Gopher Football Hardcore Rap Song


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Aug 1, 2009
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Does anyone know where I can find that Gopher Football hardcore rap song they had playing just before the scrimmage today?


i heard that too. sounded like slug from atmosphere (a mpls hip-hop group). liked it

anyone know who it was?

St. Paul Slim. I don't know if it is availible anywhere yet.

Does anyone know where I can find that Gopher Football hardcore rap song they had playing just before the scrimmage today?


My brother thought it was entitled "We're the Motherf***kin' Gophers, Bitch".

I'm not a big "rap guy" but I thought it was fun. I didn't see that one coming. I would bet it has been played in the weight room a time or two. :)

its for sure St. Paul SLim, he had it on his myspace a couple weeks ago but I went back to check the name and it was gone, its a kick ass song though!

According to St Paul Slim's facebook page...

"one of the junior recruiters told me that they play the song before the practices and their gonna be putting it on the play 4 brew website when they get it redone."

"once they post it on the website I'll post it on here so stay tuned"

Check out St. Paul Slim's Myspace page and it's right there. It's under "play4brew"! I f*cking love this song!!:eek:

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