Gopher Featured In the CFO/NCAA Media Video!


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Sep 21, 2015
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Oh wait...

Granted I think it was the right call (don't brandish at me bro), and these videos are great for covering obscure calls.

"Brandishing a weapon is not an automatic unsportsmanlike conduct foul"

Oh wait...

Granted I think it was the right call (don't brandish at me bro), and these videos are great for covering obscure calls.
To me, there wasn’t enough evidence by what he did after the play to make that kind of call. Maybe there had been some previous action by Wally that solidified the call. If not, I think the ref should have said to Wally that it looked like he was making a brandishing a weapon gesture and if he sees it again, he’ll call the PF.

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To me, there wasn’t enough evidence by what he did after the play to make that kind of call. Maybe there had been some previous action by Wally that solidified the call. If not, I think the ref should have said to Wally that it looked like he was making a brandishing a weapon gesture and if he sees it again, he’ll call the PF.
I feel like it was pretty obviously a weapon reference, but I wouldn’t object to the idea that it was indirect enough for a verbal warning…. especially considering the situation.

The fact he brandished to his teammates and not to the opponent - to me - eliminates this as a threatening, taunting situation. I don't think it should have risen to the level of a 15-yard penalty in the game. Now, if he had stood over the opponent and brandished, then I think it should be an obvious penalty.

The very words the rules guy says is "if there is any threatening gesture, taunting, acts that provoke ill will or demeaning to the opponent or to the image of the game."

This was not anything done toward an opponent. So, the judgement must have been that it was damaging to 'the image of the game' (and maybe it was.) But, again, it is NOT automatic penalty, it is a judgement call.

To me, this seems like an opportunity for a referee (at this point in the game) to keep the flag in his pocket and walk over to #5 and say don't do that again.

Live and learn, though. Likely won't see our guy do that again.

Yep it's an "image of the game thing" in this scenario and hard to argue. I don't see a Gopher doing it again, which is a good lesson to learn in a win.

It's been brewing because it was a point of emphasis in the MSHSL Memo to officials that went out before the Gopher game.

Yep it's an "image of the game thing" in this scenario and hard to argue. I don't see a Gopher doing it again, which is a good lesson to learn in a win.

It's been brewing because it was a point of emphasis in the MSHSL Memo to officials that went out before the Gopher game.
As long as it's enforced consistently that's all I care.

As long as it's enforced consistently that's all I care.
B1G officials tend to have a much shorter leash on these types of calls, but fans watch other games.

B1G officials tend to have a much shorter leash on these types of calls, but fans watch other games.
In the SEC would it take an actual gun for it to get called?

Yep it's an "image of the game thing" in this scenario and hard to argue. I don't see a Gopher doing it again, which is a good lesson to learn in a win.

It's been brewing because it was a point of emphasis in the MSHSL Memo to officials that went out before the Gopher game.

I'm in favor of flagging this crap. Good grief.

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