Good opinion piece on tOSU

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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Most interesting quote from the story:

At some point Tuesday night, Ohio State President Gordon Gee also was asked whether he considered firing Tressel.

"Are you kidding?" Gee said with a chuckle. "I'm just hoping the coach doesn't dismiss me."

Thanks for keeping it in perspective Mr. Gee.

Link here

That quote stuck out to me as well. Joking that the football coach holds more clout than the school president is probably not the best thing to say when you're football program is coming under fire for shady practices. It sounded very, very crass at a minimum.

Gordon Gee has always had a great sense of humor.

It's a JOKE! Come on people, lighten the F up.

Gordon Gee has always had a great sense of humor.

It's a JOKE! Come on people, lighten the F up.

Right it is a joke, but a highly inappropriate time for him to display his talent as 'a funny guy'.

His HC got caught hiding an NCAA violation. THis is in direct conflict with the legal contract between the your institution and HC. The reporter asked a valid question as at most schools this could be a fireable offense. To brush it off with a joke demeaning your authority is not a good position to take when it is becoming clear you have no control over the crown jewel of OSU. The injection of humor at a serious event that ALL News and sports channels are covering it is foolish.

In my book, humor is just fine when dealing with the media when they're covering an over-hyped non-story that people only care about because Ohio State is good.

If Minnesota did the exact same thing you'd find it on page 9 of the sports page in size 2 font.

In my book, humor is just fine when dealing with the media when they're covering an over-hyped non-story that people only care about because Ohio State is good.

If Minnesota did the exact same thing you'd find it on page 9 of the sports page in size 2 font.

Exactly backwards, we'd fire Kill and the last five coaches all over again and talk about what a huge falure this is.

Gee has a very big mouth for an academic. Couldn't keep his mouth shut during the BigTen expansion either and was personally recruiting the Uof TX president. He is a numb nuts.

If Minnesota did the exact same thing you'd find it on page 9 of the sports page in size 2 font.

You seriously think this wouldn't be front page news in the Strib and PP??? How much would Reusse and Danny B be all over this if it was at the U, we wouldn't stop hearing about it for a month.

You seriously think this wouldn't be front page news in the Strib and PP??? How much would Reusse and Danny B be all over this if it was at the U, we wouldn't stop hearing about it for a month.

I should have clarified I'm talking about national media.

And of course at Minnesota we'd fire our coach 200x over. Then we're surprised why we are the worst major sports school in the Big Ten.

I don't think that telling it like it is is a bad thing. Does anybody really question that Tressel can throw more weight around than Gee?

Ask 100 people...

I don't think that telling it like it is is a bad thing. Does anybody really question that Tressel can throw more weight around than Gee?

...who the HC of the Buckeyes is, and then ask them to name the prez of tOSU. My guess is you'll get a higher batting average on the first question. I'd also wager Tressel has a bigger paycheck. The only thing they have in common is that they both dress like dorks.

This article in the Columbus dispatch details all the goings on at tOSU. Interesting how they hide behind the privacy act. To paraphrase a quote from Terrell Pryor, maybe everybody is raping people, murdering people, and stuff?

Clarett, Troy Smith, and Pryor are the top recruits under Tressel and all were suspended for improper benefits.

Clarett, Troy Smith, and Prior are the top recruits under Tressel and all were suspended for improper benefits.

Actually, the top-rated recruits (according to Rivals) under Tressel are:

Terrelle Pryor (#1 overall in the country)
Ted Ginn, Jr. (#2 overall)
Curtis Grant (#2 overall)
Beanie Wells (#3 overall)
Mike Adams (#3 overall)

Clarett was a 5-star FB (the only one ever), and Smith wasn't even that highly rated (4-star, #12 QB in 2002).

OK lets go with, three of the faces of his teams. ;)

In my book, humor is just fine when dealing with the media when they're covering an over-hyped non-story that people only care about because Ohio State is good.

If Minnesota did the exact same thing you'd find it on page 9 of the sports page in size 2 font.

Your absolutely right that this is a big deal because its Ohio State. However, your dead wrong that this is a non-issue. The rules are the rules no matter if you agree with them or not. These kids used perks that they received by being athletes at tOSU and as defined by the NCAA that is against the rules. Tressel knew about this for 8 months before coming forward with this information and in effect perserving their eligibility for the 2010 season. By knowing about the actions of his players Tressel essentially became an accomplice to those actions.

Cheating is cheating and OSU broke a rule that the NCAA has been strict in enforcing.

This whole situation just seems shady. I hope Tressel and OSU get punished to the full capability of the NCAA and that should include forfeiture of 2010 games for the use of ineligible players.

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