Gopher FB talk on KFAN


Nov 20, 2008
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For the next hour. I know everyone hates the FAN, but just thought I would let you know.

PA need to shut the hell up about the cash registers.

Hey, if that's the worst thing they can find to really complain about, I'd say they are scraping the bottom of the barrel and most people will see him for the fraud he is.... Just my humble opinion of course...

Any other noteworthy updates for those of us that can't be listening live???

PA need to shut the hell up about the cash registers.

PA is an idiot. But the one positive of this negative focus is that maybe some bad PR will get the U to lean on Aramark or make the upgrades themselves.

Kirk Herbstreit was on for a good 8-10 mins. Says we could beat Cal, but it will take some serious work. Says they are fast, fast, fast. They also talked OSU-USC and DickRod.

Kirk Herbstreit was on for a good 8-10 mins. Says we could beat Cal, but it will take some serious work. Says they are fast, fast, fast. They also talked OSU-USC and DickRod.

Maybe we can put some kid of jet propulsion device on our S/SS shoes.

Common was talking about the Gophers a lot yesterday as he and his son attended the first game. Then Rosen came on and they talked about it some more. Most of his show was about the Gophers and the stadium.

Common was talking about the Gophers a lot yesterday as he and his son attended the first game. Then Rosen came on and they talked about it some more. Most of his show was about the Gophers and the stadium.

I didn't get to hear Common's take. Would you mind sharing what he had to say? Thanks.

Basically how great of an experience it was for him and his kid. His kid mentioned numerous times how great he thought it was to be outdoors and out of the dome (and he is 8). Said he was in and out of the parking ramp fast, got in quick, but had the same concessions problems as everyone else. Overall, he loved it. And he and his son are now Gopher fans.

Gopher Football Talk on KFAN is a contradiction in terms. PA talked about the Vikings during most of the segment. Would anyone in GopherHole expect anything different?

Basically how great of an experience it was for him and his kid. His kid mentioned numerous times how great he thought it was to be outdoors and out of the dome (and he is 8). Said he was in and out of the parking ramp fast, got in quick, but had the same concessions problems as everyone else. Overall, he loved it. And he and his son are now Gopher fans.

Thanks DL.

Once the gophers start winning more, the more they will talk about them. It's that simple.

Once the gophers start winning more, the more they will talk about them. It's that simple.

Hello from a fellow Duluthian. Winning or losing should be irrelevant for the only Divsion I football school in Minnesota. The Vikings have never won a super bowl and people have been talking about them since before you were born. It's that simple.

Hello from a fellow Duluthian. Winning or losing should be irrelevant for the only Divsion I football school in Minnesota. The Vikings have never won a super bowl and people have been talking about them since before you were born. It's that simple.

That's a seriously deluded statement.

Since 1967:

Minnesota Golden Gophers: 0 championships of any sort

Minnesota Vikings: 17 division championships, 4 conference championships, 1 league championship

Yup, they're clearly the same thing.

In your Utopia, winning and losing may be irrelevant, but here in the real world, it matters. Why do you suppose USC, Florida, Texas have more fans than UCLA, South Florida, Texas Tech?

The Gophers will never matter to people outside their fan base until they win consistently. Period. Hell, if I weren't an alumni and infected with the Gopher virus, I wouldn't care a lick about them, and I live 15 miles from the stadium. Probably 90%+ of sports fans in Minnesota couldn't care less about the Gophers, so why should the media cater to a small portion of its listeners?

If you want increased media attention, start winning something besides patsy non-conference schedules and the Toilet Bowl. Hopefully this last Saturday, but more importantly this coming Saturday, begin that changing of the guard.

Sorry dpodloll, but I am not buying it. The U is the most important resource in Minnesota, and every born and bred Minnesotan needs to appreciate that fact. It has been the engine that has driven the prosperity from which we all have benefited for over 150 years. I have been a Gopher football fan longer than I care to admit. Winning and losing has had absolutely nothing to do with it. I view the University of Minnesota the same way that I view my own family history. It is who I am.

On the other hand, the Vikings are a private organization owned by a family from New York and comprised of a bunch of mercenaries that for the most part have absolutely no connection to Minnesota. And in case you haven't been reading the newspapers, the Vikings can be relocated from Minnesota at any time. Just ask Jerry Jones. Oh, and did I fail to mention that the Vikings embarrassed Minnesotans in four super bowls. If the Viking ever leave Minnesota I will not spend more than two seconds regretting it. The University of Minnesota IS Minnesota.

The Sports Media that you are talking about did not exist in Minnesota in the 1970's. It came with Reusse and Barreiro, and it is going to leave with them. The local newspapers and radio stations have never understood that the mission of sport pages and sports talk shows should be to give people want they want to read and listen to, and to sell advertising. They are starting to learn that now.

Oh, and did I fail to mention that the Vikings embarrassed Minnesotans in four super bowls. If the Viking ever leave Minnesota I will not spend more than two seconds regretting it. The University of Minnesota IS Minnesota.

And if anyone is going to embarass us, it darn well better be the Golden Gophers!

Sorry dpodloll, but I am not buying it. The U is the most important resource in Minnesota, and every born and bred Minnesotan needs to appreciate that fact. It has been the engine that has driven the prosperity from which we all have benefited for over 150 years. I have been a Gopher football fan longer than I care to admit. Winning and losing has had absolutely nothing to do with it. I view the University of Minnesota the same way that I view my own family history. It is who I am.

On the other hand, the Vikings are a private organization owned by a family from New York and comprised of a bunch of mercenaries that for the most part have absolutely no connection to Minnesota. And in case you haven't been reading the newspapers, the Vikings can be relocated from Minnesota at any time. Just ask Jerry Jones. Oh, and did I fail to mention that the Vikings embarrassed Minnesotans in four super bowls. If the Viking ever leave Minnesota I will not spend more than two seconds regretting it. The University of Minnesota IS Minnesota.

The Sports Media that you are talking about did not exist in Minnesota in the 1970's. It came with Reusse and Barreiro, and it is going to leave with them. The local newspapers and radio stations have never understood that the mission of sport pages and sports talk shows should be to give people want they want to read and listen to, and to sell advertising. They are starting to learn that now.

Again, you are being idealistic. I prefer to live in the real world.

And I noticed how you conveniently ignored how I refuted your straw man that the Vikings aren't worthy of following just because they haven't won the Super Bowl. At least they've been good enough to be in a position to lose four Super Bowls in the last four decades. How many times have the Gophers been runner-ups in the Big Ten over the last 40 years, let alone national runner-ups?

The Gophers are in my blood, and I will support them heartily until the day I die. Like you, it has nothing to do with winning or losing. But to try to pretend that the Vikings aren't worthy of far more media coverage, especially by for-profit businesses, is just plain dumb.

The comparative level of interest between the two is so disparate that it's not even worth discussing. There would be a far, far, far greater public outcry if the Vikings left than if the U shut down the football program. That's just a fact.

And here we go again, pretending that the Gophers are even a pimple on the Vikings' ass when it comes to coverage/interest/following on a local, state, or national scale. I too wish it were otherwise, but I don't pound my head against the keyboard every damn day pretending it should be, when it never will unless the Gophers start winning big.

The animosity Gophers fans have towards the Vikings is really unseemly and irritating to those of us who follow and root for both teams. I wish you guys could pack away your vitriol for awhile and keep your frustration with the Gophers directed at them rather than the Vikings.

I think it has a lot more to do with which media outlet holds the rights to team than it has to do with winning and losing. As long as WCCO controls the Gophers, KFAN will make them play 2nd fiddle, regardless of wins and losses. Tubby could win the Big Ten this year and they'll probably talk more about the Timberwolves than they will the Gophers. Baseball's basically the only game in town from April until August, KFAN devotes more time to talking about movies than it does talking Twins.

Once the gophers start winning more, the more they will talk about them. It's that simple.

Define "they". This board is one example of people talking about the Gophers. Other then HS Coaches, Recruits and their families saying positive things related to their Gopher experiences, not sure who else they is, unless you are referring to the consumer, which does speak about the Gophers.

I suspect, though, you are referring to the general public support which translates into fan support which translates into attendance and more income for the UofM.

In general, I think most of the public sees the improved condition of the Gopher football program with related hope of future accomplishments more then 2nd or 3rd tier bowl games and are getting behind the program.

Personally I see the offense as a work in progress, and it could use some more progress:D

The defense, though playing great, has some bigger challenges ahead and unless the offense gets going, will have to count on maybe a little more time on the field then they should.

My hope is that with a new stadium, a new atmosphere and a new gopher gameday experience people will not dwell so much on records and schedules. Don't get me wrong, I want the gophers to win as much as possible but with the dome (and the complete lack of a game day experience) there was nothing else to focus on or enjoy. All anyone cared about was how the gophers played that day and how good our opponent was.

After Saturday's game I would watch the Gophers in that stadium if they were 0-11 and playing the sisters of the poor.

Instead of worrying about those who slight the program (or those who you feel do so) just enjoy the hell out of the games, spread the word regarding the fun to be had around Gopher football, support the program as best you can and support those who provide the type of coverage you crave. There are many outlets who have done some great work regarding the stadium and opening night.

The animosity Gophers fans have towards the Vikings is really unseemly and irritating to those of us who follow and root for both teams. I wish you guys could pack away your vitriol for awhile and keep your frustration with the Gophers directed at them rather than the Vikings.

Amen. The bitterness a small minority of Gopher fans have towards the Vikings is ridiculous. The Vikings didn't take the Gophers glory days away from them (they lost them all on thier own), and they won't return just because the Vikings move to LA.

There are far more Vikings fans in this state then there are Gopher football fans. That's just a fact. And most Gopher football fans root for the Vikings on Sunday. If you don't, fine. But hating them is silly. I don't see Gopher basketball fans hating the T-wolves or hockey fans hating the Wild. If the Vikings move, it will be a sad day for all sports fans and for the state of Minnesota in general. And it won't help the Gopher football program one lick.

The animosity Gophers fans have towards the Vikings is really unseemly and irritating to those of us who follow and root for both teams. I wish you guys could pack away your vitriol for awhile and keep your frustration with the Gophers directed at them rather than the Vikings.

I like both the Gophers and VIkes, but let's stop pretending that it's only Gopher fans that dislike the Vikings and not vice-versa. There is plenty of mockery towards the Gophers from the purple faithful.

If the Vikings move, it will be a sad day for all sports fans and for the state of Minnesota in general. And it won't help the Gopher football program one lick.

I agree with your sentiment, but pretending that the Gophers wouldn't benefit if the Vikings leave is a little silly. There is a set amount of corporate $$$ available in the TC market. If the Vikes leave, there will be a lot of companies who will still need suites to entertain their clients in the Fall. Some of that business would fall to the U thanks to the new stadium. And assuming the local papers don't just cut the column inches to save money, the Gophers would likely see a slight increase in coverage (but not necessarily positive coverage) during the season.

That said, losing the Vikings wouldn't suddenly make Gopher FB the big dog in town as some hope it would. Folks who only followed the Vikings but who had no connection/interest in the Gophers wouldn't switch overnight. The Gophers would still need to win to make that happen.

If the Vikings move, it will be a sad day for all sports fans.

Sad for some, joyous for others.

I'm looking forward to the Vikings 2012 move as much as anyone, but I certainly don't expect it to be a panacea for the Gophers.

I like both the Gophers and VIkes, but let's stop pretending that it's only Gopher fans that dislike the Vikings and not vice-versa. There is plenty of mockery towards the Gophers from the purple faithful.

This is the part of the equation that troubles me most. I'm by no means a Vikings fan; in fact, I wouldn't care if they won the Super Bowl this year or dropped off the planet altogether in the next five minutes. Having said that, I've noticed there are plenty of Vikings fans who look down their noses at Gopher football, which is really perplexing considering the overall history of the two teams.

The Vikings have hardly been a beacon of public pride for the state of Minnesota. Of course, Gopher football is going on four-plus decades without winning the Big Ten. I guess it's a matter of perspective. From mine, it's somewhat humorous to see Vikings fans who won't support the Gophers because they aren't successful enough.

Hell, if I weren't an alumni and infected with the Gopher virus, I wouldn't care a lick about them, and I live 15 miles from the stadium.

Thankfully not every one is like you, dpodoll68. I, for one, am not an alumni and live 240 miles from the stadium and have been a life long Gopher fan. I've loved everything Gophers since I was in 5th grade, 3 yeare before I ever stepped on campus and 10 years before I ever attended a Gopher sporting event. I have no immediate relatives that have ever gone to the U.

I've always loved the Gophers because they are our state's D1 team. I love Minnesota and I love college sports so I love the Gophers. That's how it works in most states, such as Iowa, Wisconsin, North Dakota and Nebraska. You don't need to be an alumni to be a fan of those teams. They don't win 8 or more games every year. They are their state's college teams so those that love college sports generally are fans of those teams.

It seems that only in Minnesota has there been this rediculous belief that you have to have either paid tuition to the U or be currently on the payroll to be a fan. Otherwise you're not supposed to like them. Just ask KFAN, the Star Tribune, dpodoll68, and many of his kind.

Well, I for one think things are changing. I've had no less than a dozen people ask me specifically how the game was on Saturday and all have said "it sounds like it was great" or "that must have been so much fun" or "the stadium looks amazing", etc. And I live 4 hours away from the Cities and most people don't get Minneapolis TV. You see, the stadium will slowly change this assinine idea that no one cares about the Gophers except "the diehards". People ARE interested in the Gophers and the experience that is Gopher football.

On Saturday I saw things changing. I saw a h*ll of a lot more than just diehard alumni brimming with pride and smiling from ear to ear. I see support much more broad than diehards.

Yes, there will still be people that worry more about cash registers than wins when it comes to Minnesota's college football team. But I believe the day will come when THEY will be the small minority dpodoll68 claims that we are and the rest of MN will join the rest of the nation when it comes to big time college football.

These types have shamed many Minnesotans into being closet gophers. I think when the stigma wears away you'll see just how big the gophers really are in the heart of minnesotans. guys that measure their spirit and loyalty in terms of victories are complete Ruesse's.

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