Gopher cheerleader of the week

I think her dad (Maple Grove's hockey coach) was one of my P.E. teachers in junior high...

Good for her.

I'm one of the gray hairs. So any reference I make to the young ladies is probably a little gross. But, while the dance team has been wonderful for a number of years, this year the members are particularly attractive.

Uh. Really? No offense to our great cheerleaders and dance team members. I'm sure they work very hard at their craft, and are very productive members of society. However, they are not attractive. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks this? At least last year there was that one brunette who was absolutely stunning, and who was featured in SI. Our dance line has always struck me as a team that was chosen on merit and dancing ability rather than on looks (which is either a positive or negative depending on your point of view). It's been a long while since I've seen an attractive girl on the dance squad. (And before you say it, oh, sure, they're all out of my league, and who am I to be saying these things, and so on).

It's been a long while since I've seen an attractive girl on the dance squad. (And before you say it, oh, sure, they're all out of my league, and who am I to be saying these things, and so on).

You can say whatever you want, but seriously.... clean the fog off your damned glasses.

Uh. Really? No offense to our great cheerleaders and dance team members. I'm sure they work very hard at their craft, and are very productive members of society. However, they are not attractive. Seriously, am I the only one who thinks this? At least last year there was that one brunette who was absolutely stunning, and who was featured in SI. Our dance line has always struck me as a team that was chosen on merit and dancing ability rather than on looks (which is either a positive or negative depending on your point of view). It's been a long while since I've seen an attractive girl on the dance squad. (And before you say it, oh, sure, they're all out of my league, and who am I to be saying these things, and so on).

Personally, I think the posted cheerleader looks pretty darn good. But then again, what do I know? ;):p

There are plenty of good looking girls on the dance team - the red head in particular is fantastic.

they are looking much better this year compared to last

There are plenty of good looking girls on the dance team - the red head in particular is fantastic.

The redhead in the pictures with the cheerleader of the week? Really? Seriously? I don't know if I can come up with a better example of a butter face....

The redhead in the pictures with the cheerleader of the week? Really? Seriously? I don't know if I can come up with a better example of a butter face....

Well, I for one am glad you feel this way. It's one less person to steal her away from me. She looks amazing. :clap:

Well, I for one am glad you feel this way. It's one less person to steal her away from me. She looks amazing. :clap:

Wow the red head I was thinking was particularly unattractive. I think the rest were nice looking but no standouts.

I would not have put about half those girls on that list. But I don't know what else is out there either. I thought the Minnesota girl was one of the better ones.

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