Good Purdue Tickets Oct. 27th - Ready to Purchase

Purple Gator

Jun 16, 2012
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I am coming back to Minnesota and would like to purchase some good tickets for the game on the 27th of October.

I want to take my father to the game. He never has anybody to go with.

If you are looking to sell some good tickets, please PM me.


Wrong board please move to Gopher ticket exchange or delete and I will repost. THANKS!

If anybody has a parking pass that would be great. I won't be driving but I heard parking is a bear, so I want to help the person that is.


If anybody has a parking pass that would be great. I won't be driving but I heard parking is a bear, so I want to help the person that is.

Parking isn't that bad, but having a parking pass is a good thing. I park in the Oak St. Ramp and if you're coming from I-94 it's super easy. Obviously the earlier you arrive the easier it is. There are a few private parking lots around too, but I've never tried those on game day.

I will be coming from West Bloomington but I dont know how hard it would be.

No tickets yet, havent made a decision.

My flight will be confirmed tomorrow, once that happens a decision will be made.


Fairgrounds or the East River Flats are good places to park.

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