Glen Mason vs. Tim Brewster

Sid Hartman

Mar 27, 2009
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Can anyone tell me why we got rid of Mason? At least with his team we knew what we were getting 200 plus yards rushing a game and the chance of being in a shootout (that we more than likely would find a way to lose). Brewster in 3 years has yet to create an offensive identity with this team...we cant run, we cant pass! I will admit I was happy when Mason got canned, but each and every game is pushing me towards thinking Brewster is in over his head

Maybe because Brewster can recruit and Mason couldn't. It's hard to form an identity when coordinators are leaving every year.

Can anyone tell me why we got rid of Mason? At least with his team we knew what we were getting 200 plus yards rushing a game and the chance of being in a shootout (that we more than likely would find a way to lose). Brewster in 3 years has yet to create an offensive identity with this team...we cant run, we cant pass! I will admit I was happy when Mason got canned, but each and every game is pushing me towards thinking Brewster is in over his head
Because he was 32-48 in Big Ten play?

If Brewster can't improve on that, he'll get fired too. Mason had 10 years, Brewster has had less than 3.

I share some of your frustration, but I fail to see how this team would be any better under Mason. The defense would be worse. I think that's a given. Offensively, I don't know why Brewster ever employed the spread. The spread can make an average QB look great, but as we saw again and again during the Dunbar tenure, we couldn't get a yard when we had to get one.

Given Mason's last couple of recruiting classes, I don't see how we could have been on the upswing.

This is going to take awhile. Brewster may or may not be over his head. Mason was an on-going commitment to mediocrity.

Maybe because Brewster can recruit and Mason couldn't. It's hard to form an identity when coordinators are leaving every year.

Only one coordinator has left on his own (Roof), the others are on Brewster for making bad hires.

Because he was 32-48 in Big Ten play?

If Brewster can't improve on that, he'll get fired too. Mason had 10 years, Brewster has had less than 3.

Skip his first 2 seasons for rebuilding and Mason was 29-35 in the Big Ten. He was also 10-3, 5-3 in his 3rd season. On the other hand, Brewster has more potential via recruiting, but has proven to be the same mediocre COACH that Mason was.

Brewster has time, and a comparison is unfair at this point. Still, there's many, many coaching decisions that don't seem to make a lot of sense.

We fired Mason because he was as useless as a 1-legged kicking tee.

If Mason was still here, the Gophers would be able to run the ball.

While he was a mediocre coach and a mediocre recruiter, he and his staff had a very good track record recruiting and developing offensive linemen.

Mason needed to go. Brewster ought to be on a short leash with Maturi. Perhaps Brew could have been hired as Mason's recruiting coordinator. Mason couldn't or wouldn't recruit, but he did get quite a bit out of second hand recruits. On the other hand, Brew hasn't shown an ability to develop players and get anything out of them except 15 yard penalties.

If Mason was still here, the Gophers would be able to run the ball.

While he was a mediocre coach and a mediocre recruiter, he and his staff had a very good track record recruiting and developing offensive linemen.
So what?

"Well, we don't win games, but we're really good at developing offensive lineman."

If Mason was still here, the Gophers would be able to run the ball.

While he was a mediocre coach and a mediocre recruiter, he and his staff had a very good track record recruiting and developing offensive linemen.

That's great. With Mason, we've already lost this game. If we got more than 10 points down, we were in deep *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# because our best play with the ball going through the air under Mason was a punt. Unless, of course, you count that Wisconsin game.

I use to think there was no such thing as a stupid question, but the start of this thread obliterates that believe.

I use to think there was no such thing as a stupid question, but the start of this thread obliterates that believe.

Why is this a stupid question? What has Brewster done since he got here? He can recruit I will give him that but he cant coach the talent he brings in.

C'mon guys. There's one obvious plus with Brewster. Mason put all his cream puffs at the start of his schedule. Brewster put SDSU near the end of his -- now we won't top our 5-game slide from last year!

My point was that I don't think you can be a good football team if you can't run the ball with some success, especially in the Big Ten.

Until that happens under Brewster, I don't think the Gophers are going to have success.

Mason had faults, but he also had more success than any Minnesota coach since the 60s. Some of that was because the Gophers could and would run the ball with success under Mason.

Because he plateaued.

The problem wasn't firing Mason. It was hiring a MORON with no meaningful previous experience other than riding someones coattails.

First of all it is really a disconnect from what Mason "accomplished". Second to third tier bowl appearances with two wins in bowls, but was never going to do better. He put little effort into recruiting, especially with in state players and lost most of them. At least Brewster has them considering staying. Mason had ten years to move the program past mediocrity and was unable to, along with the simple fact he not only did absolutely nothing to fight the negative image which ended up being over the U, he bought into some of it. Though Mason won a few big games, he also blew a few big games, such as Michigan and Wisconsin when they were more then a TD ahead and could not hold the lead. It was almost always wondering how bad the defense would blow it. Most of the wins and credit for the bowl appearances were due to the early season creampuff schedule. The defense had absolutely no confidence in their ability to play. It was time for a change.

Brewster has brought in better quality athletes who have been playing against better quality opponents and still are 4-2 so far. The Defense has been light years better then what there ever was under Mason. The offense is still gelling, though I confess to being frustrated with their lack of production, especially in the running game. As I have mentioned, they should have held onto the OL coach.

I guess the biggest thing is that there is some hope for better things which was far removed from Mason's tenure.

BTW - Mason is gone. We can either bemoan the past, which is pretty selective in memory or deal with today what can happen in the future.

FYI.... IDENTITY is a meaningless word, in a practical sense, when you are discussing football. Identitiy is a word used by sportswriters who are trying to say that they don't know what it is that they are supposed to be writing about.

"Identity" has no implication to the game. In fact, a lack of offensive idenity, if it could be established, would be good. It would be impossible to prepare for.


the program was stagnant under mason and was never going to get any better and mason just bought into the fact that it wouldn't and didn't really care to try to prove that theory wrong.

also how many "big games" did the team blow with mason as coach. michigan, wisconsin and the texas tech bowl game come to mind but I also remember northwestern driving something like 80 yards in 30 seconds to beat the gophers on the last play of the game.

finally why mason had to go? mason's complete job of ignoring the defensive side of the ball. he had 10 years. it was time to move on!

Skip his first 2 seasons for rebuilding and Mason was 29-35 in the Big Ten. He was also 10-3, 5-3 in his 3rd season.

Mason had seven more years to get us past 5-3 and couldn't do it. Worse, he made it clear that he didn't think it was possible.

I keep on hearing how Brewster is such a great recruiter. I am sorry, but I do not see any of that talent on the field. 4-star recruiting mag ratings do not mean a damn thing if you can't coach.

I keep on hearing how Brewster is such a great recruiter. I am sorry, but I do not see any of that talent on the field. 4-star recruiting mag ratings do not mean a damn thing if you can't coach.
Probably because most of them are freshman and sophmores.

But also, we are playing a lot of them, so maybe you just aren't watching the field.

I keep on hearing how Brewster is such a great recruiter. I am sorry, but I do not see any of that talent on the field. 4-star recruiting mag ratings do not mean a damn thing if you can't coach.

Do you have any idea how college football works? Like, any idea?

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