Goal line luncheon today


Active member
Jan 10, 2011
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A great time was had by all at Jax’s today. Kill answered a lot of questions and was well received. We all had to swear not to divulge any secrets from the lunch but there are a couple of tidbits I think I can share. One question to Kill was why is it so hard to bring down Kirkwood. He replied it was because of his body type. He then asked Kirkwood how tall he was today (He is listed as 5’10”) and Kirkwood replied 5’7”. I don’t know how tall he is but I don’t think he is 5’10”.

Somebody then asked Kill “How do you get them to go to class?” Without any prompting from Kill Kirkwood says if you don’t go to class you don’t play. There was also a question about how Rodrick Williams got the nickname Nuggets. The story is that when he was here on his official visit he went McDonalds and order the 50 nugget special and proceeded to eat all of them by himself, thus the nickname Nugget.

In a football related question somebody asked Fruechte and Kirkwood which defensive player hits the hardest. I thought Kirkwood I answered De'Vondre Campbell. I hope this is right because when I went back and checked the roster Damien Wilson is definitely the bigger of the two JC linebackers. It could have been him but I thought I heard Campbell. I had to laugh when Kirkwood said it wasn’t Hageman because he was too fast for him and was already past him. He said it with a smile.

Anyway they are going to have these luncheons before each of their Big Ten home games on Fridays, If you can make, it is a nice way to get pumped for the game.

Thanks for the update KJ.

How was the food. Jax is a TC icon.

Poor Poster

He actually said Wilson hits the hardest. The food was great. For $20 this was a bargain. Hopefully, a big crowd will show up for the next one before the Iowa game.

He actually said Wilson hits the hardest. The food was great. For $20 this was a bargain. Hopefully, a big crowd will show up for the next one before the Iowa game.

Campbell made the hardest hits at the 3 practices I attended. That and his speed are going to make him a real pleasant surprise for us.

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