Gopher fans


Make lying wrong again
Dec 10, 2008
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I do not live in Minnesota so I do not make it to many home games. This last weekend was my annual trip to see the Gophers play. As usual I had a good time, enjoyed a great stadium, sat next to some very nice kids from Lakeville North and basked in some great fall weather. I was in section 101 and watched the Nebraska reverse delelop and go for a long TD. I was struck by how "calm" Gopher fans were as they watched the Neb guy easily break contain and then elude two more Gophers downfield who could have tackled him. I was a grad student at the U of South Carolina for several years. Their fans would have went nuts, screaming about the D-Coordinator and defensive ends coach. And the next week those coaches would have been called out repeatedly on the radio talk shows about their players lack of discipline and poor tackling. Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily for yelling and screaming, but IMHO, football games are a lot more important to the average South Carolina fan than they are to the average Gopher fan - and these fans hold their coaches and players to a very high standard. Just my thoughts, Go Gophers!

I do not live in Minnesota so I do not make it to many home games. This last weekend was my annual trip to see the Gophers play. As usual I had a good time, enjoyed a great stadium, sat next to some very nice kids from Lakeville North and basked in some great fall weather. I was in section 101 and watched the Nebraska reverse delelop and go for a long TD. I was struck by how "calm" Gopher fans were as they watched the Neb guy easily break contain and then elude two more Gophers downfield who could have tackled him. I was a grad student at the U of South Carolina for several years. Their fans would have went nuts, screaming about the D-Coordinator and defensive ends coach. And the next week those coaches would have been called out repeatedly on the radio talk shows about their players lack of discipline and poor tackling. Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily for yelling and screaming, but IMHO, football games are a lot more important to the average South Carolina fan than they are to the average Gopher fan - and these fans hold their coaches and players to a very high standard. Just my thoughts, Go Gophers!

It obviously has a lot to do with our lack of success for many years. Things like that happen so frequently, not just this year but for 40+ years.

It obviously has a lot to do with our lack of success for many years. Things like that happen so frequently, not just this year but for 40+ years.

That has a factor into it, no dobut.

But I think it's more to do with knowing we are in a complete rebuilding phase with our program and it's the first year in this system with these coaches. Not to mention the younguns playing as well.

I do not live in Minnesota so I do not make it to many home games. This last weekend was my annual trip to see the Gophers play. As usual I had a good time, enjoyed a great stadium, sat next to some very nice kids from Lakeville North and basked in some great fall weather. I was in section 101 and watched the Nebraska reverse delelop and go for a long TD. I was struck by how "calm" Gopher fans were as they watched the Neb guy easily break contain and then elude two more Gophers downfield who could have tackled him. I was a grad student at the U of South Carolina for several years. Their fans would have went nuts, screaming about the D-Coordinator and defensive ends coach. And the next week those coaches would have been called out repeatedly on the radio talk shows about their players lack of discipline and poor tackling. Don't get me wrong, I'm not necessarily for yelling and screaming, but IMHO, football games are a lot more important to the average South Carolina fan than they are to the average Gopher fan - and these fans hold their coaches and players to a very high standard. Just my thoughts, Go Gophers!

Well take it from a Gopher fan that hasn't missed a home game since the Toledo game in 2004......I've sat through about a zillion worse plays than the Nebraska reverse to get worked up about it, especially after sitting through the New Mexico State and NDSU games.
Then throw in Michigan 2003, Wisconsin (every year), the 55-donut against Iowa in 2008 to finish off the Dome, NDSU 2007.
My all time favorite play though was when Harris intercepted the pass (I forget who it was against in Brew's first season) and was going in for a sure touchdown but fumbled the ball all by himself and the ball went through the end zone.

I'm sure others can add to this list, but its just off the top of my head. If you are at games like the ones I have had to sit through you pretty much become numb to certain plays.

we are in a complete rebuilding phase with our program and it's the first year in this system with these coaches


If this kind of performance were to continue beyond the "rebuilding" phase, you'll be hearing about it.

It is year one, most people are giving the coach a chance. If this was year 4 or 5, people would be a lot less calm. Holtz went 0-11 with South Carolina in his first year, that might be a better comparison.

If you are at games like the ones I have had to sit through you pretty much become numb to certain plays.
Thanks for your reply. You have worded it better than me, what I saw was fans who were numb to opponent's big plays and Gopher ineptitude.

Also consider that people have been hyping up 1983, when the Gophers lost to Nebraska by a score of 84-13, losing 41-14 doesn't look nearly as bad. People were braced for a far worse loss. This was the most points Minnesota has scored against Nebraska since 10 games ago, since a 42-14 loss in 1969. It's the closest score in the series since a 35-10 loss in 1970, 9 games ago.

It does no good to get worked up. Nothing ever changes anyway. It's now accepted.

Kill and his staff might get things turned around (although I'm becoming more skeptical with every loss and very few (any?) signs of improvement), but there are so many things wrong with this program that it's not worth getting bent out of shape anymore.

It does no good to get worked up. Nothing ever changes anyway. It's now accepted.

Kill and his staff might get things turned around (although I'm becoming more skeptical with every loss and very few (any?) signs of improvement), but there are so many things wrong with this program that it's not worth getting bent out of shape anymore.

This is exactly right. I was sitting near the OP in Section 103 and knew immediately that was going to be a touchdown. But I couldn't get myself worked up to swear or get upset. Even when the play was still in the backfield it was more just, "Here we go again." Believe me, I was pissed during the North Dakota State and New Mexico State games because I thought those were winnable. But I'm not sure how you can get that emotional when you know with such certainty that it's only a matter of time before the rout is on.

Conversely, we had a Nebraska fan at the top of our section who was screaming for Husker first downs like they were in overtime in the national championoship game, even when it was 44-7. It's kind of the same thing in reverse -- at some point I think you say, "I think we have this one in hand," and your heart rate returns to normal.

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