GopherHole's Sports Huddle Summary: Acting Head Coach Tracy Claeys - 10/20/13


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Nov 20, 2008
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After Dave Mona gave the day's lineup for the Sports Huddle he said Tracy Claeys would be on in 3 1/2 minutes, and then they broke for commercials; however, after two commercials were run I lost my internet connection.

When I got reconnected, Tracy Claeys said, "As the game went on, we wore them down. If you're going to win on the road, you must be able to run the ball." He said they had the ball ten minutes more than Northwestern.

1) Dave Mona said he was going to ask a loaded question, but Tracy didn't have to answer the first part - so as not to get in trouble with conference officials. Dave wanted to know how they got the players to overcome the "outrageous" calls in the game: Tracy said that the players in previous years didn't handle adversity when it cropped up, however, (yesterday) "Our kids handled the adversity very well." He sounded pleased with their attitude and focus when things went against them during the game.

2) Dave mentioned having seen Ed Olson in yesterday's game: Claeys responded: "Eddie went in and did a nice job." He was glad Ed was ready and able to get in the game, especially after being out for several games. He went on to say, "We rep almost two groups all week." He then talked about the importance of having depth and having the "Next Guy Up" ready to play. He sounded pleased with the depth that's being developed.

3) Sid asked about Hageman's play: "Ra'Shede is playing better and better . . . loves the game of football." He went on to say that Ra'Shede still has certain aspects of defense that he needs to learn and he knows it. Again, he sounded positive about Ra'Shede's attitude and the effort that he brings to the game.

4) Sid then mentioned James Manuel's name: "James Manuel played well," Claeys said. Manuel's interception was the turning point in the game, according to Claeys. The Gophers had been playing man coverage a lot, however, they "snuck in" zone coverage when Manuel made the pick six. Claeys was happy with the interception and said frequently the ball is batted down and not picked off in similar situations. Claeys also alluded to the importance of competition by mentioning De'Vondre Campbell. Manuel and Campbell have been competing for the starting position.

5) Dave Mona then cited the running of David Cobbs and that he didn't appear to be dancing when he ran the ball yesterday: Claeys said he told Cobbs that there wasn't anything wrong with five yard gains, "We're a down hill running team . . . 5-8 yard runs moves the chains." David Cobbs was running with authority when he ran inside.

6) Sid made the comment - If the defense plays like they did yesterday and the offense steps it up, the Gophers will have a decent chance against Nebraska: Claeys replied by saying that it will be the third time that they will face a team that had a bye week before they play the Gophers. He added Taylor Martinez has had a chance to heal and get ready, "He's the key in making their offense go." He concluded saying winning on the road is very important, "We got some confidence with the win on the road . . . looking forward to a good week of practice." He sounded excited about the upcoming game and meeting the challenges that the Cornhuskers present."

7) Dave Mona asked about Kill's appearance at yesterday's game: Claeys said he and the coaching staff didn't know that Coach Jerry Kill would be in Evanston until just before the start of the game. At half time the coaches were concluding their normal meetings when Coach Kill arrived in the locker room. Quite naturally, the coaches and players were surprised and happy that he was there with them. (It meant a lot to the players, according to post game comments and a video that's in another thread on GopherHole.)

8) Sid asked if some of the players that have been out will be back for the Nebraska game: Claeys sounded non-committal saying he didn't know anything official. However, he also sounded hopeful, especially about the defensive backs that have been playing with shoulder-related problems.

9) Dave Mona turned his attention to the issues of penalties in yesterday's game: Claeys said he asked an official how they could go from being the least penalized team to suddenly "Bang-Bang" in penalties?

When Mona mentioned Wolitarsky being called for a penalty that negated a touchdown reception, Claeys said, "That's one we'll send (for review by B1G officials)." He ended by saying the refs work hard to call a good game and they learn from the tapes that are sent in and reviewed that are of questionable calls made in previous games.

Coach Claeys also complimented the Gopher fans. He said there was a good contingent of Gopher fans at the game.

10) Sid also addressed the issue of Gopher confidence with yesterday's win: Claeys said Northwestern is a very good team that played Ohio State tough a couple weeks ago. He acknowledged the loss of Colter and Mark in his comments; but he also said the Gopher stepped up and won on the road against a good team.

11) Sid asked if anyone got hurt in yesterday's game: "Not that I'm aware of," Claeys replied. He did say they have some bumps and bruises as all teams do at this time of the season. They'll have a meeting and will look at the film of yesterday's win, however, they won't practice, today.

I'll listen to the podcast when it's up and have an addendum to this report.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks DL65 - I think we need to show you our appreciation by getting you a better internet provider. I do appreciate the lack of *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#s after this happens to you. You are a saint!

We have been around this problem with DL, and losing his internet connection could be his provider or the source CBS Minnesota. I am not a computer geek, but I believe its CBS Minnesota.

Thanks DL. It was good to hear that we came out of the game with seemingly no significant injuries. Also encouraging that big Eddie is back.

Go Gophers!

I felt the score was closer than it should have been with NW getting a gift on 4th down with interference call. Gophers 20 to 10!

When Mona mentioned Wolitarsky being called for a penalty that negated a touchdown reception, Claeys said, "That's one we'll send (for review by B1G officials)." He ended by saying the refs work hard to call a good game and they learn from the tapes that are sent in and reviewed that are of questionable calls made in previous games.

I would like Mona to follow up on this next week. It was one of the worst calls yesterday, but not the only one. The Box score, the Big 10, even ESPN does not list the crew. Sending tape into a black hole does nothing. How many bad calls can an official make before he is suspended?

Addendum via podcast

Comments by Tracy Claeys at the show's start that I missed due to technical difficulties:

1) Sid asked about Phil Nelson replacing Mitch Leidner: Tracy replied that they had said all week that Mitch Leidner would start the game; however, they also planned to get Phil Nelson in for a series. Mitch started the second half, and, again, they would get Phil in for another series in third quarter. He went on to say, "When Phil was in seemed to move better." As a result, decided to keep him in, including the fourth quarter.

2) Sid asked if both quarterbacks had snaps during the week: "Yeah, we rep two quarterbacks," said Claeys. He added, "I don't believe in alternating quarterbacks."

Tracy finished the question saying that they would break Nebraska films down and then develop a plan by Tuesday for the game with the Huskers. It sounded as though they'll name the starting quarterback, too.

3) Sid brought up Mitch Leidner's play against Michigan: Claeys said, "Mitch played with his legs (sounded positive), just didn't finish (after they crossed the fifty)." (The "just didn't finish" comment was directed toward the team and not any one player, IMO.)

4) Discussion then switched back to the Northwestern game: Claeys said the bye week was beneficial, especially in getting the secondary healed. He praised the secondary for their play against the Wildcats. He also commended the team as a whole, "We fought . . . kept our composure . . . played hard . . . must get more consistent on offense." (I believe the last comment was related more to Minnesota's upcoming game(s).)

5) Sid asked when Kill might return: Tracy said he didn't know; however, he said Coach Kill and his wife, Rebecca, are positive about his progress.

Go Gophers!!

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