GET . . . .THE . . . . AXE!!!!!!


Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
Axe_Jubo_1164_large.jpg That is all (just trying to acknowledge the fact that we DO have a game in 27 hours). Anyone care?

Lloyd running to the axe before his kick was even through the goal posts was classic!!

Go Gophers!!

I care and quietly hoping for a miracle tomorrow. Been a tough few weeks for this team. Not looking good for tomorrow, but would sure be sweet.

Im feeling optimistic about this game, the Gophers are overdue for a W against Becky. Nothing would make me happier than watching them chop down Camp Randalls goalposts.

I am curious as to what everyone thinks are the keys for us to win this game?

I think it comes down to turnovers, turnovers, turnovers. If we are able to stay in the plus column in turnovers and protect the football, I feel we have a good chance to win this game. Easier said than done, I know, especially going on the road into Camp Randall. And, with a Wisconsin Offense that is starting to find some sort of stride. Also, maybe a big play on special teams for us as well would help. But like goldenherbs said, nothing would be better than to watch our Gophers chop down the goalposts in Camp Randall! :clap: :clap: :clap:

What does everyone else think?

Stop the run... somehow.

I'm feeling pretty low about the Gopher prospects for victory in this one. Sure wish this matchup could have been in week 2 or 3. It looks like Wisconsin has weathered the storm and got their legs back under them... just in time for the Gophers.

I care and quietly hoping for a miracle tomorrow. Been a tough few weeks for this team. Not looking good for tomorrow, but would sure be sweet.

Took the words right out of my mouth. Hoping for the best....expecting the worst.

Yes we are due and somehow I feel like all the negative press this team has to get are players fired up.

Stop the run... somehow.
I'm feeling pretty low about the Gopher prospects for victory in this one. Sure wish this matchup could have been in week 2 or 3. It looks like Wisconsin has weathered the storm and got their legs back under them... just in time for the Gophers.

Ugh. I forgot to mention, STOP THE RUN also. That is our biggest key on D. Hopefully we are able to fill some gaps and get some good push up front in order to help stop the run. Just hope we do not get burned by the play action pass similar to the Iowa game. It seems like we just get completely gutted against running teams, so I am pretty worried.

Wish I could put my finger on exactly why we are so bad at stopping the run. My guess would be that Claeys (SP?) wants the D-Lineman to get up field after the QB regardless of the situation leaving us vulnerable to draw plays and different types of runs. Also, I think our LB's are just gettting phyiscally mandhandled at the point of attack by O-Lineman easily getting to the second level. Frequently finding themselves out of position, thinking Mike Rallis here. Just my thoughts. Not sure how many people would agree with those assesments as I am not the most assute football mind. HAHA. :)

(I'm sure the stop the run points have been pointed out ad nauseam, but, I'm at work and too lazy to look them up. :) )

I am curious as to what everyone thinks are the keys for us to win this game?

I think it comes down to turnovers, turnovers, turnovers. If we are able to stay in the plus column in turnovers and protect the football, I feel we have a good chance to win this game. Easier said than done, I know, especially going on the road into Camp Randall. And, with a Wisconsin Offense that is starting to find some sort of stride. Also, maybe a big play on special teams for us as well would help. But like goldenherbs said, nothing would be better than to watch our Gophers chop down the goalposts in Camp Randall! :clap: :clap: :clap:

What does everyone else think?

Not just turnovers, but even fumbles that we recover. We fumbled 7 times last week. We didn't lose all 7, but when you are down one score, you have 2nd and goal with 3 chances to punch it in from the 4, and it turns into 3rd and goal with 2 chances from the 6 because of a fumbled snap, that hurts. Those fumbled snaps kill us when we give away a down for free and drop back a couple yards.

Not just turnovers, but even fumbles that we recover. We fumbled 7 times last week. We didn't lose all 7, but when you are down one score, you have 2nd and goal with 3 chances to punch it in from the 4, and it turns into 3rd and goal with 2 chances from the 6 because of a fumbled snap, that hurts. Those fumbled snaps kill us when we give away a down for free and drop back a couple yards.

Good points! We have been very fortunate to recover the vast majority of those! Do you feel that is more of a problem with the center snapping the ball or our QB's mishandling the snaps? I feel that it is more so on the center. It seems to me there have been a large number of low or miss-timed snaps from our centers this year. Yes, a few have been on the QB, but it seems to me that it is more so on the Centers. Doesn't seem to get a whole lot of attention though. IMO.

I think the defense will play well enough to win. They have in every game so far this year.

Just too many injuries on offense, mainly the O-Line, and too much shuffling of positions. The biggest loss is Eddie O, if indeed he can't play. Lenkiewicz REALLY struggled at LT against NU when Eddie went out. It wasn't pretty.

Prediction: Defense plays well enough to get the W, but Shortell spends too much time on his back to be effective. They will struggle moving the ball unless the O-Line is more healthy than Kill is letting on.

I am curious as to what everyone thinks are the keys for us to win this game?

What does everyone else think?

This game is about as simple as they come. Score early and STOP THE RUN! If we don't dig a massive hole we have a shot, if we get behind early it could get ugly quick. If the game is close going into the 4th quarter anything can happen.

Good points! We have been very fortunate to recover the vast majority of those! Do you feel that is more of a problem with the center snapping the ball or our QB's mishandling the snaps? I feel that it is more so on the center. It seems to me there have been a large number of low or miss-timed snaps from our centers this year. Yes, a few have been on the QB, but it seems to me that it is more so on the Centers. Doesn't seem to get a whole lot of attention though. IMO.

I was at the game behind one of the endzones, so I didn't have a good enough look to assign blame.

Are the rankings in the TV clip correct? It had the Gophers at #19 and Bucky unranked. That's not what I remember but everything was pretty foggy as a Freshman that year.

I think the keys are forcing the badgers to punt on the first possesion or two, and Shortell being very sharp, and us scoring a touchdown early. We need to build some confidence early in the game instead of being down big early.
I think Shorty and Kirkwood will both have big games. Look for McDonald to have a breakout game.

Hopefully the depth chart released yesterday was accurate and we'll have Eddie Olson at LT. I hope after 4 quarters Saturday afternoon we walk out of Madison with an Axe "On Our Back"!

That clip of the 1993 game is great. The best part is listening to Ray call the that guy was amazing. We never had cable growing up so my only option on Saturdays was to listen to Ray. I'm grateful to have all the games on TV now but I do long for the nostalgia of listening to a good college football game on an autumn afternoon.

That clip of the 1993 game is great. The best part is listening to Ray call the that guy was amazing. We never had cable growing up so my only option on Saturdays was to listen to Ray. I'm grateful to have all the games on TV now but I do long for the nostalgia of listening to a good college football game on an autumn afternoon.
Agree 100%...Ray and Herb Carneal were the best.
It's a little better now with the current team. That guy on CCO was awful (Dave Lee I think).

Go Gophers!!

thanks for posting. come on boys. best of luck to OUR guys tomorrow. let's bring that AXE back to minneapolis!

and btw,pick up the slab of bacon on your way out. the old slab of bacon does belong to the U of M and in minneapolis after all. considering the gophers beat the badgers in the final game that it was played for before their alumni association decided to create the AXE trophy. bunch of no good madistan thieves and dirt bags stole that thing and it is time to break the glass case it is sitting in and take her back home. :)

I think the keys are forcing the badgers to punt on the first possesion or two, and Shortell being very sharp, and us scoring a touchdown early. We need to build some confidence early in the game instead of being down big early.
I think Shorty and Kirkwood will both have big games. Look for McDonald to have a breakout game.

Man, that would be a great way to start the game and build some cofidence! I just think back to the Syracuse game and how we go a turnover on Syracuses' 1st offensive play of the game! Doubt that will happen, but certainly would be great! :)

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