Gopher all-access


King of the Too's
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
Anyone else pay for this crap? The feed is not working tonight. Ripoff.

I just don't understand how we can feed *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# super bowl half time shows to a billion people but BTN and CBS can't feed a lousy bb game to 12 guys.

Nothing for me - I'm getting a non-responding message. I'm dropping this crap tomorrow.

You just know some dbag just forget to switch something on...this Gopher Access deal is the worst ever...what a joke...I sent a nasty email to them and cancelled my I am going to demand my money back for the month I paid for...eff em...if they can't freaking do their jobs then I aint paying!

In case anyone cares, the video is ahead of the radio...Welch just game in

Mine just now started to stream - what a bunch of crap!

anyone else have the video working but it is jumping a lot? i am afraid to restart it cause i probably won't get it back

Just started working for me
What is ironic, is that when the BTN came about, the BTN said that all games for all member teams would be shown..They didn't mention the 'streaming' plans that they had. Midwest Sports Channel showed more games (all on TV) than the BTN does.

What is ironic, is that when the BTN came about, the BTN said that all games for all member teams would be shown..They didn't mention the 'streaming' plans that they had. Midwest Sports Channel showed more games (all on TV) than the BTN does.

Agreed and thanks for the tip.

BTN has no problem using alternate channels for football games that 'overlap'. Why not basketball.

Anyone know why we can't rewatch the game on a Gopher All Access Monthly plan? It's shown as only available to Big Ten Digital monthly subscribers right now. I missed the last ten minutes of the game and can't find another way to watch it.

The game will be broadcast on the Big Ten Network tomorrow. I can't remember the exact time, but I have already set my DVR to record it.

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