GopherHole Coaching Search Scientific Formula

Aug 31, 2010
Reaction score
If someone has Maturi's E-mail that would be great, he could use some science since he looks like a smart man.
Petersen scores a 306 (50pts for each Paul Bryant award)
Leach scores a 304
Randy Edsall 264
Golden scores a 260
Kill scores a 259
Hoke scores a 257
Shannon scores a 155
Trestman scores a 52. If he hadn't been from MN he would've scored a 2.


That's awesome...bravo.

These kinds of post lately have made me want to become a fairweather fan and bounce from team to team, however, I would only bounce to teams who are in the midst of coaching searches.

These last few weeks have given us some interesting debates and tidbits..
-Dpo tracking down a plane at the Anoka Airport
-A group of former gophers who call themselves savegopherfootball who write to the ADs of other schools badmouthing our search...hmmm
-Whether or not Kidney Cancer is always terminal or if someone can be in remission
-If LDS Somoans would rather play for another LDS Samoan or anyone LDS
-The in-state recruiting ability of Gordy Shaw
-Jewhan Edwards cursing out Walker Lee Ashley on twitter
-A pretty incompetant group of journalists who are the cyber version of a sewing circle (save some of them, but some are just throwing names out there)
-How many competant coaches could be in the Philadelphia area on December 2, 2010

Honestly, how much fun has the last three weeks of Gopher football been? We beat Illinois and Iowa and gotten to talk about this kind of stuff instead of how we are preparing for the Dick Enrico 2nd Wind Bowl.

Full of rater bias

The instrument is not valid. Nice joke. The Pirate category needs to be eliminated. And, strategically, you have not included Maturi or Bruinicks in reviewing the criteria and adding other keys to analyze.

The instrument is not valid. Nice joke. The Pirate category needs to be eliminated. And, strategically, you have not included Maturi or Bruinicks in reviewing the criteria and adding other keys to analyze.

Parker firm sent me an e-mail asking to use this in the search

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