Good thing about Nebraska joining the Big Ten


Jan 3, 2009
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is that now maybe Iowa will lose some of it's obsession with MN and spend time deflecting barbs from their neighbor Nebraska. I can't wait to read posts between their two fan bases.

This is selfish, but this couldn't have worked out better for me. There are two schools outside of the Big Ten that I've always flat-out despised: Nebraska and Miami. Won't take me long to build up any hatred for the hayseed pig farmers when they pull into Minneapolis via wagon train to gawk at the architectural phenomenom that is a 5-story parking ramp. I've been there for a long time with them.

This is selfish, but this couldn't have worked out better for me. There are two schools outside of the Big Ten that I've always flat-out despised: Nebraska and Miami. Won't take me long to build up any hatred for the hayseed pig farmers when they pull into Minneapolis via wagon train to gawk at the architectural phenomenom that is a 5-story parking ramp. I've been there for a long time with them.

I have always liked Nebraska (not as much as the Gophers) going way back to the Bob Devaney era so part of me is happy they will be in the Big 10. But it's really going to be fun to watch Pelini--who I think is an excellent coach--go bat-crap crazy all year long on the sidelines.

I have always liked Nebraska (not as much as the Gophers) going way back to the Bob Devaney era so part of me is happy they will be in the Big 10. But it's really going to be fun to watch Pelini--who I think is an excellent coach--go bat-crap crazy all year long on the sidelines.

It hurts my jaw just watching Bo chomp on that gum. He definitely has an OCD thing when it comes to chewing gum (not to mention when my wife happened to glance at the Nebraska-UT game last season she said "Who is that buffoon chomping on the gum? He just looks like an a-hole". I laughed.).

I was in Iowa this past weekend and almost every conversation revolved around the Big 10 and their anticipation of a heated rivalry with Nebreska. They said Omaha (relatively close to where I was) was extremely excited about Nebraska joining the Big 10 and looking for a great rivalry with Iowa, too. I just hope the Big 10 is smart enough to make East/West divisions. The rivalries between Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Minnesota would just be great!

There's one special Iowa fan who will never lose his obsession with us.

Minnesota Iowa hate is special. It's the special kind of animosity that is never going away. Our mutual hatred is one of my favorite aspects of Gopher football.

Embrace the hate.

So long as we're listing good things about Nebraska joining...

On an extraordinarily minor, and nearly off-topic, note.... The WCHA addition of Nebraska-Omaha seems a bit more legitimized. Now all our major sports will have a presence in that area of the country.

I don't think Nebraska football will ever quite be the same. The glory days ended when they had to join the Big 12 - and Osborne knew it. They think coming to the Big 10 will be easier than what they had in the Big 12.

I don't think Nebraska football will ever quite be the same. The glory days ended when they had to join the Big 12 - and Osborne knew it. They think coming to the Big 10 will be easier than what they had in the Big 12.

I believe that they think that is true. But I can´t imagine why. The Big 12 had solid teams at the top and then the competition level absolutely drops off a cliff. The Big 10 has teams that are just as good (and often better at the top). In addition the Big Ten has infinitely more depth than the Big 12. Literally any team in the Big 10 has the capability of beating one of the top teams on any given day.

Nebraska will be in for a rude awakening the first time they drop a game to a supposedly inferior school. I can´t wait to watch the Gophers take down the Cornhuskers for the first time. The looks on their fans´ faces will be priceless.

I believe that they think that is true. But I can´t imagine why. The Big 12 had solid teams at the top and then the competition level absolutely drops off a cliff. The Big 10 has teams that are just as good (and often better at the top). In addition the Big Ten has infinitely more depth than the Big 12. Literally any team in the Big 10 has the capability of beating one of the top teams on any given day.

Nebraska will be in for a rude awakening the first time they drop a game to a supposedly inferior school. I can´t wait to watch the Gophers take down the Cornhuskers for the first time. The looks on their fans´ faces will be priceless.

Actually your wrong, the majority of Nebraska fans think that the Big 10 is a stronger conference top to bottom and they are excited about joining the conference. They feel like they are definitely getting back towards the top after several rocky years but the majority don't expect to come into the Big 10 and take it over. They do feel that if they keep progressing as they are however that they will be able to atleast be in the running for a conference title more often than not. They feel like they finally have a coach and AD in place that understands and respects the culture and history of the program and the state. It also doesn't hurt that the coach is a very good X and O's guy who is now really starting to recruit some top level talent. Will they lose some games ocassionally to a "inferior" opponent, sure but I think that the majority of people feel that more often than not they will be in the running at the end of the year and those types of losses will be few and far between.

I don't think Nebraska football will ever quite be the same. The glory days ended when they had to join the Big 12 - and Osborne knew it. They think coming to the Big 10 will be easier than what they had in the Big 12.

Seems to me they had a nice little run there after joining the b12...

I was born in Lincoln and relocated to the northern suburbs in 1979. I lived in Minnesota for 15 years, including 5 at the U of M, but I never felt like Minnesota was home until a couple years after I left. I was definitely a Nebraskan in exile during my years in MN. Yes, I attended the 84-13 fiesta, which shut up some mouthy MN neighbor kids back in the day.

I did gawk at the IDS tower when I arrived, which was by far the biggest building I ever saw. Woooo, the big city. However, I was never a "hayseed pig farmer" as the tool above suggests. That dude knows nothing about Lincoln.

Hoping for the resumption of an NU-UofM rivalry that never should have ended. I hate the talk of Iowa already being pumped up as Nebraska's "rival" - Iowa doesn't have the pedigree to be Nebraska's rival. Iowa is a weedy truck stop between greater states. Please pull out of this 40 year funk, Gophers! If the Mildcats, Boilers, Bucky and the Squawks can find success, Goldy should be able to do much better! Hell, even UofM-Duluth can play good football.

Also looking forward to more NU-UofM volleyball games.

I don't think folks accustomed to the 634 ft First National Center in Omaha will be too awestruck by the 792 ft IDS building in Cold Omaha. It's the surprising beating the Gophers will administer to their Huskers that will have their mouths gaping. ;)

As for "good thing(s) about Nebraska joining the Big Ten," how about this one: The Gophers will no longer be the Big Ten team with the least recent Big Ten Championship. The Huskers have been around for over 100 years and they've never won one. Heck, the Chicago Maroons have em beat.

I don't think folks accustomed to the 634 ft First National Center in Omaha will be too awestruck by the 792 ft IDS building in Cold Omaha. It's the surprising beating the Gophers will administer to their Huskers that will have their mouths gaping. ;)

As for "good thing(s) about Nebraska joining the Big Ten," how about this one: The Gophers will no longer be the Big Ten team with the least recent Big Ten Championship. The Huskers have been around for over 100 years and they've never won one. Heck, the Chicago Maroons have em beat.

Yeah...I take no joy in ripping on hayseeds. I've heard nothing but good things about Nebraska and their fans, and don't have any ill will towards them. And the ill will I DO have towards badgers and hawkeyes has nothing to do with the fact that they're terrified of Minneapolis and all drive like 90 year-olds with severe anxiety problems (truth be told, I kind of enjoy that.)

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