Gopher Alum to continue the boycott.


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Dec 14, 2015
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The lawyer for the players was on 830 WCCO. He stated that the lack of having a unbiased jury in the EOAA findings will bring this issue into federal court.
He also said that Gopher alums will now be continuing the boycott because the players have been openly accused with their names and reputation tarnished in public by the University President and the EOAA committee.
The issue is far from resolved and former players intend to bring money and resources to advocate for the accused football players. Kahler and Coyle are in for a battle. I expect them both to resign.

Little to no chance

Pretty much zero chance Kaler and Coyle resign. Kaler and the U of M were playing chess and the players and Lee Hutton were playing checkers. They got exposed for not having more information to make an informed decision and then had to back off their "demand".

Game. Set. Match.

Pretty much zero chance Kaler and Coyle resign. Kaler and the U of M were playing chess and the players and Lee Hutton were playing checkers. They got exposed for not having more information to make an informed decision and then had to back off their "demand".

Game. Set. Match.


Do you really believe that? They totally violated student privacy by releasing names and pictures, of all involved. Those that hadn't been named before, and who were not directly involved, have a strong case.

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The lawyer for the players was on 830 WCCO. He stated that the lack of having a unbiased jury in the EOAA findings will bring this issue into federal court.
He also said that Gopher alums will now be continuing the boycott because the players have been openly accused with their names and reputation tarnished in public by the University President and the EOAA committee.
The issue is far from resolved and former players intend to bring money and resources to advocate for the accused football players. Kahler and Coyle are in for a battle. I expect them both to resign.

I don't the U ever said why they were initially suspended nor why they are currently suspended. Mr. Hutton is the person who announced what the allegations are. He is also the attorney who tried to say the accuser was a rapist herself.

I don't the U ever said why they were initially suspended nor why they are currently suspended. Mr. Hutton is the person who announced what the allegations are. He is also the attorney who tried to say the accuser was a rapist herself.


Pretty much zero chance Kaler and Coyle resign. Kaler and the U of M were playing chess and the players and Lee Hutton were playing checkers. They got exposed for not having more information to make an informed decision and then had to back off their "demand".

Game. Set. Match.

I can't speak for Coyle, it seems to not really be about him.

Kaler has made some HUGE mistakes in this situation. I don't get the chess/checkers analogy, it doesn't really fit. They're both playing chess, the U just has all their pieces and Hutton has a bunch of pawns.

Kaler messed up today.

I believe the law is that if a minor is between 16 and 18 years and the older participant is greater than 48 months older it is statutory rape. I read she was 23? Somebody please clarify if I'm in error.

Factually correct except she was not a willing participant at every point in the duration of the act. She started out by saying "no" and that is on the tape where everybody has been saying that she gave consent.

Factually correct except she was not a willing participant at every point in the duration of the act. She started out by saying "no" and that is on the tape where everybody has been saying that she gave consent.

She agreed she gave consent to the recruit.

The most likely person at the U to resign is their General Counsel if he said it was ok for the U to publish the players names and photos. It would be astonishing if the GC was not involved in that decision.

Do you really believe that? They totally violated student privacy by releasing names and pictures, of all involved. Those that hadn't been named before, and who were not directly involved, have a strong case.

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The U legally released names of suspended players. They never give a reason, just say they're suspended. Media obtained the photos from the media guide which was put out in August.

The lawyers, players, players parents, and media made all the connections.

Coyle and Kaler tried to keep out of the public, but Huson, the players, and media didn't allow it.

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She agreed she gave consent to the recruit.

Not in all her statements. The statement that is most relevant is her quote on the video where she clearly says the word "no" followed by a slapping sound. Don't you think if this went to trial the question might be asked if she intended that as a true "no". I think it would be asked and answered as a true "no".

Pretty much zero chance Kaler and Coyle resign. Kaler and the U of M were playing chess and the players and Lee Hutton were playing checkers. They got exposed for not having more information to make an informed decision and then had to back off their "demand".

Game. Set. Match.
Not even close. The racism and the kangaroo court is about to be exposed. Not everything is as simple as you make it out to be. The president who cheats at chess will be resigning when this game is done.

The most likely person at the U to resign is their General Counsel if he said it was ok for the U to publish the players names and photos. It would be astonishing if the GC was not involved in that decision.

This is true - it blows my mind they ever thought that was a good idea.

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That is correct Kaler and Coyle do not survive this! And if there gone don't think cleays does either! Only way for most to get back on board is all the above are gone. And if due process is served.
To many of the real backers out there, alumni and boosters with the money that are not happy about some part of this. And if u don't have these supporting the U u have nothing.

Not in all her statements. The statement that is most relevant is her quote on the video where she clearly says the word "no" followed by a slapping sound. Don't you think if this went to trial the question might be asked if she intended that as a true "no". I think it would be asked and answered as a true "no".

No one knows what that sound is. The ambiguity of it means there is nothing there.

Kaler will not survive this.

Racism? How is the report and the suspensions have anything to do with racism? The facts speak very clearly to the violations of the code of conduct and the lies to the investigators is for all purposes irrefutable.

Not in all her statements. The statement that is most relevant is her quote on the video where she clearly says the word "no" followed by a slapping sound. Don't you think if this went to trial the question might be asked if she intended that as a true "no". I think it would be asked and answered as a true "no".

Others have pointed out that this was all inference from the investigator. You continue to ignore that. However, you have made up your mind that all ten are rapists who we should give up on forever, despite the evidence that points out a number of them were not even in the room.

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I guess we should expect the police department to file charges any day now.


The U legally released names of suspended players. They never give a reason, just say they're suspended. Media obtained the photos from the media guide which was put out in August.

The lawyers, players, players parents, and media made all the connections.

Coyle and Kaler tried to keep out of the public, but Huson, the players, and media didn't allow it.

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That doesn't matter. They cannot, legally, even release the names. They did.

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It's anyone's guess how this will all play out.

If former players are stepping in and giving money to help defend this scum, then you know this problem is related to the team's culture both past and present. I'll be curious to see which past players are dumb enough to get involved in defending this scum.

What would be noble if some past players stepped up and spoke on behalf the victim and/or assisted her financially. I know, wishful thinking.

I don't the U ever said why they were initially suspended nor why they are currently suspended. Mr. Hutton is the person who announced what the allegations are. He is also the attorney who tried to say the accuser was a rapist herself.

Perhaps the female was age 21 or older and the recruit was a minor. Perhaps a couple of the accused players were also minors. Check Minnesota law for sex with aa minor.

Others have pointed out that this was all inference from the investigator. You continue to ignore that. However, you have made up your mind that all ten are rapists who we should give up on forever, despite the evidence that points out a number of them were not even in the room.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Let's keep the facts straight. There was only ONE player who was charged even though he wasn't present at the apartment during the gang bang. EOAA said he lied about his whereabouts and thereby obstructed their investigation - see my above post.

Others have pointed out that this was all inference from the investigator. You continue to ignore that. However, you have made up your mind that all ten are rapists who we should give up on forever, despite the evidence that points out a number of them were not even in the room.

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What we know is the players lied to the investigators because they each contradicted each others statements. That is a little more than an inference. It is factual. The contradiction stands in plain sight for everybody to see and read about. You can ignore that at your leisure, but the fact of that remains and credibility of the players collective stories are largely in doubt. Inference or not, that remains the elephant in the room. You can call the elephant a tree, or a snake or whatever you want. It remains an elephant.

What we know is the players lied to the investigators because they each contradicted each others statements. That is a little more than an inference. It is factual. The contradiction stands in plain sight for everybody to see and read about. You can ignore that at your leisure, but the fact of that remains and credibility of the players collective stories are largely in doubt. Inference or not, that remains the elephant in the room. You can call the elephant a tree, or a snake or whatever you want. It remains an elephant.

And yet you dismiss the plaintiff's much greater lack of consistency. Self-professed and documented. Her recall was atrocious. None of this would stand in legal proceeding.

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