened it to a partial scholarship at a lower division school.

5) Sid asked how this year’s recruiting is going for the Gophers: “Right now, 16 committed,” Replied Kill. (Only juco defensive back Ace Rogers has signed a Letter of Intent. The three high school recruits that are presently enrolled in school cannot sign their Letter of Intent papers until Signing Day.)

Kill, once again, stressed the importance of retaining their commitments.

He also said they’re not recruiting any offensive linemen. Kill sounded upbeat when he said they’ve completed their recruiting on that side of the ball.

6) Dave Mona asked if the three Gopher players that opted to transfer after this year’s bowl game will allow additional scholarships: Kill said - because of the transfers - that they’ll have one extra scholarship that can be tendered.

He also said they factor in the possibility of transfers when they develop and implement their recruiting strategy.

7) Sid closed the Coach Jerry Kill segment by asking what the coaches are doing: (Laughing) Kill said he was at home preparing to fly out tomorrow to recruit. Many of the coaches have already left for the recruiting trails: “Two critical weeks for us and our future.”

Last year’s recruiting class was very good, according to Kill. He said they need to finish this year’s recruiting efforts positively; he wants this year’s class to top last year’s group.

Another recruiting item, they’ll have a Junior Day on the last weekend of January.

Go Gophers!!

Coach Kill had an abbreviated segment on today’s Sports Huddle. He stressed in his comments the importance of recruiting and how busy they are in recruiting, including the players that have committed to the Gophers.

1) Dave Mona opened today's show talking briefly about the recent NCAA meetings that Kill and President Kaler attended along with their counterparts. Sid asked for Kill’s thoughts on players being paid: Kill said where they’re presently at with large revenues being made by the participating schools that student athletes should receive a payment (similar to what one receives at a summer job) that would allow the players to fly home, if necessary, as well as covering basic/personal expenses. He was emphatic when he said they shouldn’t be paid as though they’re professionals.

Kill expects there’ll be some big changes coming down in the near future. One change that will take effect next year is that they’ll be able to fly parents on the recruiting trips.

2) Sid, in a follow-up question, asked about OSU flying parents to this year’s championship game: Kill admitted he didn’t have any firsthand knowledge about what took place at this year’s championship game. However, he said he was confident that Ohio State officials were granted permission by the NCAA that allowed the school to fly the parents to the championship game in Dallas.

He also mentioned that all players receive gifts from the bowl sponsors when they participate in a bowl game, which is sanctioned by the NCAA.

3) Sid then asked Coach Kill for his opinion and the likelihood of an early signing period, especially since players that commit to a school are continually being recruited by other schools: Kill said he would like the present signing date to remain in effect; however, he would also like an early signing period in August or December.

Kill throughout the show continually emphasized the importance of recruiting and how critical the remaining days are in recruiting until signing day. As an example of how hectic or busy recruiting can be, Kill will visit in-home 22 players in the next 10 or 12 days. Recruiting the committed players is extremely important as other schools try to get a player to renege on the player(s) commitment and to sign with their school.

4) Sid tossed out the figure of 35 walk-on players on the Gopher team: Kill didn’t know the exact number; however, he said they have a lot of walk-on players on the team. Walk-on players are extremely important for successful teams, according to Kill. As an example, he cited the legendary walk-on program at Nebraska.

His concluding remark to Sid’s question: “Very good players that walk-on end up in the NFL.”

Walk-ons are now able to sit at the training tables, which a big, big thing and an option in recruiting, according to Kill. He likened it to a partial scholarship at a lower division school.

5) Sid asked how this year’s recruiting is going for the Gophers: “Right now, 16 committed,” Replied Kill. (Only juco defensive back Ace Rogers has signed a Letter of Intent. The three high school recruits that are presently enrolled in school cannot sign their Letter of Intent papers until Signing Day.)

Kill, once again, stressed the importance of retaining their commitments.

He also said they’re not recruiting any offensive linemen. Kill sounded upbeat when he said they’ve completed their recruiting on that side of the ball.

6) Dave Mona asked if the three Gopher players that opted to transfer after this year’s bowl game will allow additional scholarships: Kill said - because of the transfers - that they’ll have one extra scholarship that can be tendered.

He also said they factor in the possibility of transfers when they develop and implement their recruiting strategy.

7) Sid closed the Coach Jerry Kill segment by asking what the coaches are doing: (Laughing) Kill said he was at home preparing to fly out tomorrow to recruit. Many of the coaches have already left for the recruiting trails: “Two critical weeks for us and our future.”

Last year’s recruiting class was very good, according to Kill. He said they need to finish this year’s recruiting efforts positively; he wants this year’s class to top last year’s group.

Another recruiting item, they’ll have a Junior Day on the last weekend of January.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL65!

1) Kill said where they’re presently at with large revenues being made by the participating schools that student athletes should receive a payment.

Kill expects there’ll be some big changes coming down in the near future. One change that will take effect next year is that they’ll be able to fly parents on the recruiting trips.

2) Sid, in a follow-up question, asked about OSU flying parents to this year’s championship game:

He also mentioned that all players receive gifts from the bowl sponsors when they participate in a bowl game, which is sanctioned by the NCAA.

Thanks DL! Maybe it's just me, but a couple of these tidbits are reminders of why it is getting harder and harder to stomach the seemingly insatiable appetite of college football for higher revenues.

Thanks DL! Maybe it's just me, but a couple of these tidbits are reminders of why it is getting harder and harder to stomach the seemingly insatiable appetite of college football for higher revenues.

Prep for the real world? Seems like that push is everywhere you turn. Does make one wonder if this bubble will burst.

Regarding the increased revenues, what I am happy about is little things like walk-on players are able to sit at the training tables. I am also hopeful that there will be provisions for if a player needs to fly home due to a family emergency, etc. Nice to see players getting a few perks out of this.

Coach Kill had an abbreviated segment on today’s Sports Huddle. He stressed in his comments the importance of recruiting and how busy they are in recruiting, including the players that have committed to the Gophers.

1) Dave Mona opened today's show talking briefly about the recent NCAA meetings that Kill and President Kaler attended along with their counterparts. Sid asked for Kill’s thoughts on players being paid: Kill said where they’re presently at with large revenues being made by the participating schools that student athletes should receive a payment (similar to what one receives at a summer job) that would allow the players to fly home, if necessary, as well as covering basic/personal expenses. He was emphatic when he said they shouldn’t be paid as though they’re professionals.

Kill expects there’ll be some big changes coming down in the near future. One change that will take effect next year is that they’ll be able to fly parents on the recruiting trips.

2) Sid, in a follow-up question, asked about OSU flying parents to this year’s championship game: Kill admitted he didn’t have any firsthand knowledge about what took place at this year’s championship game. However, he said he was confident that Ohio State officials were granted permission by the NCAA that allowed the school to fly the parents to the championship game in Dallas.

He also mentioned that all players receive gifts from the bowl sponsors when they participate in a bowl game, which is sanctioned by the NCAA.

3) Sid then asked Coach Kill for his opinion and the likelihood of an early signing period, especially since players that commit to a school are continually being recruited by other schools: Kill said he would like the present signing date to remain in effect; however, he would also like an early signing period in August or December.

Kill throughout the show continually emphasized the importance of recruiting and how critical the remaining days are in recruiting until signing day. As an example of how hectic or busy recruiting can be, Kill will visit in-home 22 players in the next 10 or 12 days. Recruiting the committed players is extremely important as other schools try to get a player to renege on the player(s) commitment and to sign with their school.

4) Sid tossed out the figure of 35 walk-on players on the Gopher team: Kill didn’t know the exact number; however, he said they have a lot of walk-on players on the team. Walk-on players are extremely important for successful teams, according to Kill. As an example, he cited the legendary walk-on program at Nebraska.

His concluding remark to Sid’s question: “Very good players that walk-on end up in the NFL.”

Walk-ons are now able to sit at the training tables, which a big, big thing and an option in recruiting, according to Kill. He likened it to a partial scholarship at a lower division school.

5) Sid asked how this year’s recruiting is going for the Gophers: “Right now, 16 committed,” Replied Kill. (Only juco defensive back Ace Rogers has signed a Letter of Intent. The three high school recruits that are presently enrolled in school cannot sign their Letter of Intent papers until Signing Day.)

Kill, once again, stressed the importance of retaining their commitments.

He also said they’re not recruiting any offensive linemen. Kill sounded upbeat when he said they’ve completed their recruiting on that side of the ball.

6) Dave Mona asked if the three Gopher players that opted to transfer after this year’s bowl game will allow additional scholarships: Kill said - because of the transfers - that they’ll have one extra scholarship that can be tendered.

He also said they factor in the possibility of transfers when they develop and implement their recruiting strategy.

7) Sid closed the Coach Jerry Kill segment by asking what the coaches are doing: (Laughing) Kill said he was at home preparing to fly out tomorrow to recruit. Many of the coaches have already left for the recruiting trails: “Two critical weeks for us and our future.”

Last year’s recruiting class was very good, according to Kill. He said they need to finish this year’s recruiting efforts positively; he wants this year’s class to top last year’s group.

Another recruiting item, they’ll have a Junior Day on the last weekend of January.

Go Gophers!!
Interesting that Kill said 16 are committed right now I'd guess that he wasn't counting the 4 that are already enrolled and 24/7 lists us as having 14 commits right now so maybe a couple of commits we haven't heard about yet?

There's a PWO Long Snapper who committed, but that last spot is a mystery.

7) Sid closed the Coach Jerry Kill segment by asking what the coaches are doing: (Laughing) Kill said he was at home preparing to fly out tomorrow to recruit. Many of the coaches have already left for the recruiting trails: “Two critical weeks for us and our future.”

Go Gophers!!

Claeys was on my flight to Tampa today.

Finally got home and I knew a report would be waiting for me to read. Super thanks!

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