Good Luck Rituals and Superstitions - are you in?

Do you subscribe to any rituals or superstitions?

  • Yes, I do and it works - For Real!

    Votes: 3 8.8%
  • Yes, I do - Just in case

    Votes: 15 44.1%
  • No, I don't - But there might be something to it

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • No, I don't - Rituals and Superstitions are stupid

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • I will not confirm or deny what goes on in my head these days

    Votes: 6 17.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Minnesota is now 5-2. My neighbor and I both fly our Minnesota Flags proudly on gameday. When we were 4-0, he put his flag out first, then I did. The next 2 games, I put my flag out first which were losses. I had a talk with him last week and we decided he would put his flag out first. What happened....victory over the Wildcats.

Be honest...I know others of you have these rituals. Do they work or is it the symptom of almost 50 years of not winning a National Championship?

Pretty hard for any ritual to work when you have a .500 program, but that has never stopped me.

Have two Gopher winter hats and wore one to a game for the first time. You can bet I'm wearing it next weekend.

Minnesota is now 5-2. My neighbor and I both fly our Minnesota Flags proudly on gameday. When we were 4-0, he put his flag out first, then I did. The next 2 games, I put my flag out first which were losses. I had a talk with him last week and we decided he would put his flag out first. What happened....victory over the Wildcats.

Be honest...I know others of you have these rituals. Do they work or is it the symptom of almost 50 years of not winning a National Championship?

Do they work? Unknown
A symptom? Absolutely Not

It is known as Interaction Ritual Theory and Sports Fandom.

I used my ultra bad luck in the daily pick'em to pick Northwestern on Saturday. That appears to be enough to pull us through...

Its only weird, if it doesn't work.

Yeah, I immediately thought of this commercial too. This commercial always makes me yell at the screen "So it's weird then??!!! You are agreeing with me that it's weird, right???!!!!" There is no team that has won their league championship/made every FG/won all the time/etc., etc., after their fans have developed these silly rituals. I realize it's mostly all in fun, but the fact that it obviously doesn't work - and that they're basing whether you should do it on whether it works - annoys me.

I am indifferent as long as it is not a ritual that requires you NOT to wash your socks. A guy in HS with his locker next to mine in HS football did that. That sh!t is disgusting and it stunk to high heaven.

I am indifferent as long as it is not a ritual that requires you NOT to wash your socks. A guy in HS with his locker next to mine in HS football did that. That sh!t is disgusting and it stunk to high heaven.

Yeah, but did it work?

Can't argue with results.

Yeah, but did it work?

Can't argue with results.

HAHA! Very true! It worked throughout Junior High (7th & 8th grade football, we were undfeated in both years) but the charm wore off in HS as foot fungus was more prevolent. Plus, we lost a lot more as well. So there's that.

Its only weird, if it doesn't work.

My favorite of that series:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Wish there was a "No, but I find them entertaining." :)

I'd tell you mine, but that might take away the magic.

User, totally agree with you, because I was one who voted the last choice:

"I will not confirm or deny what goes on in my head these days."

And that goes for all facets of my life.

The clothing I wear in the upper deck of TCF Bank Stadium clearly has a great impact on how the team plays on the field. How in the world could anyone question that?

I have to do everything in my power to help the team, and if, in addition to standing and screaming on the other team's 3rd downs, that means donning my maroon and gold bib overalls, then I'm going to do it!

The people at the wedding in the afternoon will just have to understand.

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