Gopher show on the radio


Leave my member out of it!
Nov 12, 2008
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After 30 years of swapping stories with Patrick Reusse and SportsTalk listeners (almost 26 of those years spent on Saturday mornings), Joe Soucheray will be co-hosting his final Saturday Morning SportsTalk this weekend. I'd argue that these guys invented the format that now derives its name from their show, so it's certainly sad to see the show change. I always knew something hilarious was about to be discussed when either Souch or Pat would begin a segment with, "You know what I don't get?" Plus, now when Joe says "I've got a thing" or needs to do some "diversity training," he won't have to take a Saturday morning off for it. Thanks Joe for so many years of great memories!

Joe Soucheray will continue to co-host "SportsTalk" with Reusse from 3 to 4 p.m. weekdays in addition to his "Garage Logic," which remains in place from 4 to 6 p.m.

At the same time, we are extremely excited to announce that Judd Zulgad, lead Vikings beat writer for the Star Tribune, will join Patrick Reusse and Rookie for Saturday Morning SportsTalk , starting February 19. Rest assured that the show will keep that same effortless, fun, off-the-cuff feel that Joe and Pat started way back with their original version of SportsTalk almost 30 years ago. Judd will also make regular appearances on "Reusse & Mackey" and other 1500 ESPN programs as well.

Other changes to be aware of, all effective on Feb. 14 unless noted:

" Reusse & Mackey " will expand by one hour and air weekdays from 12 to 3p.

Tom Pelissero,'s senior editor and columnist, will replace me as the co-host of " Sunday Morning SportsTalk " with Jim Souhan from 10 a.m. to noon. Jim and Tom will also co-host "The Ron Gardenhire Show" from 9:30 to 10 a.m. Sundays during the Twins season.

" The Mutual Fund Show ," which airs Saturdays from noon to 1p, will be replaced by "Money Talk Live with Josh Arnold" starting Feb. 26.

One other change I'd like to address, is the recent departure of the Gerten's Home & Garden Show . I know that many of you are disappointed your Saturday mornings won't include hearing how to once and for all kill that creeping-charlie in the backyard, or a quick and easy way to eliminate and prevent ice dams. It was a tough decision for all parties involved, but I would like to make clear that the reason this program is no longer on the station has nothing to do with the fact that it wasn't "sports." In the interim, we will air programming from ESPN in that 8-10a timeslot...but rest assured, we are vigorously searching for another live and local show to place there.

Have any questions? Thoughts on the changes? New places I can get my lattes for cheaper than $5? Holler at me: [email protected].

Brad Lane
Program Director

Here is an opportunity to provide input on the 8 am to 10 am timeslot on Saturday mornings. Seems like a perfect time to talk Gopher sports. Email Brad with your suggestions. He was prompt, courteous, and open in his response to me. Perhaps one of our own could host . . .

I got all excited for a second when I thought Soucheray was off the air forever. But then I was a little let down when I realized it was just the Saturday show and that there is still a chance I might have to hear his voice accidentally when I'm flipping through the channels on the way home from work.

Based on my calls over to their station asking about Gopher coverage, I'd say they weren't all that interested in it. Not surprising given Reusse and Souhan, and the fact that their heads are stuck so far up the Twins' backside.

I think you could have two hours of Gopher talk every Saturday pretty easily with a lot of listener interest for most of the year. You might need to bring back the gardener during the summer, though.

I think you could have two hours of Gopher talk every Saturday pretty easily with a lot of listener interest for most of the year. You might need to bring back the gardener during the summer, though.

You could do a lot of former Gopher athlete interviews during the summer maybe. Talk to guys like Marion Barber, Blake Wheeler, and Robb Quinlan. I think it would be fun to hear from those guys and some who may not be playing sports anymore. What's Sam Jacobson doing now days? Stuff like that.

You could do a lot of former Gopher athlete interviews during the summer maybe. Talk to guys like Marion Barber, Blake Wheeler, and Robb Quinlan. I think it would be fun to hear from those guys and some who may not be playing sports anymore. What's Sam Jacobson doing now days? Stuff like that.

I'd say there's probably a very limited market for that. Going with a Twins/GophersFB/GophersBB split would work easily enough, though. I'm sure they could find a couple people who are able to BS about those different sports for a couple hours a week.
On a related note, when does Gopher fb pregame usually start for 11 am games? (I haven't listened in a couple years.)

I got all excited for a second when I thought Soucheray was off the air forever. But then I was a little let down when I realized it was just the Saturday show and that there is still a chance I might have to hear his voice accidentally when I'm flipping through the channels on the way home from work.

My thoughts exactly.

The Twins are, and will be for the foreseeable future, the number one team in the Twin Cities so i doubt AM1500 which is the Twins biggest rooter will ever put the Gophs ahead of them. Like it or not, until Gopher football gets to the Rose Bowl they'll never come close to getting the appeal the Twins have in MN.

I'd say there's probably a very limited market for that. Going with a Twins/GophersFB/GophersBB split would work easily enough, though. I'm sure they could find a couple people who are able to BS about those different sports for a couple hours a week.
On a related note, when does Gopher fb pregame usually start for 11 am games? (I haven't listened in a couple years.)

I think a show could be done during the fall and winter season. It will have to be a variety show during the summer months.

The Twins are, and will be for the foreseeable future, the number one team in the Twin Cities so i doubt AM1500 which is the Twins biggest rooter will ever put the Gophs ahead of them. Like it or not, until Gopher football gets to the Rose Bowl they'll never come close to getting the appeal the Twins have in MN.

The Twins are a distant second to the Vikings, and it's not close.

Incorrect about the interest in Gopher coverage or being employed by am1500 home of Twins baseball = must promote Twins?

That we are not interested in Gophers coverage... curious who WhatAMaroon talked to.

The Twins are, and will be for the foreseeable future, the number one team in the Twin Cities so i doubt AM1500 which is the Twins biggest rooter will ever put the Gophs ahead of them. Like it or not, until Gopher football gets to the Rose Bowl they'll never come close to getting the appeal the Twins have in MN.

The Twins are not the number one team in the twin cities even if they win the World Series. Unfortunate, but except for Reusse and Soucheray, the vikings are the number one team even when they lose 10 games. We don't need 1500 to put them above anyone, ignore the Gophs if you want, just don't screw them over continuously.

Here is an opportunity to provide input on the 8 am to 10 am timeslot on Saturday mornings. Seems like a perfect time to talk Gopher sports. Email Brad with your suggestions. He was prompt, courteous, and open in his response to me. Perhaps one of our own could host . . .

Sports News Nightly would host. We can bring in players for player interviews, fan thoughts and calls, and general gopher chat. Some of the segment can be used for various other Minnesota sports. Just a side thought we have 5 more former and current gopher player interviews currently scheduled...

What KSTP has to come to realize as its strength is it is one of the last locally owned radio stations. What does New York have in common with The Golden Gophers? Every time CCO, promos the Home of the Golden Gophers, I want to scream like the old Pace Commercial, New York City? While KSTP has ESPN programning, and the Twins certainly there is time on Saturday Morning for The Gopher Huddle. It could be up to a hour show, depending on the advertising they can draw. Coach interviews, both taped and live. Calls to the show. Most important, knowledgeable hosts. Some one who gets it. Maybe a former player and Gopher Lady. Now the real push should be to get the broadcast rights to the game. That would be huge. Get some big time talent to be the voice of the Gophers and put this debacle that is CCO to rest.

I often listen to the Huddle driving back home on Sundays after a Gopher home game. Gopher football are by far the most predominent calls. Vikings, Twins, etc callsare not even close in mumber.

It seems to me that would be a prime time to host a Gopher show.

I think if they found hosts with a personality, and were willing to have fun with it, even at the Gophers expense when they deserve it which is most of the time this year, people might listen. At this point however , you could just call it the "Fire JM Show", because the results are so pitiful.

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